Something's weird

Carl POV

I opened my eyes and saw it is a human. I just smiled and slowly bringing down my head because I'm sleepy and I just fall asleep

"O-ouch" I got a headache because I'm drunk last night. It's 6:01, I stand up and prepare myself for school

I'm in the university and saw my friends at the stairs infront of the main building

"Yo" I greeted them the others greeted back except for Aldrin

"Is he ignoring me?" I whispered to Kai

"I don't know" he answered

"Let's go the ceremony is about to start" Tres said

"Ceremony? Today? It should be yesterday right?" Kai asked

"Why are you asking me, I don't know either" Tres answered then we just go at the gym and sit

"Good morning fellow students. Let's start our ceremony right away!!" our mc or our senior Sean happily said

"For the first performance let's welcome the grade 9!!" he said

The ceremony continuous and the last performance came

"The Relievers!!!" the mc just announced the name of their band. The band led by Aries, singer and guitarist. Maki the bassist and Hiro the drummer and I can say they're more famous than us.

They played my favorite song of one direction, You and I

I listened and focused only on them.

"Hey" Kai called me and I didn't know the band just finished performing

"So you're really staring at me huh?" Aries said and smirked. He's speaking at the mic right now so everyone can hear him.

"He's talking to you" Kai said

"Me? Huh?" I'm confused

"Hi Carl, honey. Want to have lunch with me?" he asked, I pissed off because of what he said. What's with him? I don't even talking to him then he suddenly teasing me?

"Let's just go" I said to them then Kai and the others followed me. We're at the canteen and going to our room later

"What the fck is with him?" I asked

"Maybe Aldrin knows" Tres said and we looked over him. He sighed and start talking

"Last night Carl is just drunk and when we're about to go home then he suddenly fell in top of Aries and slept at top of him and they're about to kiss"

"So that's why you're ignoring me, are you jealous?" I joked and three of us laughed except him

"Hell no, You just slept and I got to carry you all the way home idit" he explained

The class ended and we're at the canteen and two girls are just going to our direction

"Hi Carl" the other girl greeted me and I smiled and greeted back

"Umm.... Can I get your n-umber?" she asked and offer her cell

"Sure" I said and grab it from her

While typing my number someone just grabbed my hand

"Who is she, honey?" It's Aries, you jerk. I looked at the girl and she looks confused and I'm trying to free my hand from Aries

"Let go... Let go" I whispered to him

"You just confessed you like me and now you're letting this girl know your number" he said that pisses me off

"Um... My cell" now she's asking her cell back. It's almost completed if Aries just doesn't came

"Here" I said and returned her cell and walk get away

"What the hell are you doing Aries?" I asked him

"Holding your hand" he answered while smiling

"Go away" I said and free my hands to him then walked away

We're at Tres's house and he just gave us some beer in can

"You're mother and father are not home?" Aldrin asked and Tres just nodded

"What club are you guys going next week?" Tres asked

"Arts club" I answered first

"Music club" Kai and Aldrin said

"Manga club" Tres answered with loving boys

"Since when you started to read manga?" I asked

"Before school and manga club has beautiful girls but I want loli's for now" he answered

"Loli's? You mean younger than you but cute?"


"Dude do you want to marry a grade 7 girl?" then he just stay silent