Chapter Fourteen

"You're worthless."

"You're nothing."

"Go die already."

Voices whisper all around me. I'm trapped in a maze that seems to be never ending. Everywhere I turn is a dead end.

"No one loves you."

"You're too fat."


The voices keep whispering. I turn a corner and stop dead in my tracks. I look at the sight before me.

"Kyle...." I whisper, the picture breaking my heart and forming a pit in my stomach.

The tormentor of my nightmares and my demons held the boy I loved with an arm around his neck, cutting off air supply and a gun pressed to his head. "Kitten! I told you. You belong to me! You'll always be mine. I'll make sure of that. Even if it means killing poor defenseless "bad-boy" Kyle. Not so bad now huh? Devyn's sure changed you hasn't she?" Kameron said. He turned his attention to Kyle and said, "I'll tell you what, all you have to do to live is just give her up willingly. Just say the words and you're free to go."

"Say it Kyle. Think of Sara. Think of Erik. Say it." I pleaded to him.

"I. Will. Never. Let. You. Go. Princess." My heart stopped because he knew he signed his death warrant as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Oh well..." Kameron said in a sing-song voice. I heard a gunshot ring in my ears and a body slump to the floor. Blood spilled out into a puddle, and i thought i heard my heart shatter. I looked down at the now dead Kyle and cried. I slumped to the floor, clutching my chest.

I told him this was going to happen; he just didn't listen.

"Aw, Kitten. Don't cry. I'm here now." Kameron said, leaning down to pull me up to him. He grabbed my face with his thumb and index finger to pull my head to see his. "You're mine now, Devyn." He said while leaning down to kiss me.

I woke with a jolt. I couldn't breathe. Was I having a panic attack? It's been so long, I can barely recognize the signs of them.

Breathe in. Breathe out. In. out.

"Devyn, I'm going to grab your waist. Is that okay?" someone asked and I nodded. I felt his arms around me. He lifted me onto his lap and pulled me into him. I matched my breathing to the breathing of the person whose lap I was in. I felt my breathing get better, and soon I could breathe again. That didn't stop Kyle from keeping me there though.

"Princess, what did you dream of that got you so panicked?" he asked. I shook my head,not wanting to explain it yet. He hummed in response. I just wanted to stay like this for a little longer. When I was ready, I sighed and began to explain it all. He listened. He never interrupted. He waited until I was done.

"You know I'd never leave you like that right? If it kept you and me alive, I'd give you up just to get you back again. I don't know how I would have, but I would've.'

You're not worthless. You're priceless. You're not nothing. You're everything to me. You're not fat. I don't know how skinny you are, but you're sure as hell not fat. You're not a bitch. You're the most funny, caring person I know. You are not unloved because I love you." He said and I smiled to myself. I got off him and stood up.

"If you want to make it back to Georgia by Wednesday, get up." I said and walked to the closet and grabbed my duffel I had yet to unpack. I turned around to exit the closet when I came face to face with Kyle.

"Kyle, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Something I should've a long time ago." He said. I was about to question him on that when I felt his lips on my own. I would've kissed back if it wasn't for the image of Kyle kissing every other girl playing through my mind. He pulled away and looked confused.

"Is something wrong?" he asked me. I stayed silent. "Something is wrong, isn't it?" he asked again and this time I just nodded. I pushed him out of the way and sat on the bed. He sat down beside me but kept a distance.

"I don't want to get hurt." I started. "I know your reputation. The only solid relationship you've been in is with Gabriella and we all know how she treats me... I don't want to walk into a war zone back home or worse; I don't want to find out this is just some fling for you to pass the time with." I finished and waited for him to say something.

"Princess, I promise I will try my hardest not to hurt you." He said scooting closer to me. "If I ever did hurt you I think Christina would have my head on a stick and Erik would have me put in a hospital. Hell, if I hurt you, I'll be hurting myself. If I ever hurt you I might as well go ahead and beat myself up. I've never felt like this with anyone before and I don't want to mess that up. And as for some fling? I don't think I'd drive all the way to Arizona for a fling." He finished and wrapped me in a tight embrace from behind. I smiled.

"Kyle?" I asked him and turned around to face him.

"Hmm?" he responded. I moved to where I was straddling his waist and looked him in the eyes. I lowered my lips to his touching ever so softly. Enough to drive him crazy. I went to pull away when his eyes made it to mine as he whispered, "It's not nice to tease people Princess." He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him. He crashed his lips to mine. Our mouths moved in sync as his hands went to my hips pulling me closer to him to create less space between us. My hands were moving freely in his hair, messing it up more than it already was. My lips parted as he used this to his advantage. His right hand moved as he started caressing my jaw and his tongue made its way into my mouth and started exploring as mine did the same. By this time my hands had started roaming his body. My hands slipped underneath his shirt and stopped at his abs. He moaned in my mouth and I let my hands continue to roam. My hands made their way back to his hair and his hands were on my waist slightly squeezing like I could break at any moment.

"Ahem." Someone from the door said. Kyle and I separated so fast it was like one of us was on fire. I looked up to see Katelin standing there. "If you two are going to put the banana in the fruit basket the least you could do is shut the door." She said as my face went fifty shades of red. She walked out laughing and shutting the door behind her.

"Put the banana in the fruit basket?" Kyle muttered under his breath and I couldn't help but laugh at him. It's time to go home.


"I spy with my little eye something red." Kyle said, trying to keep our game going.

