Chapter Thirteen

"Where in the world are we going, Easton?" I asked him as we made our way down another hall, I quickly looked around me, remembering each turn. The area in which Easton was leading me was unfamiliar to me. Of course, in normal Easton fashion, he uttered nothing nor made a single movement that indicated some sort of reply. His silence as it usually did me nervous, but for some reason this particular time, I was beginning to become frightened. He was a very fast walker, something that I always understood. But today it was much harder to chase him, so today I was jogging just to keep up with him. "Easton, can you just stop. Jesus." He kept walking, pulling me down another corridor. "For the love of God, I said stop!" I stopped walking, causing him to come to a jerky stop.

"Princess." My heart skipped a beat, my palms were beginning to sweat. "Would you like to perhaps marry?" He blurted to me, his voice was low and even. He kept back to me, looking down the hall opposite of me.

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about marriage, your future. Princess." He looked down at me, his gaze was even and cold. "I'm not talking about today, certainly not tomorrow either. But perhaps in the near future. Would you like to marry?" He stared down at me, his face was serious and was making the hair on the back of my neck.

"Well." I was taken aback by his sudden outburst. I wasn't sure how I should approach this conversation, especially since we were hidden away and I didn't want to upset him. But this was definitely not a conversation I ever dreamed to be having with him. Definitely not in a hallway that looked as if it hasn't been walked in for centuries. I needed to be mindful of what I reply. "Of course, but that would be way into the future. A long time from now, Easton." Like after I graduate from school and college, then, of course, I would love to get married to someone. But I want to marry someone who I loved, that I truly loved. One that I knew and of course someone I dated for like at least two years.

"So, perhaps after all this would you like to marry?" He studied me, his face wasn't its stone-like as it usually was. He had a small smile starting to make its appearance on his thin lips. "After you end the Dragon. Will you marry then?" There would be no way in hell that I could kill him if I wanted to. Rowan almost killed me the other night, I would have no chance. I didn't dare give Easton that bit of information.


"I will never be able to give you the life a princess deserves," he cut me off, "but when I make my promotion as General then I can give you a comfortable life, I could treat you as a queen. I can make you happy, that I promise you much."

"Wait." I blinked slowly, trying to process what was happening before me. Moments ago, the old bastard had said he wanted me to marry Rowan, and now this? I feel nothing for him. "You are wanting to get married. To me?" I spoke slowly, I didn't want to break his heart. I considered Easton my dearest friend. I never had anyone confess to me like this before. His face was getting closer to mine, too close for comfort. His breath was warm on my face and I could smell the spicy scent of cinnamon splash on my breath. "That's flattering and all, but-"

He suddenly gripped my face in between his large, scorching hands, and then in a single breath he pressed his lips hard to my own, they were soft and wet. I blinked and the time slowed and then came to a complete stop, but as soon Easton started to snake his arm around my waist, the time came back. I shrank away from pushing at him trying to get away from as possible as I could. But his grip on me tightened, I felt trapped and my pulse began to pick up. I slapped him hard, my hand stung and his cheek had a red handprint. My heart was racing and disbelief crossed his stone face.I backed away from him, I knew I needed to get away from him. He deserved it, I quietly told myself.

He was rubbing his cheek. "I meant no harm, Princess, was only displaying my affection toward you." His voice was quiet, he was in shock and that enraged me. "For you have my heart. I belonged to you." He was confessing his feelings for me, guilt weighed heavily down on my chest, for getting mad. He was awkward, and I felt cruel and I couldn't even think of any way that I could have made him think anything different.

"I'm so sorry, Easton. I don't return your feelings. I only see you as a friend." There was a slow clap and a deep chuckle that caused me to screech out loud, it made Easton straightened.

"Well, that was very amusing." A chill went through me, and Easton pulled out his sword and kept his other hand uncomfortably low on my hip, I swatted his hand away from me. Which was odd for someone to do when they have been rejected. "Word of advice to be a great general, learn your surroundings."

"Dragon!" I gasped, never had I been so excited to see one person. Especially Rowan, who tried to kill me the other night for no reason. My heart sank to the pit of my when I got a better look at the evil king. How long was he standing there? Please tell me he didn't hear the part where Easton mentioned about me killing Rowan. "I never thought I would be so happy to see someone like you."

