A Way Out

Lucas's Pov :

3 hours passed after our arrest. We were in a cell, outraged James, shocked Jessy and calm me. I was actually thinking about stuff such as where will they be taking the car now instead of thinking about that I just killed a person and about to drag my friends down for it. I was literally feeling guilty for not feeling guilty!

I then took a look around the room trying to figure a way out of the mess I made, as for now I surely needed time to figure things out, and I was sure that moments later an officer will come for questioning. And I was the only one between the three of us with no proper alibi, so I had to convince the guys to lie for me.

I first approached Jessy and said "Jessy... What're you going to tell the police"

"I'm going to tell them what happened... The three of us were hanging out and got arrested for no reason"

"but I wasn't hanging with you"

"yes you were man... Weren't you?"

I immediately understood that Jessy had my back now it was time for James. It was obvious that he had no intention of helping me but I couldn't afford him not doing it.

"James... What're you going to tell the police?" I said to the red eyed angry James who didn't even bother replying. I repeated the question many times, while his eyes got more red every time he heard my voice. I finally lost hope and sat thinking about how life in prison will feel like, a lot of bad food, a lot of lonely nights and surely a lot of fights. Wait! That's it! What a great idea to buy time!

I got up and stood in front of James who didn't even get the time to raise his head before I went knocking his head to the cell behind him till he passed out. I knew my way around fights so I was pretty sure he got a concussion. An officer hurried towards us and went off the books knocking me out for the mess I made.

I woke up in the same department but in a cell alone this time, and both James and Jessy were no where to be found. For the first time since the start of all this nightmare I'm scared. I guess the knock out brought me back to my senses. After a long - feels like 30 days - thirty minutes Jessy was brought to the cell next to me. But this time he had no intention of talking to me. And before long an officer came for me, I was took to an interrogation room.

"that was quite a show you put back there" said the officer while I sat silently waiting for him to tell me to confess of my crimes.

"anyway I understand why you did what you did" said the other officer.

"you do?" I replied.

"to be honest I didn't like him either" said the officer with a smile up his face.

Is there any chance that the officer knew the guy I crashed? And if so why would he share such information? The voices in my head kept asking questions till they were interrupted by the officer saying "anyway your bail was paid so you're good to go if you confirm your friends story"


"yeah you thought you could punch an officer and knock someone out and not pay?"

I kept silent trying to understand what's happening as he shew me Jessy's statement which says that me and him were together hanging out at the time of the accident while James was absent! What was Jessy thinking? Why put it all on James? Why not simply tell the truth? I forced myself out of the question to not draw suspicions by how surprised I looked.

I signed the statement and went out on fire dying of curiosity and confused as never before, I wanted to ask Jessy about what he committed. But his cell was empty, as my heart was with all these questions unanswered. At least there was still a question to answer : who paid my bail?

I got out to see my father standing by his car waiting for me, although I was now sure that he paid my bail I still rather staying in the cell for another day before talking to him. But I was driven by curiosity.

"what a great way to know your son is in town... By bailing him out" said my father.

"I don't recall telling you to bail me out when I get arrested"

"oh you're welcome son!... No I don't want the cash back"

"I'll pay you don't worry"

"let me guess... You'll steal a car and sell it"


"oh yeah I know... I'm not that easy to fool"

"I don't get it"

"you never did... Now get in the car we got a conversation to have"

"I'll walk"

"you will get in the car unless life in prison sounds charming"

I got in the car only to hear what he had to say, but he didn't open his mouth till I asked "so... What do you want to talk about"

"my whole life I've been trying to make you a better person but you always turn reckless"

"are you serious?! Well sorry to tell you but I have a lot on my mind right now to care about disappointing you"

"disappointing me?! We're way beyond disappointment! I've gave up on you a long time"

"so you brought me here to tell me that you want nothing to do with me? What a surprise" I said mockingly.

"I gave up on you yes... But I didn't agree on watching you going to jail"

As he said that we were outside the railway station. And my father said "I've booked you a ticket out of town"

"but I'll be hunted when they realize I'm guilty"

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen" said my father while I was surprised, relieved, scared, confused and making my way out of this nightmare!