
Carl POV

**"**What just happened?" I asked myself. I looked around and realized I'm at the infirmary and I'm still hungry

"You're awake" I looked at the door and saw Aries

"What you're doing here?" I asked him. He raised his left hand and there's just a scrape on it.

"Nurse said you're unconscious because you didn't eat properly and dehydration. Did you skip breakfast and lunch?" he's asking me?

"It's not your business"

"Ok, but just answer this. Can you walk?" he asked again

"Of course" I answered then he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me then I just bumped to his chest


"I'm hungry let's eat" he told me and brought me to the canteen.

"What do you want?" he asked and sit me to an empty table

"A-anything" I answered

"So sit here and wait for me" is he ordering me? Then no. I tried to run as soon as he turn his back but someone just grab my uniform

"I told you to wait" It's him. He grabbed my hand with his left hand

"I thought your hand are injured?" I asked him. He let go of my hand and looked away

"Y-yeah" now he lost his cool HAHAHA!

He pulled me again and bring me to the counter

"Now stay" he ordered me again

"What are you a boss" I whispered and my lips just pouted

"Done" the girl said and give us the food

"I'll carry them" I said and took the tray then he paid for it. We sit at an empty table

"T-thank you" I thank him quickly

"I thought you're just a jerk but sometimes you can be also nice" I said that too

"You can kiss me, a thank you gift" then he smiled

"Yes, you're totally a jerk" I said and he just chuckled

I'm at the middle of eating when his phone rings

"It's 1:30 pm I'll be late to our training. I'll go already, go finish your food" he said and ran off

Few minutes later, Kai and the others just came

"Yo, feeling better?" Tres asked

"Why do you leave me if you guys know what happened!" I scold them

"Aries said there's a hot girls in the second building practicing some cheer leading hehe" Tres explained

"And Aries is also injured" I told them

"Injured? Who? Aries?" Kai said and laugh

"What's funny? Do I said something weird? And it's true he also have a scrape at his hand" I asked

"No, when we entered the infirmary earlier we saw Aries without scrape" Aldrin explained

"Are you saying he is pretending and take care of me?" I'm confused

"Maybe yes"

"He's your prince charming idiot"

"Carl will have a boyfriend!!" they answered

"I like girls so that's not possible"