Chapter Three

As I began to wake up from my sleep, I could smell something sweet and spicy. And with my eyes closed I attempted to figure out the scent, was it mint or was it cinnamon? I could feel my body move, and I knew I wasn't walking nor was I in a car. It felt as if I was being carried by someone. But by who? "Easton." A gentle voice said loudly next to my ear brought all the memories back. The three kidnappers who came out of the mirror, saying that were knights who were taking me to a king of some sort. "Why don't you let someone else carry her?"

"I'm fine." A deep voice vibrated against my cheek. It was deep and loud by the simple nearness of the voice. I could listen to it more often.

"But, you have been carrying her for the last three hours. Don't you need a rest?" The other person protested, was I an object to them? I wanted to open my eyes, but I felt that I couldn't. I felt nausea and my eyes felt glued shut. I was so confused about what was happening, in the world around me, and I was too tired to open my eyes, but I was too tired. "I don't want to fight any more goblins, you can fight them and I will carry her."

"There are no goblins here."

"Not yet, but they can come any moment. I can smell her from here, she smells tasty." A third voice said and now I really wanted to wake up and run, but it seemed as if I couldn't.

"Général she is of nobility, the Erlking will kill you if he hears you say that!"

"Bemus." The Général was ignoring what Bemus had said, my eyes opened and through my eyelashes I could see my kidnappers, but they were blurry and my eyelids were heavy. "If he wants to carry the woman. Let him, he is the fool." There was a slight groan right before I drifted away.

After another dreamless sleep, I cracked my eyes open for the first time in a while. I wasn't in my home, nor was I in the barn. I was outside, the baby blue sky was high above me and it was spotted in between bright green leaves. Somehow I managed to be in a forest. I opened my eyes wider to see more of the environment around me, I noticed that everything was in such a vivid color.

I also noticed that I was being carried about, I looked up to see who it was and took me a second to recall the three men who came from a mirror. Calling me their princess and saying they were knights and something about a king. The green light in the barn, and the cans moving on their own.

I was being held tightly by one arm watching as the other arm cutaway vines or pulled himself and me up. I looked at the face of who was carrying me. Amber eyes had flecks of gold. Easton, the one who had solemn features and the one who carried a bow. He gripped a tree branch and pulled himself and me up a large boulder. The cold one. "Glad you have finally awoken." His voice was toneless. "Bemus!" He turned his head staring behind him. He dangled from the tree branch, one foot hanging, and the other resting on the edge of the boulder. "Hurry up! If you are to be head of her bodyguards I insist you make haste." I gripped onto him, afraid to let go and tumble down. I watched behind Easton as the golden boy jogged his way through the trees. He stared up at us and then smiled widely, to me he seemed kind. Maybe I could convince him to take me back after all he seemed like the kindest out of them all?

"Princess!" He chatted cheerfully. "You are awake. Finally after three days." Easton planted both feet on the top and sat me to my feet in front of him. His hands lingered lightly on my waist holding me in a steady position. It felt as if I hadn't been on my legs in years, they were like rubber and wobbly like the legs of a new deer. I gripped the front of Easton's uniform jacket to keep from falling to my death. The other one of my kidnappers, Bemus, jumped up from the below to where we stood in seconds with each of his steps a quick and elegant movement.

"Um." I was confused. My brain knew what was happening, but yet it felt like a dream and I felt the back of my head for bumps and dents. Maybe I fell down the stairs? Maybe, but why would I be here? Bad dream? Acid trip? I wasn't going to let a possible explanation escape my mind, and one thing was absolute:

I need to escape whatever nightmare I'm in.

"You're confused." Bemus laughed and rested his hand on Easton's shoulder, but his hand didn't stay long because Easton pushed it off of him. Wiped it off like it was just a piece of dirt on his uniform.

"Where is the third guy?" I queried them, both Bemus and Easton had weird looks. Their faces showed that they were confused as if I just spoke in a third, unknown language to them. "The third one of you." Idiots. I glanced between them, keeping my eyes open, I crossed my arms. I need to escape here, without them looking. The only problem was they wouldn't get very far. If they are good kidnappers at least, I hope.

"You mean Général?" Bemus hesitated slowly and I nodded, both of the boys - I guess they are young men from their features, at least. Both of them stood so close to me. Each boy had super strong smells, but not a horrible very pleasing scent. Bemus carried the scent of a campfire and pine needles. While Easton smells of sweet cinnamon or even mint possible. It was something spicy and a cold smell, something that I enjoyed. "Ah, well, he went ahead of us. Probably almost to the palace by now." Easton blinked his beautiful ambered colored eyes, the most beautiful eye color that I have ever seen in my entire life.

"The palace?" Bemus laughed, gripping his sides. It was as if I just made the funniest joke in the entire world, and I glared coldly at him. There has to be a way that I could escape them both. Maybe if they fall asleep. But the one thing that I don't understand was why I wasn't tied up.

After a while and a few glares from Easton as well, Bemus wiped the corner of his eyes and took a shaky breath. "Let's go." He said, jumping to the next boulder, he laid on his stomach and held his hand out for me. Talking it, he helped me up and Easton lifted me from below. Using his hands, cheerleader style he pushed me up from my feet.

I never wanted to be here. Please tell me this is a dream. I thought. This has to be a dream. I banged my knee against the rock hard, I could feel it start to bleed and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I knew then this wasn't a dream then. It was reality, a horrible, horrible reality that I wished would change.\. My chest swelled with sadness, I missed my family. What happened after I disappeared? How long has it been? Did Bemus say three days?

When Bemus pulled me up to my feet and after he brushed the dirt off my knees carefully. And then he turned, he was helping to pull Easton up from below. This was my chance. Seeing that it might be my only chance for a while, I took it. I bolted deeper into the trees and away from them. Behind me, I heard the surprised cry out from one of them. Bemus maybe? But I knew they were chasing me. Hold on, guys. I thought. I'll find a way home.

But I didn't get far away when one of the men grabbed me from behind. And a familiar feeling spread over my body and I fell into the darkness once more.