We met again

Carl POV

It's Monday and today is the first day of school. I prepared the things I needed and go to school. When I'm there I just met my squad

"Hey Carl!"

"Long time no see bro" they said. Our squad have 4 members including me, there's Kai the handsome, many girls want him so bad. Second is Tres he's the richest in our group, he have dated so many girls but he think none of them is his damn forever. Aldrin is sporty and everyone love his smile, he can also play guitar and has a nice voice and finally, me, Carl I like to draw and have a softest lips but I freakin' don't like it I look like a girl.

"Let's just go to our class" I said

"OK, if you say so" Tres agreed with me and the others just followed

We're here in our room I'm writing about myself and I just ended it fast

The bell rings, the class ended. I grab my bag and Kai already has a plan

"Let's go to the bar" he said then we just agreed.

We headed home to change our clothes and I'm wearing a oversized white shirt with a black jacket and some pants. After that we are in the bar

"You gonna dance already?" Kai asked Tres

"Hell yeah. So many hot girls in here" Tres answered and danced even Kai and Aldrin too. And I'm just drinking some beer at the mini bar and a girl just sit beside me.

"One beer please" she ordered and the bartender give some beer already

"Hey" she greeted me

"Yo" I greeted back with a smile and drank some beer

"Your name is?"


"Hi Carl, I'm Irina" she told me her name too. We drink some beer while talking to each other until we get ourselves drunk

"Want to dance with me?" she said and I just nod. We stood up and I'm dancing with her until many girls came. They're kissing my neck, they're showering me some beer to and makes me wet.

Minutes later Aldrin just came and grabbed my hand

"Bro let's go, Kai and Tres just go home with their girls and I'm tired" he whispered

"Sure sure" I looked half asleep because I'm drunk already but I just walked then just fell to some human