Coffee shop

Carl POV

*"*Are you done?" Tres just asked. I stood up and nodded

"Want to go somewhere?" Tres asked again

"Nah, I'll go home early so I have time to find some work" I answered

"You'll work? You can just ask you dad for money" Kai suggested

"Will do, but I want to have a work so I can buy a new paints" I explained myself

"Just shut up" I said

"My cousin, Tobias have a coffee shop, you can apply to him" Tres speak up

"How can I apply?"

"I can go with you"


"Bye now" Tres said to the others and walked away then I followed him

We arrived at the coffee shop. Tres said this coffee shop is a bit famous here in our city and when I looked at the name it's "Sweet cafe" then I just stopped for a moment, some memories just replayed in my mind

"What's wrong?" Tres said and I just smiled

"Nothing". We entered the cafe and there's a man, he's tall, white skin, pinkish lips and board shoulders

"Hey cous" Tres called him and the man look immediately

"Hey bro" The man called him back with a smile and we get closed to him

"Why are you here?" The man asked Tres

"My friend here is finding some work, can he work here, Tobias?" ohh so he is Tobias? I thought he would look jerk

"Sure, what's your name?" He looked at me and asked


"Can you work here right now? It's still 2:34 pm"

"O-of course" I agreed right away

"So I have nothing to do here anymore, see you later" Tres said and walked away

"Here" Tobias said and go to the counter and few seconds he gave me the uniform of the cafe

"You can be the waiter" Tobias said and I go to the restroom to wear my uniform

I finished and started to work right away

"He's handsome"

"A new waiter?"

"He is good looking eh?"

"I think I like him" I heard some complaints while doing my job, It's hard to be handsome jeez (too proud)

It's 8:00 pm and the shop is closed. I changed my clothes and about to leave when Tobias said something

"You did a great work there" Tobias said, "Most of the customers are whispering about you"

"Y-yeah" I just agreed with it

"You can work every 2:30 pm here" he reminded me and I just smiled then left