"'Like you'?" Rowan gave me a puzzled look, and Easton gave him the coldest glare. I took a deep breath, swallowing my fear of the King in front of me. I wanted closure on why he hurt me a few days ago. Mostly, I wanted to escape from Easton. "Is that an insult?"

"Your highness." I walked up to him with determination in my eyes, I gripped his elbow, dragging him along with me. "If you would walk with me, I would so appreciate it." He coughed out a laugh, but didn't push my arm away.

"And why would I want to endure that, I remember the last time I took a stroll with you, Princess." Rowan gave me a smug smile, I could see one of his sharp canine teeth poking out. I stared him in the eyes, the beautiful color reminded me that he wasn't human. I swallowed a lump in my throat and gave him a coy smile.

"As do I, my liege." The bruise on my neck began to throb, it was reminding me that I needed to be careful around the man in front of me. "Should I show my father the gift you so kindly bestowed upon me?" His smile fell.

"No need, my lady."

"Princess." Easron grabbed my arm. "Let me return you to your room." I glanced at Easton for a split second and turned my nose up.

"No need." I waved my hand, waving for him to leave. "The king will kindly escort me." With a shaky hand I gripped the Dragons arm.

"Princess, I think you need-"

"Go on dog." Rowan growled. "Be gone. Your master has spoken."

"You do not-" Easton gripped his sword.

"Easton, leave." I ordered. "I do not need your assistance any longer this morning." Easton stared at me in disbelief, but it sooned passed and he bowed before spinning on his heels and walking away from us. "Now, shall we go?" I asked the Dragon.

"As you wish, pet." He adjusted his arm, moving my hand into the crook of his arm. I looked up at his face as we started walking. He was so tall and so beautiful, it was so hard for me to believe that he could hurt me, almost kill me on a whim. I wanted to believe that it didn't happen. I wanted to trust him, but the ribbon around my neck was a reminder that not all things were as they seemed. Especially with him. "So tell me, why are you walking alone and being kissed by that buffoon?"

"A what?" I was confused. "I didn't kiss him, it was forced on me." It made absolutely no sense, and by Rowan's reaction I should have known what he was talking about. "Forget it, I have something that I would like to know from you."

"Oh?" Rowan gave me a sideways glance and raised his eyebrows. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, confrontation was never my forte.

"Why did you try to kill me?" I blurted out, we came to a halt at the top of a flight of stairs. Servants carrying buckets and guards carrying swords passed the two of us, staring as they rushed past us. Rowan dropped my arm from the crook of his elbow and took my hand as he came to stand in front of me, facing me.

"Pardon me." A servant brushed past me, the scent of bad body odor burned my nose. But I endured as I kept my eyes off the handsome devil before me. With his gaze meeting mine, he lowered his body and brought my hand to his lips. As he pressed his lips on my knuckles, my pulse began to quicken and my cheeks began to burn.

"Do not fret," Rowan gently intoned. "I was never going to destroy you. Iwas simply punishing you."

"But you almost killed me." I snapped, it only caused the Dragon to give an amused look.

"Ah, well humans are weaker than I thought." Unbelievable, he was completely unbelievable. "We must move past those things," he snickered. "For I have already moved past you trying to kill me as well."

"I didn't try to kill you dimwit!" I scowled as he placed my hand back in the crook of his arm.

"Nevertheless, girl. Bygones be bygones." He sighed and patted my hand with his free hand. "The maid who brought it was punished for the incident."

The servant he killed. I shivered. That must have been the maid. "Then answer my question, Rowan." I glared up at him, and again he sighed.

"Goodness, I believe I am being interrogated." He snorted and looked back at me. "Ask if you must."

"Why do the servants call you the Dragon?" I asked him with a straight face. He stopped walking for a moment, blinked his eyes and had a straight face. I thought he didn't understand my question so I went to repeat myself when he threw his head back and gave a full belly laugh.When he calmed himself, he wiped a tear that had formed from laughing so hard.

"You are not very bright." He breathed. "I am an actual dragon, mortal. There are many types of beings here, girl." He spat. "I happened to be a dragon, you fool." He didn't look like a dragon, had no scales, no wings and didn't even breath out fire.

