What Goes Around Never Comes

Ray's pov :

I don't believe in karma, it's a myth to give weak people a hope. But luck is something I surely believe in... Although it hasn't been nice to me for the past... I can't even remember. Apparently being a dirty cop and surviving getting busted or murdered drains your share of luck.

But I thought I still had some luck left when I decided to leave my corrupt past behind and have a fresh start with my wife, she always wanted me to change my life. So some part of me believed that I deserve something good other than my wife... But not for long, life kept turning upside down, I kept hitting rock-bottom with no time to even get up. That moment I realized I ran out of luck.

I accepted everything that could happen to me but not my wife leaving me, she was and will be the most important, beautiful and good thing that I have. But anyway things went south when she came with that crazy adoption idea, I never wanted a son because I was miles away from being a role model plus I'm not a fan of commitments. But the fear of losing my soul made me proceed with no choice.

I remember the day we brought lucas home, I was looking for any reason to get out to the house no matter how silly it is, imagine going to the grocery nine times in one day. I guess I hated the idea of having a son, but the days passed and I got used to it, although sometimes till this day it feels weird.

Lucas was never the nice kid, his mom shew her disappointment always, I didn't care much in the first few years, but then I saw how deep inside being judged hurt him. I tried supporting him but I had no idea what I was doing so all my tries failed, finally I quit and just watched him growing filled with self hate.

As soon as Lucas finished high school he wanted to live alone... No surprise obviously, he had enough of trying to impress others and wanted to stay alone. His mother refused like he expected, so he thought that if he left town she can't refuse, which he did and went on working part times with no purpose but to be left alone.

He stayed out of town till I thought he'll never come back, until one day I got a call from a former partner telling me that Lucas is arrested, which sounded like no big deal till he mentioned the word murder. That's when I made a promise to myself that no matter what happens my son won't suffer more from this world no matter how guilty he is.

Lucas's pov :

As I got on the train I felt a relief for the first seconds, not long after I thought about all the unanswered questions. I ignored all of them except one, one of them just didn't leave me alone, every time I close my eyes I can think about nothing but where is Jessy? He could've left town, but what if not? I shouldn't leave him!

I got off the train before it moved and called my father.

"Hi come back to the station" I said to him.

"don't tell me you got off the train!" he said angrily.

"are you coming or not?"

"stay where you are"

Not long after my father came and I rode with him.

"you told me not to worry about being hunted by the police" I said "so why shouldn't I worry?"

"if you're not on that train then I guess you should worry" he said laughing "I do have a plan to get you out of this situation but there's no way it's going to work with you and your stupidity in town"

"just tell me about it... I might even help"

"there's no way your presence is better than your absence"

"you know what?! Don't tell me anything" I said and left the car heading to get a cab.

The first thing I had in my mind is to go to Jessy's house to meet him and find out why he did what he did, he had no reason to help me, nor to incriminate James. He was always a hard guy to understand but not to the perjury for no reason point, there's got to be a reason behind what he did.

I arrived to his house and knocked on the door but no one answered, I kept knocking for minutes, I knocked till my hand hurt. Why isn't he home? Maybe he's just out or in the backyard. I went to check the backyard but he wasn't there, I got back knocking again and still no one answered. I stayed in front of the house for hours hoping that Jessy would come.

It was getting late and I was tired from the past two days, I had no where to go but I still had my breaking skills and I wanted to see Jessy so I broke into the house and slept on the couch.

Around midnight I woke up, the lights were off in the whole house just how I left them. There was no sign of Jessy, but I looked around the house anyway. When I got upstairs I heard a walk downstairs, it sounded confident like someone who isn't sneaking. Is it Jessy? I hurried down and shouting "Jessy" but no one responded. I saw the guy who's in, it's not jessy ! The guy was tall and holding a gun! I turned around to run, once I turned another guy was standing behind me and he held me by the throat! I kept moving but he was strong, when I was about to escape his grip he hit me with his gun in my head and knocked me out.