Second day

Carl POV

"Hey want to hang out?" Kai asked

"Sure" Tres and Aldrin agreed while I'm still packing my stuffs cause class just ended

"How about you, Carl?" Kai asked me

"Busy" I answered

"He just got a new job remember?" Tres reminded him

"OK, see you around" Kai said and they left

"Yo, Carl" Tobias greeted me

"It's only 2:00 pm" he told me

"It's ok" I said and go to the restroom to change and when I came out a boy just appeared

"Carl, he's Aziel" Tobias just introduced him

"He! Mine!" Aziel glared at me while saying that and pointing at Tobias

"Yeah yeah, I'm yours" jeez what a lovers I should bring some blindfold

"I'll get to work then" I said and started to worked right away

The first table I go is the table for 4 close to the door. I can't see their faces because it's blocked by the menu but why do I care, I'm just working!

"What's your order?" I asked, a guy just put down the menu and...

"The waiter please" It's Aries!

"How do you know I worked here! Stalker!" I said to him and he just laughed

"Since when you worked here? I drink coffee here since grade 8" He explained

"Just give you damn order"

"I just said it, the waiter" is he teasing me? If yes, can I punch him?

"Stop playing"

"The dress looks nice on you" Maki just joined to the chitchat

"It's apron, idiot" I said

"Who said you could tease him?" what is he doing??

"Hehe no one, I'll shut up" then Maki just shut up

"Cappucino" I wrote down what Hiro said and about to leave

"Hey we're not ordering yet" Aries shouted and grabbed my hand

"Then say it" I asked for her order

"Hmm do you have coke?" Aries asked

"No, you can buy it to some vending machines" I seriously said

"I'm joking you know" yeah, I know

"I'll have the Irish" Maki said and I wrote it down

"You?" I asked Aries again

"Dark chocolate mocha then" finally he said his order. I go to Tobias and passed him the paper. I go to the table close to Aries's but it's only for 2

"You're the waiter?" the girl asked

"Y-yeah" I answered and they smiled then looked at each other

"So cuteeee!"

"Kawaiiii!! they both said

"Can we order you instead?" the girl asked again

"Your lips are just soft" he said and touched my lips

"You're body, I think it's comfortable to hug" she said and touched my tummy

"You're too cute" that's the last thing she says and she kept holding my hands

"Wait h-he's the handsome painter!" the other girl said, I think he's scrolling to her cellphone

"Really? Let me see" and she take a look at the her friend's cell

"Mom have that paint at her room" she said and I'm just confused

"So he really is the handsome painter!" the one who's holding the cell said

"U--uhm, you're order" I asked again

"Please let us take you" are they begging for me? such a turn off

"Hey the person here is working, just give your orders and stop messing with my man" Aries just pop up and protects me

"W-we will h-ave americano and espresso t-then" they said right away and after I wrote it down I go to Tobias and give him the order

"The coffee of those two boys and you're husband" Tobias said

"I don't have husband idiot" I told him

"Are you denying me?" Aries just popped up again and he even put his around at my shoulders

"Of course not, because you really are not my husband" I told him

"Yep, boyfriends for now we're still young" he said, I take off his hands and gave him the tray

"Your order" I said and he grab it from me

"Btw you're ears are red" he said and go to their table

"What does that mean?" I asked myself

"Means you're blushing" Tobias just answered for me

"What is your boyfriend doing here if he can't help me here?" I asked and sighed

"Nothing" he answered quickly and scratch his head

"Is he even listening?" I asked again and I saw some earphone at his ears

"Why do I care, I'm just looking after my boyfriend, he might cheat on me" he answered me and glares

"He's scary" I whispered to myself

"Of course I'll not!!" Tobias denied like a child, now I don't know who's top or bottom

"Jeez love birds" I talked to myself again

"You have one too, that guy over there" Aziel said and point at Aries