"Forgive me. I didn't mean to upset you." I muttered. He stared at me, saying nothing. We heard running down the hall, coming towards us to see who was coming in such a rush. And then I saw him, the man who sent me away when Rowan was poisoned. The one who looked identical to me, he frightened me as much as the Dragon did.

"Ah, prince Drayce. I was looking for you. Do you wish to spar?" Drayce, I've heard the name before. But where? The prince stopped right before us, he looked at me with pure disgust.

"Once a noble lord, now you keep company with a jade?" Drayce sniffed and gave me the dirtiest look possible.

"I thought your sister was a basket of oranges." Rowan chuckled, I looked at the two. I was too afraid to get in between the two conversations.

"That thing is not my sister." Drayce looked like my mom. He even had the same eyes as her.

"Well she was raised by your mother, vice versus." Rowan laughed and Drayce huffed. "I leave in the morning, and I was wanting to have some fun before I go. I rarely come to your court, so Prince, humor me for a while."

"Very well." Drayce nodded. "But she does not come. I can't stand the sight of her. She makes me want to puke." He insulted me. For no reason. I went to give him a snotty reply but Rowan beat to it.

"As you wish." Rowan nodded. "Shall I meet you in the garden around noon?" I felt left out, they were having a private conversation without me. And someone I didn't know from Adam was insulting me for no apparent reason.

"Very well, my king." Drayce bowed to the king beside me and sent me a go-to-hell look. "I will be on my way now." He walked around us, and we watched him as he walked away.

"He wasn't very pleasant." I commented out loud when he was out earshot. The Dragon chuckled.

"Miriam." Hearing my name made me jump, it felt like forever since the last time someone uttered it. I looked up at the Dragon's beautiful face, studying it. I heard someone coming towards us, with a blush I looked back to see who it was that had followed. Easton was coming close to us, he had followed us afterall. I wasn't surprised that he did. Rowan chuckled as he watched Easton, who had an unhappy look on his face. "It seems the walk is coming to an end." I looked back at the Dragon, he was bent at the waist some so his face would be closer to mine and that is when I noticed that he had a very faint brushing of freckles across his nose. "There will be a show tonight, dear." I could smell his sweet scent and it was dragging me into him.

"What show, Rowan?"I breathed, there was a grin spread across the Dragons' face.

"I cannot say, you will just have to wait and see." There was a warning in his voice, telling me not to question it anymore. Easton came in front of us and made a low bow. But I ignored him, I was to focus on Rowan. He is different from when he wanted to kill me. I thought to myself. Maybe that was just a terrible nightmare, maybe he isn't really bad.

"A threat against the royal family or against a royal family member is punishable by death!" Easton hissed, it was odd seeing him like that. It was odd for him to kiss me, but still, a lump in my throat formed.

"I wouldn't dare such a thing, honorable knight." The Dragon walked closer. Closer than before, he wanted me to hear something, something no one else could hear. He put his hands on my shoulder and leaned close to my ear. He bit my earlobe hard, I yelped and covered my ear with my hand, hiding it from him. Tears formed at the corner of my eyes as he removed my hand from his arm.

Easton drew out his sword, pointing it at the Dragon. "I shall kill you for harming my lady and mistress!" He snarled.

"You can't lay a hand on me," The Dragon exasperated, waving Easton off as he walked by. "I am a feared man." Easton growled, and I laid my hand on his sword, stopping him from causing more trouble then he has.

"Dragon." I shouted, he came to a stop. He kept his back to me, not moving and grew still. The few servants that were in the hall with us watched, surely gathering something to gossip about. He was waiting for me to speak, I pressed my lips together and straightened my back. "If you are as awful as they say, I have witnessed how cruel you could be. And yet, you were kind to me and though your words were tough, and yet your touch was gentle. It has me confused."

He looked back at me, with a half crazed grin. "You have me pinned as someone else, pet."

"He is evil, Princess. Evil as him must be destroyed." Easton growled.

