Helping my friend

Carl POV

"Hey Carl, going to work?" Kai asked me

"Yeah" I answered while nodding

"Let us come with you!!" Aldrin shouted while smiling, jeez what's with him?

After a while of chitchat a girl came

"T--tres?" she called my friend and holding on to his jacket

"Did you not get it? I don't want you anymore! Our relationship ended yesterday right? You still can't get it?" Tres shouted that while not looking a her, she might think Tres is angry but if she is just at my position, she will see Tres in tears

"Near, please go." Kai said with serious face, that Near just walked away while in tears too, when she's away Tres wipes his tears away

After that Kai just dragged Tres to the coffee shop

"Hey waiter! You're too slow!!" Kai just shouted for me

"Mocha" Aldrin said

"2 cappuccino" Kai ordered too. I take down their orders and past it to Tobias

"Give me one irish then" I ordered too

Few minutes the order came and I sit with Kai's

"What's got into you?" Tobias asked and get a chair too.

"Tell us what's going on" Kai asked too and we just waited to his answer

"Well" after he said that word he just looked down and tears started to fall again. To be honest? This is the first time I saw Tres cried because of a girl

"H-her mother said I s-should broke up with her" he answered us, the hell??

"He doesn't want me for her daughter, at the first day of our relationship then the next day after that she wanted me to meet her mom. But when her mom and I are alone she said I should break up with Near. Of course I didn't do it, I love her. I'm serious to her."

"But when her mom find out that I didn't break with Near she come to the school and told me to break up with her or she will transfer Near to the other country. Of course he can do that cause she's Japanese, So I did that to still see Near at the school. Even one day I'll look at her smiling but I'm not the reason of it and it damn hurts" he cried and cried and go to the bathroom

"He really just changed.." the only comment Kai can say

"H-how does my cousin changed?" Tobias asked, of course he didn't know because he's busy

"This is the first time we saw him cried because of a girl, be serious in relationship, his other relationship is only 2 or more days only but I think with Near they'll be 10 years or more" I answered Tobias

"But we will make them back together" Kai confidently said

"How? Are you a cupid?" Aldrin asked

"Nah, but.." Kai answered and showed us his phone... W-wait.. He's on a call with Near!!