Chapter Twelve

Dev's POV

It has been days since I last talked to Kyle, Erik, Christina, or Jenny. As much as I want to go home, I can't. I might not have physically been there and pushed Kasen in front of that car but I was the reason he wasn't paying attention. I caused his death.

"Hello?? Anyone there?" Katelin asked, waving a hand in front of my face. As soon as she found out I was in town, she came over. She hasn't left. I explained to her where her brother has been and she immediately told her parents. It's not like they can do much, however, since he is 18 now and can do what he wants. The problem is his harassment of me.

"Huh? What?" I asked when I pulled myself out of my thoughts.

"You're phone's ringing." She stated.

"Who is it..?" I asked already knowing who it was.

"Kyle." She said. Katelyn knew all about Kyle. Between our daily phone calls and everything we talked about as soon as I got here, she knew everything that was going on. She handed me the phone, urging me to answer.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Look outside." Kyle said and then he hung up before I could say anything. So that's how that feels. I looked outside and nearly had a heart attack. Kyle was standing up against a white truck.

He's here!

"Is that Kyle?" I heard Katelin ask from beside me.

"Yeah." I said. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face. He actually came.

"Well what are you still doing in here for?!" She practically yelled at me. She then progressed to push me out of the room and towards the front door.

"Okay. Okay. I get it. I'm going. I'm going." I said walking towards the door.

"Good luck!" She called after me. I stepped out on to the porch and started to make my way to Kyle. He pushed himself off the truck and made his way towards me. I stopped in front of him while keeping a good distance between us.

"Princess, come here." He said but it came out horse and weak. I shook my head no.

"You shouldn't have come Kyle." I said looking down at my feet. As much as I loved him and had wished he'd come after me, it wasn't right. I wasn't worth it.

"Please Devyn. We need to talk."

I sighed and said, "Fine, let's walk." I started to walk away and I heard Kyle catch up with me.

"I talked to Gabriella." He said.

"W-Why?" I asked.

"I needed to know why you ran. And what she said to you, was nowhere near true. You are not a killer. You did not kill Kasen. You didn't kill your mother.. None of it is your fault."

"Kyle, put yourself in my shoes. I was the reason Kasen was mad. I caused his anger to spark. If it wasn't for me, he'd still be here. He'd still be alive and well.'

"And my mom? That was my fault too. I never told anyone but she and I were on the phone the day it happened. She was on speaker phone so I could talk to her. I was talking to her and then I heard a loud yell and then the line went dead." I explained.

I waited for Kyle to say something, anything, but he never did. We had walked all the way to the park I would take the foster kids to. I sat down on the swings still waiting for him to say something. He sat beside me on the other swing. It was at least a good five minutes before he said something.

"Devyn, I have something to tell you, but you have to promise that you'll come back to Georgia, back to your home with me today."

"I won't promise anything but just tell me." I said.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I found out who hit Kasen." He said.

"W-Who?" I whispered.

"It was Jenny. She...She was killed on impact. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt. She had drugs in her system..." At this point I wasn't even listening anymore. Not only was Kasen gone, now Jenny too. I'd lost my best friend and my half-sister, and it was all my fault.

"Devyn!" Kyle yelled beside me. I tried my hardest to ignore him because I know if I open my mouth, all hell will break loose.

"Please say something Princess. This wasn't your fault."

"No! You don't understand Kyle! This isn't about things being my fault anymore! Everyone around me is dying. One by one. First my mom. Then Kasen. Now Jenny! Who's next? You? Erik? Christina? Tell me Kyle. Who do you think is next? I'll tell you who. It'll be you. You're the one that's always around me. You'll be gone soon too and I can't handle that. Sara still needs you. When she wakes up, she'll need you. You have to stay away from me!"

"I'm not going anywhere, Princess. I'm still alive. I'm not leaving you here. I won't do it."

"You need to. I can't hurt you or anyone else. I love you and the others too much to see anything happen." I said looking down at my legs and fiddling with my fingers.

"Nothing's going happen, Devyn. Please Princess just come home with me." Kyle pleaded. I bit my lip in thought. "I promised Kasen I wouldn't leave you or let you leave. Let me keep my promise." He begged. I sighed in defeat.

How dare he pull the Kasen card on me!

"Fine but I have one condition." I said. He looked at me confused, so I continued. "We leave tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow?"He questioned.

"Kyle you look like you haven't slept in forever."

"That's because I haven't." he muttered. I sighed and stood up.

"Exactly my point." I said. I held out my hand to help Kyle up. He took it and stood up. We started to walk back to Miss Donna's hand in hand. When we made it to my room at Miss Donna's, I could feel Kyle tense up. I sighed and dragged him into the room anyway. I sat down on the bed and he did the same.

"So this is where you grew up?" he asked after a while. I nodded.

"I spent a lot of my time in here and in the bathroom down the hall." I said messing with my sleeves and looking at the wall. I glanced over at Kyle and saw him yawning.

"Lie down and get some sleep, Kyle." I said as he did as I said. I was about to get up to let him sleep when he grabbed my wrist. I hissed in pain and he sat up almost instantly. He pulled my sleeve up and gazed down at the seven new cuts lining my arms. His eyes made their way to mine and he pulled my sleeve down. He put his hand on my hip and pulled me down on the bed with him.

"Lie with me please, Princess?" he asked as he lied back down. I lied down with him like he asked. It was silent until he spoke again.

"Why seven?" Kyle asked. I sighed and rolled my sleeve up to point as I explained.

"One for the boy I love but will never see again, one for the brother that I will never see again, one for the half-sister I met but never knew, one for the sister that wasn't related to me by blood, one for the boy I loved that I killed, one for the mother that felt the need to take her life, and one for the father I never knew."

"Let me guess, these cuts were made after you ran?" I nodded. "And the cuts are for me, Erik, Jenny, Christina, Kasen, your mother, and your father." I nodded again. He sighed and clutched me close to him.

"I want you to do something for me please, Princess." He whispered.


"Please don't cut anymore." My heart fluttered; if he's asking me that then maybe what he said on the phone is true.

I sighed as I explained, "It's not that easy, Kyle. I've cut for so long. I have started to lean on that blade."

"Then lean on me."He stated as if it were easy.


"When you need to cut, come to me. If I'm already there, tell me. I don't want to lose you like I have Sara. I can't lose you like I have Sara. So please Princess, don't cut anymore." He begged,inhaling my scent like a drug addict.

"I'll try."

"That's all I ask." He said. It was silent for a little bit. I thought he was asleep but I had to ask now or I would never get the confidence to do it.

"Kyle?" I whispered.

"Hm?" he answered groggily.

"Do you remember the day Kameron came back and I was a total mess?"

"How could I forget? That was the day I proved to you that I actually had read Percy Jackson."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. But that night, you stayed at Erik and I's house. Do you remember anything from that night? I know you were pretty wasted."

"I wasn't wasted, Devyn. You just assumed."


"Yeah. What about that night though?"

"How did you end up in my room?"

"I can't sleep alone. Not after..." he said trailing off.

"After what?"


"Just tell me. Please."

"Maybe on the way home." He whispered.

"Fine. Can I ask something else?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"You kissed me that night and told me something. Do you remember what it was?" I asked.

"Yeah, I vaguely remember it, but I remember telling you I was falling for you." He whispered to me. He was obviously tired. He yawned and I yawned and shut my eyes that I didn't even know were drooping and tired.

"I love you Devyn." I heard Kyle whisper before I fell into a black pit of sleep. I wanted to say that I loved him too, but I was too far asleep so I thought it to myself.

I love you too Kyle