Gift from Ero-Kami

After a few weeks of recuperating, Kane was now fully healed, however, he can't train yet is what they told him. He didn't care if he can't train yet, however, he is happy because of the Zenkai.

Other than that, they named the monster as Antares. They can't kill it, even with Albert's help and the Master Sword. So, they decided to seal it with the help from Moon Elves who are skilled in sealing in the name of the Moon Goddess, Artemis. Yes, they knew their Goddess.

The people knew their own Gods and Goddesses in their respective places. Example, in this place, near the east, they knew Takemikazuchi, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and other Shinto Gods. There are many Gods and Goddesses from mythology that were known here, except Roman Mythology since they have... questionable resemblance with Greek.

The door suddenly opened since he was resting in a room, alone. The one who opened it was Albert, who has a bright smile on his face. Behind him, Aria who was carrying Ais. She was also smiling, which Kane was very confused as he didn't know why they are smiling.

"So... It's time to go home now, huh?" Kane asked and then revealed a smile.

As he is rarely seen smiling, the two were shocked for a moment then replied with a smile back at him. A cute giggle came out from baby Ais which caused the three of them laughed happily as if they were a family. At least not yet, if you know what I mean...

The three of them as well as the others who they came with, are now returning after the huge banquet that was held. Of course, Kane ate all food he can, in which the King Glen had a hearty laugh seeing him eat like that as well as the huge amount he can eat. King Calder only sighed and a smiled appeared from his face.

Queen Edna didn't care about manners after she was challenged by King Glen into a drinking contest in which Queen Edna is the winner. Surprised? Well, let's just theorize that her fire can burn the alcohols inside her, no?

After a few hours, King Glen sobered up. His speed of recovery is pretty fast. It might be because he has Earth Element with him, which is technically connected to nature.

On their way, Kane slept.

He dreamt of something...

In a certain place with tatami mats.

A traditional japanese house to be exact.

Inside, he was sitting in there. Two teacups filled with herbal tea are on the low table. He was sitting in front of it.

However, his face was frozen as he looks in front of him.

"Aw, come on! Don't be so cold to me!" Matheus happily stated.

"What now? Sigh... Is there any reason you're visiting me in my dream?" Kane asked.

"Well, I will now not beat around the bush, then! *Ehem* Since you almost died and saved yourself from a certain unavoidable death, I'm here to give you a reward." Matheus said.

"Well, Death herself is not even in action..." Kane spout nonsense.

"H-how did you know that the Death is a woman?" Matheus was shocked.

"Pure guess. Anyway, where's my reward. Give it to me!" Kane said and drank the tea.

Matheus almost stumbled, but since they are sitting, he didn't. The tea, despite this place is just a dream, it has a good taste. Then, he imagined that his tea is a coffee. Surprisingly, it became a coffee.

"#$£*! Ehem... Your reward... An upgrade for your system. To be more exact, a Bloodline Integration System. In order to use it, you need Ki to buy Bloodlines. Of course, not the full. You can buy 5% purity Uchiha Bloodline using 100k Ki Points which will show your Ki. Remember, Power Level is your Storage, and Ki is your Energy and Stamina as well as points." Matheus explained.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what is power level and Ki, no need to explain it. Also, how much is for the 100% purity?" Kane became curious.

"Well, each bloodline have different strength and they have advantages as well. Though, I removed Vampire's weakness in sunlight in the mix, so you can bite little girls and suck their blood." Matheus said while smirking.

"I'm not a lolicon! It's Zirmence... or Zimrence? Whatever! But I am not a lolicon, you pedophile!" Kane retorted.

"What? Me, a pedophile? Ha! In your dreams!" Matheus said.

"Don't forget, we are in my dream." Kane deadpanned.



"WRRRRYYYYYYY!!!" Matheus was triggered.

Kane tried to control his dream and turned Matheus into... er... He was genderbent...

"Hahahahaha!" Kane laughed while rolling on the ground.

"What the heck! Turn me back!" Matheus- no, Medea screamed.

"What? I thought you like women? Don't you want to be a woman too?" Kane asked.

"..." Medea- "THAT'S NOT MY NAME, BAKA!" Okay, okay! Matheus was now angry.

"Come on! You are a God! Can't you warp reality?" Kane said.

"Oh. Ahaha... That's right, I'm a God, the Hentai God!" Matheus laughed in embarrassment but was happy when he mentioned his own title.