All Rise

Frank's pov :

Back in the late 80s when this town was small, A stock market crash called the Black Monday affected the whole country, half of the population unemployed. Laws became nothing more than ink on paper, all the families became frightened by the thieves who got into the job to feed their families. A guy named Lincoln Rawls established a group with his friends who were with him in the army to protect the town from the thieves. They worked as night patrols all around town, through the streets, in the gas stations and in every square in town there was a bunch of them.

At first they thought they've succeeded until it became obvious that the problem wasn't solved. Because all the thieves were only stalling due to poverty, they had no jobs to put food on their tables. And the government was in no better situation to help them. So Lincoln directed his men to recruit as much unemployed people as they can. And he got them to seed the fields around town with Coca. The police didn't stop him because they knew the crise that he was solving. He built connections with dealers all around the country, he helped all families in town.

But when the country got back on it feet and employment became easy Rawls was already drowning in money and power. Not long after most of his working power was gone to the point where farming was hard, also the police saw no reason to allow that illegal activity anymore so they made a move at him. With the connections he made by that time which he moved, he stopped implanting and started trafficking, not only cocaine but Marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin and other drugs. And called his gang the Red Aces.

By the late 90s he became a known kingpin. And he didn't stop at drugs, he expanded to all kinds of illegal works. Rawls had his hand in every suspicious thing in town, no one can mess with him, unless those who talk the language of mayhem. Even the police can't stop him now, whenever they step into his territory his small army load their weapons and things go south. So ever since the Red Aces became a federal case, but we can't make a move at him because his territory is full of civilians which can't be a collateral damage to the war that'll go down.

We had no idea about how to bring down that organization... And still don't, yesterday the bureau got a call from a Lucas Stanfield saying that he can help bring down the Red Aces, probably the boy has no idea what he's up against, which is why I rather not talk to him. But our protocol forces me to hear what he has to say.

While I was on my office drinking coffee... Decaf of course, I got a call from downstairs telling me that Mr.Stanfield is here. I rushed my coffee down my throat and put on my jacket and headed out. There was this confused looking young man and that sad face old man. I shook hands and said "hello I'm FBI special agent Frank Davidson, I heard that you can offer some help to the bureau in a local case"

"there's no helping until you agree on our terms" said the young man with a hard look.

"which are?" I replied.

"two patrol cars all the day around my father's house for protection"

"that can be done depending on how much helpful you are, is that it?"

"also a pardon for James Carls, he's accused with murder"

"that I can't do... Didn't you read what the building says boy? This is the FBI not the deamn governor!"

"if you bring down the Red Aces don't you think the governor will listen?"

I whispered "we'll see till then"

"and I want you to locate someone for me... Jessy Hampton"

"I'll see what I can do, but before I do any of that. What makes you think you deserve all that?" I said smirking.

"I'll deliver to you Lincoln Rawls in person"

"boy... If you got even close to that I'll do all what you say!"

James' pov :

I woke up hungry like always, but today my hunger was different... It was massive... It was unbeatable, and most of all it wasn't for food... It was for freedom because today is my hearing. I met early with my lawyer who guaranteed that we have a good chance in getting me out on bail, I got a suit from home for the hearing and had my hopes up. I got out of jail for the first time... Hopefully the last time. All the way to the court house I saw restaurants and kept wondering in which one will I be having my dinner tonight, I saw bars and wondered where will I be celebrating when they drag that piece of shit Lucas to custody!

I stood in court for the first time, by Mr.Smith, he looked confident so I asked "why do you look so confident? Are the odds that good?"

"they're great! there's no way you're going back to jail, just trust me"

"what did you find? Was there any evidence that intimidates Lucas?" I replied in excitement.

"there's no time to explain what I found now, the judge will come in any second, but I can tell you... He's going down!"

I was astounded about how a hard working lawyer can change the odds that much. But still I can't be happy till I'm unable to see any handcuffs in sight.

The judge walked in and a voice said loudly

"All rise. This court is now in session"