Chapter Eleven

Dev's POV

Tears ran down my face, staining my vision. It became so hard to see the road in front of me. Something inside told me to pull over before something happened, but I couldn't, I wouldn't. I stayed on the road, screaming and sobbing, blinded by my own tears. Unbeknownst to me there was something in front of the car. When it was finally revealed to me that there was something there, instead of pressing the brakes, I accelerated. I ran into the figure in the road, killing it on impact. I soon realized it was a person. Then I saw the face.

I had hit Kasen Horton.

I had hit my best friend.

I killed my best friend.

"KASEN!" I woke up yelling. Was it all just a dream? Was it possible Kasen was still alive? Two muscular arms made their way around me pulling me close. He pulled me into his lap; i laid my head onto his shoulder. I looked up, shocked to see that it was Kyle holding me?

"Kasen." I whimpered, realizing he really was gone. "I can't believe he's actually dead." I started crying again; it feels like all I have done recently. Kyle grasped me closer, hoping to get me to calm down.

"I know Princess, I know." He whispered in my ear.

"He never got to graduate! He never got to go to Prom! He never got to meet the one! He'll never get to have kids and witness them grow up!" I sobbed finally letting it all out. Kyle never said a word as I just rambled on and on. "It's my fault he's dead." I choked the words out. Kyle's grip loosened on me and he got up. I thought he was going to leave until he bent down in front of me and wiped my tears away.

"Devyn, you are not at fault here. Were you driving the car that hit him?" he asked and I shook my head no. He continued, "Then it wasn't your fault. I do not want to hear you say that. Got it?

I just nodded. I knew it was my fault no matter what anyone said.

"I'll make us some breakfast since Erik's at Christina's house."

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower." I said as he left. I got off the bed and looked for a pair of sweatpants. I didn't want to dress up at all. I looked around my room before going to my closet. I apparently haven't unpacked my less dressy clothes yet, so i began searching through my luggage from Miss Donna's. I opened the duffel bag up and sure enough there was a pair of sweats in there but what caught my eye was a little hollowed out book. How did I know it was hollowed out? Easy. I'm the one that hollowed it to hide the one thing I didn't want anyone to find; the one thing I told Kasen I had gotten rid of: My blades.

I looked down at the book with my blades and didn't even realize I was crying until I saw tears on my book. I grabbed the book and a pair of sweatpants and went to the bathroom. I opened the book and grabbed a blade. I made 2 slits on my wrist. I welcomed the release of the pain it gave me. I breathed in deeply and released it, happy to have gotten that pain out of my system. I looked at the two cuts and thought about what they mean to me.

One for the best friend I lost.

One for the best friend I killed.

I changed into my sweat pants and grabbed a long sleeve shirt from my room to put on. I went downstairs and saw Kyle cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, I didn't see you- hey, what's on your sleeve?" Kyle asked me when he turned around. I looked down at my sleeve and gasped. I forgot to clean my cuts! I had a big bloodstain on my wrist. I quickly hid it behind my back and tried to play innocent.

"What sleeve?" I asked while walking over to the table and taking a seat.

"Princess. Let me see." He said looking me dead in the eye. I sighed and rolled up my sleeve and showed him the two bloody cuts still gushing blood on my wrist. He gently grabbed my wrist with one hand and clenched his free hand into a fist. He let go of my wrist and went to get the first aid kit. When he came back, he threw it on the table, passed me my plate, grabbed his leather jacket and was out the door before I could blink. I pretended it didn't sting. I pretended I didn't want him to help me like Kasen did so many times before. I pretended that I didn't see this coming if anyone other than Kasen found out about me.

I sighed and grabbed the first aid kit off the counter. I cleaned my cuts just like Kasen used to. Then, I ate the delicious meal that Kyle prepared. I spent the next couple of hours replaying what happened and wonder where Kyle went.

When Erik came home and saw the mess that lay in the kitchen, he knew his best friend had messed up. I replayed what had happened so much that I had snapped; between the pain of losing Kasen and Kyle walking out on me when I needed him most, I didn't know what to do.

Erik found me asleep in the kitchen, puffy eyes from crying, a mess strewn everywhere from my extended panic attacks. He didn't judge me, though. He woke me up and helped me to bed. After that, i have no idea what my twin brother planned on doing.

Kyle's POV

I should have known. She was too strong not to have been doing something to relieve the pain. I just had hoped it wasn't cutting. I had hoped Devyn wasn't like my sister. When I had seen Dev's bloody wrist so many things were going through my head but the main thing was the face of Sara. How pale she looked. How much blood was surrounding her.

