
"Kaio-Ken! 2x!" Kane felt his muscles breaking but he didn't stop.

He knew that the huge scorpion can't die that easily based on how big its power level when Kane sensed it. At most, it is injured, nothing major nor minor either. Even with 1,950 PL, it is not enough. So he increased it so he can take it down with a single attack.

With Kaio-Ken 2x, he have a total of 2,600 PL which is enough for him to destroy that thing. He charged up even further and then placed his hands near his waist. Between his palms, a blue glowing ball was created. After a few seconds, the ball became bigger as well as the distance between his hands.

[PL: 2,600 + 65% = 4,290] (Note: Ki attacks that are fully charged, aka overcharged, are roughly 65% more powerful.)


Then, the huge scorpion thing came rushing at him. However, even before it could reach him, he had already finished charging his attack and placed his hands forward and blasted the attack.


Seeing his attack haven't destroyed it into dust, he decided to risk it, which has a huge reward in return.


[PL: 6,500 + 65% = 10,725]

The blast became bigger, the radius has reached 1.5 meters, enough to engulf it and blast it into dust.

After the blast, Kane can't maintain Kaio-Ken anymore and dropped down, exhausted as he burned up all of his stamina, and his whole body hurts so much that he can't move even his eyelids as he fell unconscious.

"Someone! Help Kane over there!" The leader screamed as he was the first one to react.

They had already cleared the other monsters, most of them were cleared by Kane. When they saw Kane released a strong energy blast, they can only look at him blasting the monster away in awe. It is a good thing that the leader was a veteran soldier who acted faster than any body.

Luckily, they have healer in their team. The healer ran towards Kane, the others also followed her to make sure that no monsters will suddenly appear out of nowhere.

She casted heal on him, however, he doesn't seem to get better. Her healing didn't do anything. She tried to heal him again and again, only for her attempts turned out to be futile.

"No... No! NO! It can't be..." She muttered only to be heard by others.

"What happened?" The leader asked.

"I can't heal him... Or rather, his body was in the worsest condition that even my healing couldn't heal him." Explained by the healer.

Meanwhile, Albert and his team arrived at a fast rate or rather, Albert arrived first before his team as he had a bad feeling and rushed on his way.

"Kane! What happened to him?" Albert asked as he kneeled to the opposite side of the healer.

The healer didn't say anything but only cried. The others knew that this healer, despite being good at healing, has never witnessed someone closed to death. Albert placed his ear on Kane's chest and heard Kane's slow, beating heart. Kane's heartbeat was so slow that every 2 normal beats is equal to 1 beat.

"He's still alive... But we need to placed him somewhere safe. All we need to do is to wait for the other three expert healers along with the others." Albert said.

Meanwhile, Kane was in a black void. He didn't know what happened after what he did, but he knows that he risked his life since he can't even maintain Kaio-Ken for 20 minutes, let alone maintain the 2x power for a few minutes while blasting an enemy into oblivion.

"What now? Hm..."

He closed his eyes and felt another energy aside from Ki and Aura. It is very different, it felt like the same like Ki but has resemblance of Aura. It was...















★ DING! [Spiritual Sense] acquired!

"Oh... So that's Spiritual Energy, huh?"

He started to manipulate the Spiritual Energy around him. At first, he can't move them until his 134th attempt. He managed to move it. He theorized that, any kind of energy are cannot be forced to control or it will become chaotic and will explode. So, he started to control it by imitating a flowing river. He didn't forced it, rather he let it flow around him.

After doing some flowing motions around him, he moved his body on the same position he did earlier. He learned Tai-Chi before, but at this moment, he unconsciously did it.

★ DING! [Spirit. Energy Control] acquired!

After a few minutes, the voids gained colors. Not just colors, but also stars, lighting everything around him. When he tried sense everything around him, he felt like he is connected somewhere, but didn't know what kind of place exactly is "where".

Next, he tried sending his body. What he sensed shocked him. His body was slowly losing Ki, to the point that his life was also slowly dispersing. He then had an idea, to fill his body with Ki and Spiritual Energy. Aura was not needed as it is connected to the soul, the physical manifestation of Spiritual Energy. (That's my theory.)

Back on Albert, they have already set a camp. They had secured the whole placed, around the whole place. Albert was inside a tent, watching over Kane, who was sleeping now while sitting.

Then, Kane suddenly sat up and groaned because his body hurts like he was pricked by a million needles, waking Albert who just greeted him like his life wasn't at the death's door. Then, Albert exited the tent because he told him to rest first and he'll tell everyone that he's okay now as they were worried despite only knowing each other for a few days.