Forgotten wallet

Carl POV

I waked up because of the sound of my phone, I didn't alarm it why is it ringing?

I picked it up and an unknown number was calling

"Who you?" I asked directly

"Rise and shine" I-It's Aries's voice damn so early in the morning

"How do you get my number?"

"That doesn't matter now, stand up already or you'll be late" he reminded me and I checked the time it's 6:42 am. I stood up fast and go to the bathroom. When I finished I checked on my phone again, It's 6:58 damn in third day of class seriously? I must be tired yesterday, tired doing nothing

"Gonna skip breakfast" I told myself and ran fast, it's not so far so I could just run for it.

"G--Good morn-ing" I greeted with an exhausting voice

"You're late" teacher said

"U-uhm, sorry I'm late?"

"It's 7:13 and my class starts in 7:05 now tell me why are you late?"

"Umm... I forgot to set the alarm"

"You can't wake up without alarm?"

"Y-yeah and I had a good dream hehe"

"What dream is it?"

"It's raining foods"

"We're wasting our time now, just sit down already" finally she stopped asking questions

"Raining foods eh?"

"Maybe he's dreaming about her prince charming" Kai and Tres said

"Who's prince charming?" Aldrin joined

"Aries" they whispered and chuckled

"Prince charming, my ass"

It's lunch time and decided to go at the canteen by myself, others are busy watching some beautiful girls at the gym. I entered my hand to search for my wallet but I didn't feel anything. Did I forgot to bring it? Damn what an unlucky day. So I just sit at an unoccupied table and waited the lunch time end. While waiting I feel some headache and my knees are starting to became weak. The bell rings and I'm going back to our room and 3 or 4 steps I just fell and feel unconscious