
Lucas's pov :

I followed my father trying to figure his plan, but how stupid was i to think it'll be that easy. Instead of taking me somewhere worth following he took me home. Just the same old ray staying home all day with his wife, he sure can't keep me out of bars by doing nothing, he's going to get out sooner or later.

After two hours of watching from across the street i got sick of sitting there and waiting for something to happen. So in order to make my father make a move i should call him and say that i want to talk, which i did.

"Hi" said i.

"What now?" said my father tiringly.

"Don't you want to talk? So let's do it, let's meet"

"I'm tired of running behind you do what you please"

"But you still want to keep me out of jail... So let's meet and i'll do as you say"

"Oh so you'll do as i say?"

"Yes... All you have to do is come meet me"

"Why don't you just come in and say hello to your mom and meet me eventually"

"What?" said i before he hung up.

He left me no choice but to go inside, but i'm not ready to see my mom yet. She is the reason i left town in the beginning, there's no way i'm seeing her... I have enough on my plate already.

Seconds later my father came out of the house walking toward me. He already spotted me so escaping was not an option.

"Haven't you ever wondered why people spy with cars... Not on foot" he said mockingly.

"A lot of reasons i suppose. But mainly i guess because they have cars!" i replied smiling.

"So... What's there to talk about?"

"I want to know your plan... You can't just save me without my help"

"That's a world you don't want to get into... I don't want you to get into"

"You know i'll just keep going after you till i figure what are you up to right?"

"I wish if you knew better than to do so"

So i replied while walking away "So let's agree to disagree... Father!"

There's no way my father is going to tell me what's going on so i'm going to have to find another way to know, and there's no better way than isaac. Isaac is my father's childhood friend... Almost his best friend. People who knew them back in the day say there's nothing stronger than their friendship.

Of course that changed when they went separate paths, my father became a cop while isaac went rogue on some point of his life. No matter how strong friendship is... Cops and cons just don't roll together. But since my father said something about a world i shouldn't get into, isaac must be involved.

I took a cab to an old garage isaac used to own, and stopped outside. It looked different from how it used to when i was young, the walls were full of graffiti, the place was all gangsters and the garage was full of low-rider cars. Now it looks like a normal garage!

I walked into it anyway and found a girl who seemed in charge. So i spoke.

"Excuse me can you help?" said i.

"Sure! What can i do for you?"

"I'm looking for someone... Probably the old owner of the place, isaac jones"

"Oh i see, actually mr.Jones still owns the place"

"Is that right? Then where can i find him?"

"He spends his time working in his bar two blocks from here, i can give you the address"

"Well thank you" i said before taking the address and heading out confused of how isaac owned a business that looked clean.

I got to the bar on foot since it wasn't far from the garage and went into it. There i saw what appeared to be isaac but nothing like the past, he was bald, bearded, wearing no chains and wearing something long sleeved. I approched him astonished by what i saw. He was bartending so i sat to be served, he came to me and asked "What're you having?"

"Just water" i replied. It seemed like he didn't recognize me, should i introduce myself? What if he notifies my father? I should lay low for now since he doesn't know me. Soon he came back with the water.

"So, you're expecting someone?" he asked.

"No... I'm alone"

"So who comes to a bar alone and orders water?" he said laughing "You sure do have a story behind you! "

"I'm staying off liquor these days, but i still like bars... That's all"

"Good for you, i'm off liquor too... I'm off a lot of stuff to be honest"

"Looks like you have a story behind you!"

"Yeah i guess... But a man have to put his past behind him, i'm sober now and a legit business man"

"Sounds like you were wild one day"

"Wilder than a cheetah... Or so they say"

"So what changed?"

"I just got old i guess, plus everything got to have an end"

"So isaac retired?" i said as a joke before realizing from his face expressions that i did something wrong... I shouldn't have said his name!

"Wait... How do you know my name" he said while grabbing me by the throat "Who are you? What do you want?" he shouted before punching me.

"I'm no harm to you, i'm lucas!"

He let go of me and calmed finally "Why didn't you just say earlier, you could've spared yourself from a punch boy" he said smiling.

"That's no big deal" i replied.

"So what're you up to, heard you made a quite comeback to town"

"You know about what happened?"

"Yeah i heard"

"Okay, so look my father is up to something and i don't know what is it, i thought you might be able to tell me"

"Go home boy, you don't wanna go down that road"

"My father left me no choice but going down that road"

"You left him no choice, he's doing all this for you"

"Okay then tell me what he's doing so i can make things right"

"It's already too late to do anything"

"Why what is he doing?"

"He's working as a secret informant for the homicide department so they don't accuse you of murder"

"But what does he inform on"

"The red aces club"

"No... That's dangerous, you know what happens if they found out"

"You left him no choice"

"How did he blend in with the red aces anyway... You vouched for him didn't you?"

"He needed a favor to help his son... I had to"

We argued for a long time before heading to my father's house... I had a few words to tell him. Isaac called him to meet outside since i didn't want to enter the house.

"Isaac! Lucas! One of you i can take but both at the same time... Lord have mercy" said my father while coming out.

"I can't believe you went undercover with the red aces" said i.

"You told him!" said my father angrily looking at isaac.

"Just listen to him for a second ray" said isaac.

"What you're doing is wrong" said i.

"Bad time to tell me to not go undercover, i'm already in"

"I didn't mean the undercover part"

"Then what"

"You're paying large for a small favor"


"Father... You just don't sell the red aces to some washed up cop downtown... You hand them to the feds!"