Sneak Peak

On a certain alternate universe, a young man with black spiky hair, black eyes, wearing a haori with kanji for "lightspeed" written on the back over a blue long-sleeve shirt, brown stretchy trousers, fingerless black gloves and shin-high black leather boots.

This young man was standing at 6'2", he was staring in front of him. That, it was a battlefield.

"I guess, it's time to make an entrance!" the young man then jump down the cliff he is on.

Falling on the ground, he suddenly disappeared.

Far into the battle, a young man with blonde hair with whiskers was being healed by a pink haired girl. Suddenly, a three pronged kunai was stabbed on the ground near the blonde you g man.

At the time it embeded itself on the ground, the instant a man identical to the young man with no whiskers appeared and picked up the kunai.

The two blonde talked to each other first before a person suddenly appeared after a white flash.

"Yo! Naruto, Minato-san! Sakura-chan!" a young man greeted.

"Oh, hey, Kane! How's Akari? Is she safe?" Naruto asked.

"She's safe, of course! After all, I'm the jinchuriki of the Yin half of Kurama. And, they can never catch me. By the way, I visited Konoha first before coming here just a second ago." Kane said while looking at a certain man.

"It looks like there is also another one who could teleport faster than we do, Minato-kun!" A man with bluish white hair said. This was Tobirama Senju, brother of Hashirama Senju.

"Alright, let's end this!" Kane's whole body and clothes turned yellow with orange and black marks on his body.


On another universe, a young man was wearing blue uniform with a kanji of the word "destroy" at the back, brown pants, and black boots. He was also wearing white haori with a kanji of "lightspeed". This young man is none other than Kane. He has a smile on his face.

In front of him, was a young man at the age of 14, has a scar on his forehead that seemed to look like fire, red hair and red eyes. His hands were tied at the back tightly as he was slowly walking forward.

Then, a man with full of scar came, holding a box and showed it to the young man. Then, he pulled out his green sword and was about to stab the box. Suddenly, the box disappeared on his hand at the second he stabbed his sword.

"Shinugawa Sanemi! Please refrain from acting on your own without Oyakata-sama's order!" Kane said as his hand was holding the box.

The young boy turned to look to the side and saw that person. His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face.

"Aniki!" the young man shouted as he ran forward Kane.

"Ah! Tanjiro, you're full of cuts!" Kane said in worry.

"A-aniki!?" All of them were shocked.

"Sigh... Why do they need you to tie that way? You're not going anywhere, anyway!" Kane then removed the ropes.

"Thanks, aniki!" Tanjiro said with a smile.

"There's no need to thank me!" Kane said and he put his hand above Tanjiro's head.

Then, all the cuts Tanjiro sustained disappeared in an instant.

"Let us start, shouldn't we, Oyakata-sama?" Kane said and looked at Oyakata-sama who was sitting with a smile.


On a certain universe with a young man who can return back at a certain time, Kane was standing. He was wearing full black armor with gold for it's design, white cape with the same "lightspeed" kanji.

"Ahh. What a beautiful day!" Kane was sitting above a roof, looking at the rising sun.

After a few hours, he started walking towards the town square. All people who saw him were confused why the Black Knight was walking towards the fountain.

He unequipped his armour and sat down on a bench and closed his eyes. The people looked at the Black Knight without any armor on. A lot of girls were admiring the view of looking at his handsome face, with his eyes closed, he became much more handsome.

Then, he opened his eyes and met another pair of eyes. Both of them were wearing strange clothes. Kane was wearing white trench coat, dark blue shirt, brown pants, and black shoes. He has emblem that was placed at the left side of his trench coat with a kanji for "lightspeed".

The two then talked and then a lot of things happened.


On a certain world, on a certain universe, a handsome young man was walking down the streets on Tokyo. Suddenly, an explosion happened and a man came out of the explosion.

After the explosion, someone appeared and tried to stop the man. After an almost half an hour, the man was finally subjugated and was now led by police officers into the jail.

