
As the curiosity gobbled down our throat, Kelsy and I spied. As usual, I was frightened… and yet, she remained just as courageous as is customary. I shuddered, 'What if it is the murderer again? If they really are, then what are we going to do if we got spotted?' My legs trembled as I kneeled on the cement, trying to not make any noises.

The back street felt so dry as the heat moistens the air. Scraps of trash, like cans and wrappers spread below while little streams of brown water wetted the barren land. Wires above entangled as miniature yellow sparks emerged. Crows stood by the red-tiled roof beside to watch us crept through an imagined arena. My nose burned as the smell of diapers, deodorants, and decaying materials scattered around us, forcing me to stifle a sneeze and to cry out of disgust.

The electrical post at our back suddenly switched off, dimming the site. 'I'm not the type of person who spy for 'entertainment', especially when I expect dire and exemplary punishments coming my way.

Since I'm scared for a whole lot of reasons, I backed out from the scene to get rid of my anxiety. When Kelsy instinctually whispered at me to stay close, her persuasive voice stilled me on my place; as if she was about to judo flip me if I didn't follow her. Afterwards, we sneaked a peek over the green trash bin to set our eyes, on… whatever was going along the alleyway.

Five effeminate, blood-thirsty ladies gang up towards a man fella with eye-blinding, vivid feminine clothes. The leader of the crew, who was up to the front, she raved at him as her studded leather jack hair fitted in through her body, "Would I listen to a b*tch who hooked up with a jerk like him? Of course not-"

She swayed her burgundy box braids, conveying dominance while she looked over her four other friends, who were armed with baseball bats and… pens, aiming them as though they are gonna oppress their flimsy target after their boss will signal them to, "-About that jerk… he had ridiculous taste. He was this hot guy who draws the attention of every lady in our school… but who knows, that he will love to suck someone's ****?!" The others nodded as one cheered under their mobster's supremacy.

The man fella sputtered while fidgeting on his flashy maxi dress, his glossy red lipstick stained across his right cheek as if someone pulled earlier his arm on the side, disrupting his make-up alignment, "I did not do anything wrong... Did I? Besides stealing your... who knows what." His gayish voice trembled as he stared on his red high heels.

I murmured under my breath as Kelsy glanced at me in surprise, "Bullying a homo at this time… couldn't they just stay at home and talk about their prom, online." Kelsy nudged slightly my arm, suggesting me to silent.

Kelsy and I didn't budge, deciding ourselves to not involve… when the green-eyed woman unsheathed her pocket knife from her handbag without warning. She targeted it in a lightning flash towards the target, not letting her victim shift in defence.

As the assassination unfolds between my agitated eyes, Kelsy hurried over without any hesitance. She jumped over litters and evaded riots on her head, avoiding herself from tripping accidently as she blocked the man from getting stabbed. The bully in shock, ripped out the knife off her, causing her to drop in pain. My face grew in terrible fear as red blood gushed out her right shoulder.

I screamed in trepidation; my eyes wide, "Kelsy!" while I rushed towards her in an alarming rate. She expressed a little 'ouch' as though she was used with the sting. Once I arrived beside to aid her, I covered her frightfully deep wound with my palm, trying to stop the blood from leaking out. I blasted off a concerned bawl, "What were you doing?!" Kelsy assured me with a paled smile as she pressed her palm on my chest to stop me, "Don't worry… I can manage this."

Kelsy glowered back at the bully with an incredibly calm look, "I didn't expect high school kids to beat the daylights out of someone, whose flesh is vulnerable to fit in their needs-" The hoodlum's chin wrinkled in fear, realizing her place as she stared flinchingly at Kelsy, who was sprawled on the cement.

Kelsy attempted to stand numerous times when I urged her to stay down, "-Bullying is prohibited near the hospital… Sorry… but we are striving to uphold safety procedures here since the recent human-to-human transmission going around-" She sighed as she laid down her body on mine, allowing me to set procedures to mend her stab wound, "Bullying…. Is unwanted to begin with."

The oppressor roared like a lion; her jaws exposed, "No one has the right to intrude to any… whether you're a senior or not- "She sounded a 'tch'; her nose pinching, "Who sought to defend 'her', anyways. Be an adult for once! Every people under that self-portrayal LGBTQ+ community were all *ss for a sole reason… If there was this COVID-19 pandemic at stake, how about this HIV outbreak -that continues to excessively impact all gays worldwide? Can't medical workers work around that to avoid them from debunking their 'privileges'!"

As she said with much contempt, the victim was overwhelmed; 'her' tears give in as it poured unceasingly through 'her' cheeks." Why can't they cease that? Why? Because they picture themselves as somewhat- that I couldn't even tell myself, if not for their balls in their pants!"

I glared furiously at her as the insult bolted through my lungs, 'Nobody should lance words they couldn't understand themselves… Every people in various colours had the right to live thoroughly without the favourable opinion of the other… Kinda reminds me of Eloise's situation.

' "Being a lesbian does not remodel her persona. It is the manifestation of her inner desires-" I locked my eyes on Christina with a distinguished grin hoping to ease her agitation. "-one that makes 'her' more." '

I sneered at the bully as my anger swallowed me whole, "They are people… like us. If you try again to evoke us who genuinely support their community, we'll fight tooth and nail until the other conquers."

Kelsy lifted herself with a stance of defence, ignoring the affliction on her shoulder while the bully giggled satanically, "Kelsy?" When suddenly the woman targeted her pocket knife while dashing straight to Kelsy, drawing a vicious grin on her face. Her other minions blocked our escape as they spread out their arms with a constant look of praise.

As the homophobic went closer towards us, Kelsy sneaked an attack. She projected her leg forward while biting her bottom lip with a mere smile as the bully tripped gawkily; her face slammed on the floor, not aware of an ambush. Her pen knife bounced off from her palm, letting out a big clank. The great goddess Kelsy commanded in a hurry while holding her shoulder blade to sustain her strength, "Aiden! Get the knife!"

In a jiffy, I sprinted while panting; my spirit full of determination. When out of the blue, one of her underlings kicked the knife further from us as it almost plunged to a nearby canal. As the other readied her wooden seal bat straight towards my skull. Not wise enough to duck from the hit, I stayed thereby; my eyes widened as soon as Kelsy dragged me down away from the point. We dropped on the floor while accidently spraining her ankle. She shouted an argh.

At this time, Kelsy can no longer bring herself up. I perceived by then that it's up to me… if I will let this go then that confidence I had back then will be thorn to awful despair… 'I will not surrender, I had to fight! Then again, I attempted to… but it wasn't played right under our scheme. How can I gain victory?' I shuddered loosing hope, "I can't fight." Kelsy in response placed her hand on mine with a pleasing gesture, "Avoid the points. Don't let your fear get to you."