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One day earlier :

Lucas's pov :

I finally convinced my father to make a deal with the FBI instead of local police, it's never right to sell good merchandise for low prices... My father's deal sounds even like free. The feds can do a lot for us, at least more than the locals, but we have to come up with a solid plan before going to them.

"what do you want more than your freedom?" said my father when I brought the idea first.

"nothing... Believe me I want nothing but my freedom"

"then why not stick with the deal I'm already making with the police?"

"you think that me being out of jail is free? That's only free for now"


"What you think will happen if someone believed James and looked more into the incident, we have to shut James up"

"you're not planning on killing him are you? A killing son by accident I can take but not Mr.prison assassins"

"if I wanted him dead I won't talk to the feds"

"then what's the plan?"

"we'll get James a pardon"

"who will give you one?"

"once we bring down the Red Aces we'll be able to get one"

"you talk like if you're bringing down some corner boys, the Red Aces will see the feds coming"

"they're outlaws, present anything that's illegal and profitable and they'll let you in"

"OK let's say you brought them down, and James kept silent, what about your other disappearing friend"

"you mean Jessy? I'll find him, but even if I didn't there's no way he's going to talk, he's loyal"

"okay enough with you two criminal minds" said Isaac with a laughter "now tell me Lucas, how will you bring down the red aces?"

"through mind... " I replied "through mind"

"alright you can talk in mysteries as long as you want, we'll find out at a point" Isaac replied as he patted before leaving.

"son... Aren't you coming in?" whispered my father.

"I guess I have no choice... Unless I want to break in another house" I replied smiling.

We entered the house that I haven't got into for 3 years... There was my mother who stared at me with obvious disappointment, that wasn't new. Doesn't matter if I'm a killer, a scientist, a thief or an honest man she'll still be disappointed. I ignored the hard looks and said hello from far, I was tired already so I lied on the couch and fell asleep in no time.

James' pov :

I get why people hate court, everyone looks at you like if you're guilty. Although Mr.Smith guaranteed that I'm getting out, we're halfway through the trial and everybody still looks at me like ig I'm guilty.

I wish if my life just stopped when that voice said "All rise". As we all stood... All full of different kinds of motives. Then we sat and began the nightmare. It's funny how even if I was deaf I could tell that my lawyer was losing, but he never stopped trying... That's until the word came out "bail denied". He seemed so confident before trial that I'm getting out! And now here I'm with handcuffs not only in sight... But right around my hands. Right back to custody in the same road as the restaurant I planned on having dinner in tonight. There's no way this is real!

I asked for Mr.Smith as soon as I had the chance. He has some explaining to do!

"I'm sorry James" said Mr.Smith with a sad face when I entered the room to meet him.

"you said I'm getting out? Didn't you? What happened?"

"sit down I'll explain" said Mr.Smith before I sat down to hear him "I brought some evidence, the night after I talked to you for the first time, I read the police report and it was lacking a lot of information. So I went to the police station to see the officer who wrote the report... He was on a vacation"

"so I'm in this hole because a man decided to go on some vacation?!"

"possibly, but not likely. Because when I looked deeper, he left for vacation right after your report. It's like if they don't want him questioned about your case"

"what if you're wrong?"

"I thought that myself but what made me sure is that no one in the station wanted to say a word about the case" said the frustrated Mr.Smith "also most if not all of the evidence that belong to the case are missing... Or so they say"

"so that's why we lost?"

"no, that's why we were going to win, a such case with no hard evidence on you but a testimony of a guy who is no where to be found is easy to win if the evidence dissappear"

"then why the hell am I here!" I shouted.

"because whatever conspiracy you're a victim of... It's big, because the judge ignored all what I said, which means he's in on it. And believe me you're in the middle of something big if judges are involved"

"conspiracy? Why can't you just lie in a believable way about how we lost?!"

"I'm not trying to give myself an excuse but the judge was clearly biased against you"

"okay I'll believe that in the mean time, what's your plan now?"

"it's obvious that you're not getting any justice from court whatsoever... So we have only one choice, the media"

"with all due respect man... Media doesn't serve murder cons"

"it does if they're innocent... Aren't you?"

"you know I am"

"then have the spirit of one" he said "if your story got covered by the media who ever is behind this conspiracy will have to change plans"

"okay how will we get started?"

"I suggest we start with a newspaper, I'll contact a journalist as soon as I get out of here"

"I hope this time your actions are as promising as your words" I said before leaving the room back to my sell.