"Even your lover boy gets it." My cheeks burned bright red as the Dragon turned to walk away. As he started walking, I realized I wasn't finished and debated whether or not to chase after him. And in the end, I chased after the Dragon. He walked much faster than I thought and with Easton following me close behind, I was running down the corridor while holding my dress skirt up and stumbling here and there over my heels, just to catch up. "King Rowan, wait!" I caught up to him, panting as gained ground. It took a lot of effort to run in the dress. I reached out and grabbed his arm and holding it against me tightly, behind me the sound of Easton chased me to a stop. "What are you planning?" I asked him panting, I was trying to catch my breath. He stared down at me, an peculiar emotion crossed through those beautiful eyes of his, one that I never seen in his eyes before but it was quickly lost.

"I am planning nothing." He smirked and for a split second, I thought about slapping it off his perfect face, just to watch that smirk disappear. But I only gripped his arm tighter, causing him to make a soft grunt. "Your watchdog is getting jealous." His voice was soft mumble, one that I barely heard and if I wasn't watching his lips perfectly form every syllable I wouldn't have known he even spoke. He nodded his head to behind us, and I looked in the direction he nodded. Easton just earshot from us, his arms were crossed over his chest and yet his face was blank and emotionless.

"Then let him," I straightened myself up, but keeping a hold on his arm. "They told me that you had killed someone this morning. I don't want to believe them." And yet I knew he could, the bruise on my neck showed that he almost killed me, too.

"In normal human fashion you are very naive." Rowan touched my neck with his free hand, running his finger over the ribbon hiding his mark. "Death follows me, human. I am an evil king, after all. I killed to get to the position I got, don't forget that."

"I don't believe them!" I declared. Unexpectedly, he gripped my face in both hands. His gloved hand was silky and cool on my cheek. In the corner of my eye I could see Easton reaching for his sword. "Easton stay put!" I shouted before he could run to me, I grabbed Rowan's wrist in each hand. My heart was thumping with adrenaline, and I was terrified. Afraid he would finish where he started the other day. "Did you kill someone, Rowan?" I whispered to him softly, I wanted to see the good and wanted him to say no.

"What would you do if I said yes?" In my heart, I already know the answer. But I wanted him to deny it, I wanted to have hope in him. I want to show the old kings that he isn't as evil as they say so I won't have to kill him. I don't want to kill him.

"I don't know much about this world, nor about you." His face was so close to mine, I wanted to smack him away. But a small piece of me wanted to kiss him, but I put those thoughts away and stared deep into his eyes. "But what I do know is that no one here likes you, and most people wish for your death." His eyes widened a bit, but I knew that he already knew that. "I need to know if I can trust you, or if what they speak is true."

"Mortal," he mumbled. "In this world, survive and to get what you desire it's to kill or to be killed. I have turned down the path to kill, I killed my own family to reach my goal." He continued, my heart felt heavy. "What they whisper in the night about me is true, my hands are stained with the blood of thousands of friends and foes. I can kill you right now, and finish what I started. Infact, the desire to kill you burns from inside." Deep in my heart, I knew he was evil. But he was so beautiful to even believe that he could, but so are monarch butterflies I guess.

"Rowan." Miriam, convince him that you are a friend. Kill him as the king urged and save your family. But I can't.. "I want to give the benefit of the doubt. But I've decided that I am going to save you." I declared and threw his hands off my face. No, I can't kill him. I can't kill someone, that's not who I am nor is it what I believe.

"You are signing your death warrant, Princess." I looked at Easton and he clamped his mouth shut.

"Miriam," Rowan drifted off into his own little world. "That's such a pretty name." He curled my hair around his finger, staring at the pale ringlet. My body grew deathly still. "Will it taste as sweet on my tongue when I take your life?" He mused as he took the strand of hair and placed a kiss there. My knees began to wobble like a newborn deer as he turned on his heel to walk away.

"Princess!" He didn't glance back at me, he kept walking away. His silhouette getting smaller and smaller as I fell to my knees, Easton caught me from behind holding me. Kill or be killed. I began to shake in fear, the aderline came to a halt and now I was feeling the effect of my fear. I'll do as the king wants and I'll prove he is saveable. But if I do what is asked, will I be able to return home? If King finds out what happened and what I said, he might kill my family.

"Easton." I stared at the place where the Dragon had disappeared. "Keep what had taken place a secret."

"Very well, Princess." Easton helped me to my feet, steading me so I wouldn't fall back down and then I allowed him to walk with me back to my room.