"Ummm... Dirt?" I answered. At the moment we are driving home while playing I Spy which is pretty stupid to play because everything around us was dirt.

We were officially lost in the middle of the Arizonian desserts.

"How did you know?" he asked in a very childish way.

"Because that's everything around us! Just admit it Kyle. We are lost."I snapped.

"We are not lost. I have never gotten someone lost before and I will not start now."He retorted, rolling his eyes. If he would just let go of his arrogant attitude and admit it we wouldn't be having this conversation.

"We wouldn't have had to worry about getting lost if you would have let me take the way I wanted to." I muttered to myself.

"What was that? I am afraid I couldn't hear you." He growled.

"Nothing. All I know is we are lost and are running out of gas." I mumbled.

"And whose fault is that?" he asked.

"Oh don't be laying the blame on me Mason. This is just on you as it is on you." I snapped at him and instantly regretted it. "Kyle, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-,"

"Save it. It's in the past." He said cutting me off. Everything died down for a while. Soon enough we saw a gas station, and he pulled in. I went into the store and was looking at some snacks for Kyle and me, when I felt someone behind me. I was about to tell whoever it was to screw off, not caring if it was Kyle or not, but before I had time to react the someone had covered my face with a towel. I knew I had to not breathe but it was hard. I struggled and struggled.

"If you're a smart girl, you won't struggle. I'd hate to harm a pretty girl such as yourself." My attacker said and I didn't fight. I honestly couldn't anymore. The last thing I remembered before my eyes went dark was someone yelling my name and someone carrying me away.


"Wake up!"


"Wake up dammit!"


My eyes darted open and my face burned.

"Ah, finally, the little Princess is awake." I flinched at the use of Kyle's nickname for me. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I never thought the term scared frozen was real until now. If I could move, I could try to run. Whoever this is wasn't smart enough to bind my hands and feet.

I don't have any fighting experience.

Now that I think about it, I probably wouldn't be able to try to escape. There's no windows or sharp objects.

"Thinking of escape, Devyn?" the man in front of me asked. He smirked like he was satisfied that he knew what I was thinking about.

"Who are you?" I asked when I finally got my voice.

The man laughed. "Kyle didn't tell you, did he?"

"T-Tell me what?" I stuttered.

"Why can't he be alone at night? Why he never speak of his mother or father?"

"W-What does that h-have to do with y-you?" I asked stuttering even more. I stutter when I get nervous.

"Why Devyn, you're a smart girl. Put the pieces together." He said. I took a better look at him and noticed he had the same piercing blue eyes as Kyle. It can't be.

"Y-You're his f-father." I stated.

"Finally! She gets it!" he exclaimed. He's just as arrogant and big headed as Kyle.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, feeling more confident.

"Well, mostly to get Kyle here but as I was trying to find you, I remembered some very interesting things about you and your family."

"L-Like w-what?"

"Your father was the owner of the biggest law firm in New York. Did you know that?" he asked and I shook my head. I never knew what he did; i never care to know, not after I remembered.

"When he found out your mother, Marie, was pregnant, he was overjoyed. He'd finally have a boy to raise to take care of the company when he was gone. Then he found out he was going to have not just a boy but a girl too. What's a man to do with two children that both can bring him money? He planned to raise Erik to take the law firm. You, on the other hand, he had better plans for you. He came to talk to the next biggest law firm owner. Someone who, just like him, had a wife pregnant with a boy."

"You. My father knew you." I stated. No wonder he's arrogant; he's a lawyer.

"Of course he did." He rolled his eyes. "Well, my wife Anna was pregnant with Kyle when John came to talk to me. We talked of what would be best for the law firms. For you and Kyle." Things were making so much sense.

"You arranged a marriage for Kyle and me?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Then why am I here and not with him?" I asked.

"Because Devyn, your father's company fell when your mother took Erik to Georgia. Not even 6 months later, Anna did the same with Kyle. Little did I know she took not only my son but my unborn daughter too."

"Sara."I stated.

A look of sadness passed through his blue orbs. "So he has told you the sad tragedy that is Sara? He must really trust you."

"I would like to hope so." I whispered.

"Like I was saying, it was your father's fault my company fell too. Of course it was too late to get revenge on John since he had moved here to Arizona with you. But Anna, she still needed to get punished. I was never meant to get caught but your stupid mother saw everything. I had to keep what I did a secret."

"You killed Anna and my mother?" I asked. My anger was already fuming by the time he had nodded his head.

"Just a malfunction with the breaks was good enough for your mother to drive herself off that cliff. Then I got news of your father's wreck. I just had no idea you were in the car and he got himself put in jail... I was pretty satisfied with the wreck itself, but when I found out about you my dear,I was overjoyed. Your whole family was out of the picture. " He smiled deliciously. It made me sick.

"But then when Kyle and Erik became friends and found me, your whole plan fell to the ground. Am I right?" I asked and he stared at me with wide eyes slowly nodding his head.

"You never counted on Kyle actually meeting the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. You never counted on him actually falling in love with me did you?" he shook his head no. "Let me guess, you want to draw Kyle here so you can tell him this long drawn out story about how my family is the bad guy and how he should hate me and Erik?"

"Yes, and it will work." He said. He got a text message and checked it. He whistled slowly before looking at me."Looks like you'll be here a while. Make yourself at home Devyn. If that's even possible" He said laughing as he walked out of the room.

Kyle, you better find me. I need you.

I thought to myself before laying on the small mattress in the corner and falling into a fitful sleep.