Chapter Twelve

For two days, I laid there in my bed. Tricia had come in, offered me food, and when I didn't say anything she simply left. I had a few visitors, mostly Bemus and Easton, but I had Tricia turn them away. And on the third day, I got up and was sitting on my chair near the window. Tricia didn't say anything, nor did she ask about the bruise around my neck. But I could tell she was relieved.

Tricia and another maid had dragged the wooden tub to the room and began filling it with water, while the other maid began to strip the bed. I didn't say anything as I continued to look out across the landscape. It was cloudy and I could smell the rain, there was a thin fog that draped the trees that surrounded the castle. When she walked over to me, she laid her hand on my shoulder. With that, I stood and Tricia helped me undress and helped me into the tub. She poured a white liquid in around me. It smelt of milk, honey, and maybe lavender. It was soothing, and I sank in lower, letting it cover my body. The water was warm, it was making me sleepy.

It wasn't long until there came a low knock at my door and with an angry grunt, Tricia went over to the door and answered it. As she did another maid came and started washing my hair with a different bucket of soap and warm water. "That guard of yours is here, Madam." Tricia grumbled when she returned and began to fill the tub with more water. "Want me to tell him to go away?" Tricia looked at my face, and although I wanted to stay in the room and never leave, I knew that I needed to leave eventually.

"Do what you want, Tricia." My voice was hoarse still, even though I haven't spoken at all since Rowan visited me a few days ago. Tricia possessed a large smile on her face and scrambled to the door.

"Go away." She yelled before she got to the door when she flung the door open she repeated herself before slamming it in what looked like Easton and Bemus's faces. The door got caught by one foot.

"Princess," Bemus's voice rang into the room. "Lord Silvius requested to have breakfast in his room this morning." Tricia placed her hands on her thin hips.

"She can't have breakfast without a bath, and she can't bath with two men in the way!" Tricia snapped, I crossed my arms over my breast and sank lower into the tub, trying to hide as much of my naked body as I could.

"Ah thank you, Bemus." I smiled tiredly. "Please tell him that I accept his invitation." I nodded my head for them to go, it would be good to go and to eat something since it has been a minute since I last ate.

"Now go away before I skin the lot of you!" Tricia slammed the door shut, and if I was scared of anyone here it would be hands down being herbe her.I closed my eyes and held my breath as I slipped my head under the water.

What am I going to do about Rowan? I thought to myself as I came back up to the surface of the water. He seemed upset, maybe he blamed me for the tea. I ran my hand through my hair, squeezing excess water out. Maybe he didn't mean it, after all, he stopped after all. I so badly wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, I didn't want to judge him so quickly like others. After all, the rules and laws here differ then they do at home. And I was the only human that I know of here, there were elves, goblins and demons all around that maybe he didn't realize that I was much weaker than those around us.

I wanted to believe that he was good, but he was making it so hard to trust him. Maybe I should confront him about it if I see him.


Tricia dressed me in a long dark blue dress today, one with white lace around the square neckline. It had to be the second prettiest dress I wore since I have been here. Tricia curled my hair and piled it atop my head, and she even placed a few baby breath flowers in my hair, which simply made me feel like a fool, but I thought I looked pretty so I let her keep them in. But without question Tricia found a wide black ribbon and loosely tied it around my neck to hide my bruises. Luckily for me, the bruise has already begun to fade. She walked with me to my bedroom door and with a shaky breath I opened it to find Bemus and Easton waiting for me. "Good morning." I greeted them and they bowed to me as they usually did when they would greet me.

Bemus and Easton walked closer to me than usual, they seemed like they were more anxious than usual, too. Every few seconds they would stop, watch each servant intensely as they passed with their hands on their weapons before walking again when the servants were gone. "What's wrong with you guys?" I inquired with them as we climbed the stairs, trying to break the silence between us. I'm still not used to having to hold the hem of a dress up as I walked upstairs. The dark blue dress was much heavier, more than what it looked.

"The Dragon still lingers on the grounds," Bemus muttered, he waited for me at the top with his hand held out for me. I was already winded going up the flight in my twenty-pound dress. And my heart sank, I felt like they knew what the Dragon had done to me. But I wasn't going to say anything, I would let them ask me first.

"He has been here for a few days now," I remarked. "So I wouldn't be surprised if we ran into him in these halls." Easton came close up to me, he put his hand on the small of my back. I shuddered and stopped walking as he lowered his head near my ear. My heart began to race. He knows, my brain screamed.

"He committed another murder last night," Easton whispered in my eye and a chill went through my spin. It was someone else that passed, not me. It was almost me. What i didn't understand, how did they know that it was him and if it was him why haven't they imprisoned him? "Although he killed a servant, it is our utmost importance to safeguard you." I looked up at Easton, his crimson eyes glistened and I slowly nodded my head. Easton was very handsome, and I knew that he was strong. I felt safe around Easton, I wanted to tell him what had happened and was confined in him. But I was afraid of what he would say or do. He probably wouldn't say much since he hardly does.