I was just walking, wondering, and thinking when I found myself at the hospital. I went in and made my way to Sara's room. I stood in the doorway and took a good look at her.

"Hey little sis." I said as I made my way over to my little sister laying on that hospital bed looking lifeless, like always.

"Remember that girl, Devyn, which I was telling you about? Well, apparently she's like you were. Broken, guarded, in pain. And I just don't know what to do. I don't know why, but I care for her. I don't want to see the same thing that happened to you, happen to her. I wish you could tell me what to do. You were always good at that. Bossing me around seemed to be a second language for you, huh?'

"I miss you Sara. Your sarcastic remarks. The way you would always stick your tongue out to the side if you were concentrated on painting. I just miss you."

"I miss her too you know." A new voice said behind me. I didn't need to turn to see who it was.

"What do I do about Devyn?" I asked.

"Go to her. Tell her about Sara. Tell her about how you don't want to see the same thing happen to her." That's so hard; it's like opening a piece of myself for someone to stomp on again, to crumple like a piece of paper.

"Why can't you tell her? You two seem to have gotten close." I said to Christina.

"It's not my story to tell." I sighed because I knew she was right. I got up and kissed Sara on the top of her head and left my sister's best friend to heal with her and headed to my Princess.

I let myself in when I came to Erik's house. I walked in and saw Erik standing in the kitchen leaning over the sink looking out the window. I could feel the waves of anger radiating off of him. I messed up today; something happened when I left.

"You knew." He said. "You knew about her and you left." I knew then what he meant. He was talking about Devyn.

"Imagine how I felt. First Sara, and now her? I did the one thing I knew would keep her safe." I started calmly. I don't want to fight with him.

"Safe? Kyle, when I came home she looked anything but safe. She looked mental. This kitchen looked like someone had a knock down drag out in here! All because you left her. She had a mental breakdown because of you." He growled out. He wanted me to know every grueling detail; he wanted it to hurt as bad as it hurt her. He's not far off at this point.

"I had mixed emotions running through my veins. Anger was the main one. You've seen me angry. Did you really want me to stay while I was angry with her?" I asked. He shook his head no. "That's what I thought. I want to fix this, please." I begged. "Tell me where she is?" I asked.

"In her room. Are you going to tell her about Sara?" he asked and I nodded. I made my way up the stairs to Devyn's room. I knocked slightly, hoping she wasn't asleep.

"Who is it?" I heard her ask. I opened her door and stuck my head in. "Princess, can I talk to you please?" I asked her. She numbly nodded her head. I came in and sat at the end of the bed. There was a silence. A painful, numbing silence.

"Who's Sara?" she asked me, breaking the silence.

"My little sister. She's a year younger than me. She always loved to boss me around. She loved to paint and draw. Little did I know that she painted in red and drew in silver on her skin after everyone went to bed at night. She was a lot like you: strong willed, stubborn, sarcastic. I never knew she was depressed.'

"I came home from a fight in Arizona against Kasen and found her in the bathroom surrounded in blood with two long gashes in her arms. I was so stunned. I finally was able to call the ambulance. Fortunately, it wasn't too late. She's not dead, but she's been in a coma since then. When I saw your wrist this morning, I couldn't stand the thought of the same thing, or worse, happening to you.'

"I care about you a lot more than I should Princess. A hell of a lot more. So now that you know why I freaked, can I ask you something?" I asked looking over at her. I saw she had tears streaming down her face. I got up and scooted her over so I could sit next to her. I pulled her close to me and took a deep breath before asking, "Who's Kameron?"

Devyn's POV

"Who's Kameron?" I knew he would ask sooner or later; I just wished it was later rather than now. I took a deep breath and sat up, ready to explain this.

"He was my first boyfriend. He's a year older than me; we started dating my sophomore year. We dated for a year and a half. The last time I saw him was at a party. That was the night he r-ra—," I couldn't even finish the word. I started again. "The night I lost something simply my own. The year and half between that he had an anger management problem that he never could control. He always told me I was his Kitten, and I thought moving here would get me out his grasp. The day you found me in the hallway, he was there. He had found me. I didn't escape him at all." I whispered, finishing my story. Kyle had grabbed my hand in his, squeezing slightly.

He won't lay a finger on you. I won't let him." He promised me. I smiled to myself. I yawned loudly and heard Kyle chuckle beside me.

"Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I made a promise not to leave you and I plan to keep it." He said yawning himself. He made himself comfortable in my bed.

"What are you doing to me?" he whispered, wrapping his arm around me and going to sleep. I stayed awake not much longer but I couldn't help but think what was he doing to me? Oh Bad-Boy Kyle Mason, you will be the death of me...