This world was full of interesting powers known as quirks, and 80% of the world's population have quirks. The remaining 20% are people who doesn't have quirk.


"Hey, Yaoyorozu-san!" Kane called to his side.

Huge changes, 24 students each section, and Mineta is still on Class 1-A.

"Please, call me Momo instead. You know, we've been classmates for weeks, right?" Momo asked.

"Okay, Momo-san." Kane said.

"Mou~! Drop the formalities!" Momo pouted cutely.

"Nope! I won't, and never will." Kane replied.


"What did you say, SH*THEAD?" a pink haired boy asked.

"I'm not gonna repeat what I just said, LITTLE LIZARD!" a dark blue haired boy retorted.

After they argued for a minute, the air became heavy and cold... Kane pressured them with his Haki.

"You two... will be punished if not for me having a good mood. Also, get to work, you LAZY BUMS!" Kane said and stood up, then he checked the quest board.

"Sigh... It's a good thing that Kane was here when Erza was absent..." the guildmaster muttered to himself.

"Hey, you two will go with me with this A-class mission. Just promise me one thing." Kane said.

"No cussing, don't fight each other, and no mass destruction..." Kane said and the two nodded.

"It seems like the youngest S-class mage is the most worthy of becoming the next Guilmaster..." a elderly woman said who has pink hair and red eyes.

Makarov nodded twice in agreement.


"Um, kid? Where is your grimoire?" Asked the man who has holding papers.

Then, the eyes of the young man in front of him turned from black to red with commas around the dot in the middle. Both of them looked at each other's eyes.

"You have already saw my grimoire, a three-leaf clover. And all you need to do is to write my name." the young man hypnotised the man.

"What is your name sir?" asked the man.

"My name is Kane, Kodaiichi Kane." Kane said and was about to walk forward...

"KANE! YOOHOO!" a white haired young man came waving at him.

"..." along with a bed-haired-like young man who nodded at him.

[Fast Forward]

"Hey, you! Aren't you going to use your grimoire?" asked his opponent on stage.

"I can use magic even without grimoires!" Kane said loudly.

"Ha! Your threats will never scare me!" Said the man.

Kane only sigh and created 3 elemental dragons that he has at max mastery. They were Lightning Dragon, Wind Dragon, and Water Dragon. He didn't even move his arm nor move an inch from position. Everyone who saw him use three elements were shocked. Especially their colors: Purple for lighting, light blue for wind, and black for water.

"I want to fight one of the strongest wizard here!" Kane said.

The captain of Golden Dawn stood up and was about to move.

"Of course, the one who is physically stronger... Sukehiro Yami, I challenge you to a duel! Your nickname, Destruction God, doesn't suit you as you are not really a god." Kane said while holding an exact copy of Yami's katana.


A portal came out of nowhere, a young man came out who was wearing blue long-sleeve shirt, brown loose pants that has bandages wrapped around the shin with black belt with a gold buckle, black combat boots, and white haori with a kanji for "lightspeed" at the back. This is Kane, Kodaiichi Kane, who kept traveling to get strong and travel back home.

"Sigh... Nothing beats my home world! It's been a thousand years now, I should be around 1,014 years old. I guess, I'm considered an old man for humans, but still a child for gods. Well, even if I'm young, I could kill the creator of all whenever I want." Kane muttered to himself.

[ Status ]

Name: Kodaiichi Kane

Age: 1,000 years

Titles: [Jinchuriki: Jyuubi], [Sage of Endless Doors], [God Above All Gods], etc...

Race: Ancient Saiyan

Bloodlines: [God: 100%], [Demon King: 100%], etc...


Cultivation Rank: IMMEASURABLE


PL: 120 Septendecillion (1.2 Octodecillion÷10) (Suppressed) - Creator of All has a power level of 90 Quindecillion.

( Note - Current strength is beyond that of the Creator of All. )