Talk Lucas!

Lucas's Pov :

I woke up in a warehouse surrounded by a bunch of masked guys who kept staring with their deadly eyes on me. One of them stepped forward amd grabbed me by the neck and squeezed till I couldn't breath. I thought what did I do to them? Why am I here? I tried to remember what could've gotten me here.

The guy kept holding me by the neck amd staring only, before he broke his silence and talked.

"who sent you?" he yelled.

"what? No one... There's gotta be a misunderstanding"

"misunderstanding?" he laughed "I know who you are! And you know what you did!"

"is this about the house? Jessy's my friend, I know him"

"oh it's not just about the house" he said quietly before shouting "it's about everything!"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"me? I'm not talking today... YOU ARE!" he shouted and strangled me so hard that I couldn't even breathe. "Who sent you? What's your plan? Talk! Talk lucas! Talk! Talk!"

His voice kept fading... while I felt the sun of the morning on my skin and the light on my eyes as I slowly opened them to find myself laying on the couch I slept on last night. And there was no sign of anybody entering the house except me! So that was all a dream! How can that be!

My shock was interrupted by my father calling.

"I said I'm not leaving town!" I shouted.

"how is it wise to stay when you've been here for only three nights and you killed someone, stole a car, framed your friend for murder and broke into a house!"

"wait, how did you know I'm in Jessy's house?"

"well... I didn't until now" he said with a laughter "you can't be stupid enough to break into a house and spend the night in it! Stay where you are I'm coming to get you"

Moments later he was in the driveway. I thought if I go with him he'll then make me leave town. I can't... Not before I find Jessy. I snuck out the back door and found a place to hide. He searched the house for minutes and called my phone several times, but I didn't answer. He finally got in his car and drove away.

I got out of my hiding place and watched his car going. But before he disappeared I stopped a cab, and ordered the driver to follow him. He doesn't want to tell me about his plan... Well I'll find it out myself.

James' pov :

Years of friendship... Trust and respect... Mutual... Or at least that's what I thought. I always knew lucas was bad for me, I never liked him growing up. We always used to do stupid stuff together, but I always knew how to get myself out of it unlike him. That's not going to change today! Or ever for that matter. He can't make me fall for his mistake.

Not only that he got me arrested, but framed for murder by his puppet Jessy! And after all that he strikes me. I don't care if I live or die... But I'm not dying alone, not for something I didn't do.

After a day at the clinic I was sent back to custody. It's weird how the least people you fear make you end up in an orange suit. Both of them knew I wasn't guilty but they preferred framing me for no reason. They get to breathe the air of the free world while I pay for their sins. I'm going to change that one way or the other.

A guard came and told me I have a visitor. When I got to the room it was a guy I didn't know.

"I'm Mr.Smith" he said "my pleasure to meet you, your father hired me. I'm your attorney"

"my father... Why didn't he come to visit?"

"he also wanted me to tell you that hiring me will be his last favor to you. He wants nothing to do with you from now on"

"he said that?"

"I'm sorry to tell you that but he did"

"to hell with him if he wants to kick me while I'm down!" I shouted "he's not my concern... He'll never be, now do your job and get me the hell out of here!"

"alright calm down so I can do my job. Tell me about the night you got arrested"

"OK, I met Lucas and Jessy for the first time in a while. We hung out in a bar, lucas left us and said he had a surprise, me and jessy waited for him near the beach... And you know the rest"

"but Jessy's statement says Lucas was with him the whole time"

"that sob is lying! He would do anything for Lucas!"

"OK do you have anybody else except those two who can confirm your story?"

"I told you it was only the three of us... They got me didn't they?"

"we can't know for now, first we should try getting you out on bail before the trial. Maybe getting you out of custody will help for now"

"I don't care if I get out, I just want you to go after Lucas"

"there's no evidence against him"

"but his prints or DNA must be somewhere! Didn't they search the car?!"

"They searched but nothing was there, he must've been wearing gloves"

"no he wasn't, I remember looking at that coward's hands shaking with fear, there was no gloves at them"

"are you sure?"

"Yes, what does that mean did they miss something?"

"maybe, but I think someone destroyed the evidence" do you know anyone who might do so?"

" not for Lucas, he wasn't liked by much people. Me and Jessy were the only friends he had, plus the police were all over the car before we even got arrested which leaves no time for anyone to mess with it" I said "unless that happened after we got arrested"

"that can't be, once the car is with the police no way anyone can get to it"

"but his father is a cop"

"who's father? Lucas?"

"yeah... But that's impossible, they hate each other's guts. And he's not on the job anymore"

"he could still have connections, that's great information I'll look into it right away"

I left the room back to my cell a little happier than earlier but more excited and dying to get my hands on Lucas. He could hide behind his father... But not forever!