Chapter Two

I knew that the girls would know that I had been gone too long and come looking for me. I needed to call the cops for help, but I had dropped my phone at the bottom of the stairs and it would take too long for the cops to get here. And by the time they did I would already be dead. There would be no way of getting my phone with the man behind me, I was trapped. I closed my eyes, making a silent prayer for the man holding a hand on my mouth and both of my shoulders tightly would let me go. "I'm going to let you go now, Princess." He whispered in my ear. "Don't run and don't scream, or I will have to cause you pain." His voice was like ice, as he let me go the green light faded and the barn became dark. My pulse quickened, faster than it already was. I didn't like the dark, it made me feel claustrophobic. And this darkness was almost like you could slice through with a knife. As he let me go, I elbowed him in his jaw. A move that my mom taught all as girls before we started to leave home for school so we would know some kind of self defense in case anything were to happen. It was a small thud, he wasn't fazed by my attack. He gripped my wrist and yanked my arm back behind my wrist causing a hot pain to go through my arm. "Foolish woman." He growled, his chest vibrated as he spoke against my back. I hissed in pain as he tightened his grip on me.

"Let me go, asshole!" I tried to pull away again, but he was like a python. The more I struggled against him, the tighter his grip got. My arm was starting to throb, and tears were beginning to form from the pain and the fear of what this man could possibly do to me.

"Stop this nonsense, they should be here soon enough." He sounded bored, uninterested in the whole situation now. But his grip didn't loosen, in fact he started to dig his nails into my skin.

They? Who are they? I needed to get to my phone to call the cops, but I had no idea how I could get him to let me go so I could try. Calm down, Miriam, relax and come up with a plan.

"Miriam?" I heard Karli's voice from outside, relief flooded over me. My sisters noticed that I was missing, and came looking for me. I was saved, but my relief soon ended when my attacker tensed up and I started to fear of him hurting my little sisters made me start to panic. "Where are you sister?" I held my breath wishing the girls would go away, go back in the house and call 911 off the house phone. I prayed that they wouldn't come to the barn and look for me. Go back in. Please. I warned them in my mind.

There came a popping sound and the bright green light from the mirror had returned and I watched two more men step out of the old antique floor length mirror resting against the wall. They wore almost matching green uniforms, and by the looks of it they were wearing some kind of military uniforms. Both in a green coat with a brown pattern emorbered on with tiny golden buttons. Although they were dressed the same, they each had different weapons and they were strange looking too. The first man who came out was my height, he was slender and his skin was a golden brown, and seemed to glow as if he was a soft golden hue that surrounded him always, and his irises were yellow as if it was made from pools of sunlight. He wore a golden sword low on his hip, and he greeted me with a crooked smile. The second was just as handsome, but he was much taller. He was strong looking, and his face was completely emotionless, as if he was a warrior. His hair was a dark brown, and his skin was a soft tan that was almost as similar to the first, his ears were pointed like the elf from Lord of the Rings, and his eyes were a soft golden color. There was a bow and arrows strapped to his back, but he also had a golden knife resting on his belt.

"Général Alois." The first man out of the mirror bowed deeply to my attacker. He seemed to be the youngest out of the three intruders. But he was just as frightening to me as the others. "Is she the Princess we've been searching for?" they keep calling me princess, but why?

They came out of a freaking Mirror. My mind screamed. I must have fallen and hit my head during the struggle, because what I was seeing wasn't possible. I must be losing my mind. What the hell is this?

"Correct, Sir Bemus. This little lass is our Princess, looks just like he said she would. And she is a feisty one at that." My capturer, I mean Général Alois since he now holds a name, finally let me go and I stumbled forward, almost losing my balance in the process.

"You didn't explain anything to the girl, did you Général?" The archer spoke, his voice was soft, unnoticeable almost. But yet, if in a crowd I would be able to hear it. His voice gave me chills, in a good way and it sounded like the wind going through the trees.

"I was waiting for you." My capture snarled and cleared his voice. I looked up at him and wanted to throw up, his skin was a nasty green and his skin was bumpy. He had a yellow tusk growing out of his mouth and had black beady eyes. "Now that we all decided to show up here, I will explain it simply for you, Princess. In a way that you could understand." The Général lips curled into a smile. "You are the princess and your father -the Erlking- wants you to return back to the Seelie court from whence you came, the reason why I don't know. These are your knights Bemus and Easton, the Erlking chose them for you. Let's go."

"W-wait? What are you talking about?" He sounds like a crazy man, and looks like a crazy man. My head was spinning, they were going to kill me. I just knew it. Bemus's hands gripped my shoulders tightly, but the Général just snapped his fingers.

"Your father is excited to see you, Princess." The swordsman said, the Général pointed to him when he was introducing them, which made him Bemus and the other Easton. I glanced at Bemus, he had a kind face. And out of my kidnappers I felt as if he was the kindest. "Let's make haste, and return to court quickly, shall we?"

"Who are you, people?" I snapped, pushing away his hands. "And what do you want with me?"

"We just told you girl!" Général snarled at me.

Bemus took my hands into his and kneeled, bringing them to his lips he looked at me and said, "Fear not, we do not bring you harm."

Ripping my hand away I stepped back, stumbling. I could hear Grace running above us. She was confused and upset. I had to get to her, to them both. "Go away." I snapped. "All of you, before I call the police."

"Miriam!" I heard Grace screamed, and by the sound of her voice I could tell that they were at the barn doors and they were on the verge of tears if not already there. I needed to escape and take the girls in the house and lock the doors. And just stay there, away from these lunatics.

"As orders of the King, you are to return with us!" Général snapped, he reached forward and he gripped my upper arm tightly. It felt like he was about to snap my bones in two. I screamed in pain and the monster dropped me

"Général, don't hurt her!" Bemus protested and looked at me. "Sorry, Princess," he looked at me with sad sunshine eyes. "But we can't return home without you." It was then when I noticed that Easton had disappeared, and then I felt a cool hand slip through my hair to my scalp gently. Combining the hairs back in what seems to be a calming gesture.

"Princess, why don't you sleep for now?" Easton observed so calmly.

"Sister!" Grace screamed on the top of her longs, but darkness was slipping into my vision. My body was feeling lighter and my eyelids heavy.

Grace. Karli. I need to go to them. I need to protect my sisters, Mom and Allen are going to be here soon. If I am gone they will forget that I existed. I need someone to save me.

In a blink of an eye, I fell into darkness as if I was 'Alice In Wonderland'.