"Easton." Bemus snapped his fingers and Easton straightened up, my cheeks were scorching hot. "Where are his rooms again?" Bemus scratched his head giving us a worried laugh, and for a moment I forgot that Bemus was just a kid. With a deep sigh, Easton began to lead the way. We soon came to the end of the long dark hall that had lacked any windows, and held very few candles. Easton knocked on the door in front of us, and it slowly came open by itself. I jumped at the door opening, but I still followed him in with Bemus right behind us. The door entered into a large circular room that had a large pool right in the center, the water in the pool was still as if it was made of pale blue glass. On the opposite side of the room were large glass windows, floor to ceiling. Near the large windows, was a large canopy bed, filled with a vast amount of pillows. Beside it and hidden behind two large marble columns was a circle table piled with food.

"Princess Miriam Tyndall, it is an honor for you to come here, your majesty." A voice echoed throughout the large room. Easton and Bemus fell to their knees. The pool room was empty. Suddenly the water vibrated and there was a large splash.

I swallowed hard as Lord Silvius walked out of the water. He was different looking than when I met him the day before. His skin wasn't as blue as it had been when I first saw him nor was he old looking either. His blue-ish hued skin was smooth and all the wrinkles that had made him look ancient were gone, and his eye was a soft pale blue that seemed to mirror the color of the water. His hair the color of ink was pulled to his left side and put together with a large purple bead and a blue shell ponytail. He was almost as handsome as the Dragon, so much so that there was no way it was the old lord I met before. Couldn't be, it was impossible. He had to be someone else. I couldn't believe it, just yesterday he was an old man. And now, he is freaking hot and looks like he was in his twenties.

He smiled at me. "When I am away from the water a certain amount of time, it ages me." I blushed, Easton looked up at me. But I ignored him, my companion. "Come now, we mustn't keep this fine breakfast waiting." His blue and purple scales glittered in the light and his sharp teeth were white and gestured to the table.

I walked with him to the table, my hand resting in the crook of his arms. Even though he just came out of the water, Lord Silvius was dry. "Forgive me for asking, my lord." Lord Silvius flashed a smile down at me. "But why did you ask me for breakfast?" Bemus and Easton followed behind us in silence, watching me intently and it made me so nervous when they did that.

"You look identical to my dear sweet sister," he looked ahead and for a moment his smile fell. "I long to dine with her once again." I looked down at the floor, his sister. He seemed to miss her, I missed my own even though I hadn't seen her since she left for college when I was thirteen. "But of course, dining with our hero is an equal honor."

"I am no Joan the Arc." I scowled, I'm not their hero. I want nothing to do with the murder of the Dragon. He killed someone, I reminded myself. He could have killed me the other night. But he didn't finish. Why? I pushed those thoughts away, he could have but he didn't. But still that single question lingered in the shadow of my thoughts, why didn't he?

"Of course you're not, dear." Lord Silvius smiled as we came to the table and he beckoned me to sit. And when I sat he pushed my chair in. "But, I don't wish to discuss King Rowan's demise early in the morning. Nor would I like to discuss my late sister. Neither one is good for the digestive system."

"Then what would you like to discuss, my lord?" I questioned him. He pressed his lips together and looked towards the window, thinking hard.

"Are you married?" He asked me slowly, a question with caution.

"No, of course, I am not." I frowned. "Is that a proposal?"

"Of course not, my dear. I already have three wives and wish to take no more." He smiled, he placed his elbows on the table, leaned forward and placed his chin on his hands. "Do you plan to become married?"

"Of course." I looked over at my two guards, Easton's eyes met mine.

"Any suitors?" It felt like I was being interrogated, but nevertheless I shook my head. There were boys that I liked but now I was interested in it. "Tell me, are you still pure?"

"Pure?" I asked him. What the heck did that mean?

"Are you still a virgin, young Princess?" Of course, I am a virgin. Guys typically don't talk to me back at home, let alone want to have sex with me. They hardly even notice me.

"How is that any of your business if I am or not?" I asked slowly.

"It is a simple question, no?" He raised his eyebrow in suspicion. "Answer it." I stood from my chair, he was asking way too personal questions, one that a stranger didn't even need to know. Things that I wouldn't even tell my parents let alone a complete stranger.

"That is a private topic that I have no desire to share with anyone," I slammed my hands down on the table. Hard enough it shook a glass of orange juice. "Let alone a person who I barely know. Furthermore, sir, it is extremely rude to ask such a thing to a lady." I would make Tricia so proud. "I happen to be offended by such a question." Lord Silvius was speechless, good. Let him be. "Good day," I spun on my heel as he stood. "Bemus, Easton," I ordered them to follow me.

I heard Lord Silvius laugh a heartfelt laugh. "You have spunk, that might help you survive against the Dragon." He called after me. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything that could get me in trouble. I left the room with the rude lord and pool behind. But before I got to the stairs, Easton grabbed my wrist.

"Walk with me." His voice was soft, and yet so demanding I nodded my head quickly. Bemus stepped back, bowed, and walked down the opposite side of us.

"Where are we going?" I was blunt with Lord Silvius but I quickly regretted my tone towards Easton.

"You'll see." He didn't smile as he tugged me along by my wrist. Tricia would have an absolute cow if she saw this, I am pretty sure the king would too. But at the moment, I didn't think I cared. Let them.