The Garage

James' pov :

It's weird how I haven't lose my mind already! First I get framed for a crime I didn't commit, my bail gets denied for no deamn reason and then my lawyer gets crazy about a conspiracy theory, but he can't be all wrong, his words made some sense. But how did a simple car accident get such a high profile to the point of a conspiracy?! There's got to be more into it! What did I miss? Lucas and Jessy framed me, if there's some conspiracy they'll surely know about it... At least one of them.

My lawyer sent over a journalist to meet me and see if she could make a story out of my words to help.

"sit down Mr.Carls" said that soft voice "I'm Jessica Wayne, nice to meet you. Now tell me all what happened from the beginning"

"didn't Mr.Smith tell you the story? Why do I have to go all over it again?"

"if you don't feel like telling the story again there's no need" replied that soft voice with a smile "but I preferred to hear it from you because you went through it not Mr.Smith, he might have forgotten some details, or there might be some details you forgot to mention to him"

"alright" I said before telling her all what happened ever since I met those two scums that night. After I finished she started commenting and asking.

"you said that Lucas wasn't with you at the time of the accident, but he was able to get to you and act normal before the police got to the car"

"wait wait! Are you trying to say what if he didn't do it?"

"I'm not trying to say anything, but how can he recover from such a shock so fast and try to get away?"

"you should ask him! I'm not a deamn psychologist!" I shouted.

"calm down I didn't mean to disturb you... I'm just trying to get all the angles"

"I don't know where this conversation is going! But I know one thing and its clear as the sun... Lucas is guilty!" I said while knocking on the table.

We sat avoiding eye contact while my blood was boiling from her thought that Lucas is innocent. Before she broke the silence and said "I'm sorry if you felt that I'm being biased against you... It's just my job to look at stories from different perspectives"

"just do your job and get the hell out of here" I whispered.

"okay your lawyer implied that there's a conspiracy built against you... What's your opinion on that?"

"his words make sense in some parts, but some parts just don't seem right"

"such as?"

"why would somebody conspire in such a hard way only for an accident?"

"hard way? Explain"

"Mr.Smith thinks that detectives, patrol officers, people from the station and a judge are all in on it"

"if that's right, the motive should be obvious"

"nothing comes to my mind"

"I'll look into it and see what I can find"

Lucas' pov :

I woke up by the sound of someone walking towards me, I opened my eyes and the sight was little blurry at the beginning, but the voice made me sure who was standing in front of me.

"don't you want to support your words with actions?" said Frank while looking down at me.

"yeah sure... Just give me time"

"I have all the time but I won't waste it on you sleeping"

"alright I'm on it!"

"before you get on whatever you think you're up to... Tell me about this James you're seeking pardon for"

"why? He's just a friend"

"you're got to be a good friend... Going through all this to help out your friend, or are you helping yourself?"

"that's not your concern anyway" I said while getting up.

"believe me I want nothing to do with whatever mess you're in, but if there's something I should know... Now is the time to talk"

"something like what?"

"something like that freind of yours is innocent, and he believes he's being framed"

"just like you said, you want nothing to do with that"

"I'm just trying to help you nothing more" he said smirking "because I kept some eyes on your friend, and he's been talking to the press"

"let him do what he wants for now"

"yeah that's a choice, but once you go undercover to the Red Aces, and they do some digging around you... They'll so that you have a locked up freind they'll do the math, which says that you're working with the police"

"okay I'll talk to him"

"you better hope he listens" said Frank as he walked out.

I found my father awake and we went to Isaac. The plan was to get an introduction from Isaac, he agreed to vouch for us but to go separate ways after that. The Red Aces hang out in a bar in their territory, so we drove through the streets which were filled with fear, all afraid of one man... The man that we have to take down for freedom. All the streets around the bar were closed by men, no one can drive with a car around the bar, everyone has to walk... A good way to avoid a drive-by.

We parked and started walking, all the eyes were toward us. You can, hear guns being loaded around you. At the door you have to be searched, we were unarmed.

"Isaac! Long time no see" said the guy at the door "what brought you down here?"

"these guys want to talk to Lincoln, they want to talk business" replied Isaac.

"they better have something good"

We got into the bar and there was every illegal thing that comes up to mind, weapons, drugs and prostitution. Just like the street... All eyes started staring at us. A tall man stood in front of us "what do you want" he said.

"we want to talk to Lincoln" replied Isaac.

"I'll deliver"

"no, we'll talk only to him"

"don't push it Jones, it's enough we got you in"

"we're talking to him one way or the other" I said while staring to at the guy.

"how about you never talk again in your life?" whispered the tall guy as he walked toward me.

"relax man, we don't want any trouble. We'll just talk to Lincoln, if he didn't like what we had to say, we will leave" said Isaac.

"oh don't worry, you'll talk to him brave guy. But there's no leaving" said the guy with a laughter "follow me"

He took us to the back of the bar where there was a door, behind that door was a small garage. There stood a man working on a car, he had scars all over his body... And the places with no scars were full of tatoos.

"Lincoln, these guy said they want to talk" said the tall guy before Lincoln turned and looked at us. "welcome to my garage gentlemen" said Lincoln "please make yourself at home... Now who wants to talk?"

I opened my mouth saying "I can help you with your work"

"can you? Please explain"

"you have a problem with your money... The police always seize your money, I can help guarantee that never happens again"

"oh yeah? Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass. It's true I had some setbacks lately, but it was dealt with"

"setbacks! You're loosing hundreds of thousands every week to the police" I said giggling. Which was clear for me in less than a second... It was a mistake.

"oh pardon me, you did your homework. Which I fully respect, and since you did your homework you know that I made millions in those same weeks, and it won't sound reasonable to jeopardize those millions for a couple of thousands by hearing whatever your idea is. Also since you did your homework I suppose you know how dangerous I am, and what shows me how great in business you are is how you think you can just walk in here and tell me how to run my work. And finally if you did your homework so good you should know that once you enter my garage I own you... Just like that car parked over there, and since I don't like your business offer. Your services are no longer needed, your can choose your last words wisely and tell them to my associate before he kills you. Now if you would excuse me, all that talking made me thirsty" said Lincoln while leaving the garage.

"you look like a screamer kid" said the tall man "we don't want to disturb the guys in the bar, so no last words for you" he said before picking up a rifle and striking me with the back of it in my head, everything went black.