Chapter 9: Yes I do the flyering!

We were sitting at one of the benches at the park. I'm playing random chords on my guitar and Luke was watching me all the time. Jessie and Mike went their way to grab some dinner after they handed over the guitar to Luke. He got it back for me and I had said my thanks numerous times. I'm just so happy that I got my guitar back.

"Uhm... I know... I said it over and over again... But I'm really thankful that you got my guitar back for me, " I said feeling shy at the same time.

"I'm glad that you're happy..." He said. Our eyes met and I felt my heart flutter. I looked away to break from his stare.

I want him to know what really happened, so I started to tell him the story.

"My mother gave me this guitar on my birthday three years ago... During that time, we still have everything... So when our mother had problems with the bank and been scammed, we lose so much, even our family home..."

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"She was so disappointed in herself that she tried to end her life... Well, out of desperation to save her... I pawned my guitar to add money for her surgery..." I explained.

"Luckily, she made it through and promised not to do anything stupid until she pulls herself back again..." I added.

I took a deep breath and let out a big sigh... I held the guitar close to my body and said, "That's why this guitar is so important to me... It saved me from losing my mother..."

"I understand now..." Luke said with his calm voice.

"That's why... I can't thank you enough for doing this..." I said then I thought of something, "..oh! I know! Let me play one of my favorite songs for you," I added.

"Sure!" He uttered.

I cleared my throat and started playing the chords of the song...

'Di ko man maamin

(I can't even confess)

Ikaw ay mahalaga sa akin

(You are so precious to me)

'Di ko man maisip

(I can't even imagine how)

Sa pagtulog ikaw ang panaginip

(In my sleep, you're in my dreams )

Malabo man ang aking pag-iisip

(Though my mind is kinda hazy)

Sana'y pakinggan mo ang sigaw nitong damdamin

(Please hear the shout of my feelings)

I gazed at Luke and he was just listening with his eyes closed... I stared to his face for a second then continued singing.

Ako'y alipin mo kahit hindi batid

(I am your slave, though it's not known)

Aaminin ko minsan ako'y manhid

(I admit, sometimes I'm insensitive)

Sana ay iyong naririnig

(I hope that you would hear)

Sa 'yong yakap ako'y nasasabik

(I yearn for your embrace)

I saw him opened his eyes so I looked away so he wouldn't know I was staring at him.

"So... How was it?" I asked.

"Beautiful..." He said as he turned towards me.

"The song?" I asked as I gazed at him.


What the heck is wrong with him... Calling me beautiful? Can guys be beautiful? Well, his face has no flaw at all... He is beautiful. Then I felt my face getting warm again.

Now, I can't even look at him straight. I can feel his eyes pinned on me.

"Uhm... It's getting late..." I said then I stood up.


On our way back to our house, Luke called his friends to pick him up. We took glances at each other and just laugh whenever we caught ourselves looking at each other at the same time. We didn't talk much until we were at the front of our house.

"Thanks for walking me home," I said carrying the guitar by its strap on my shoulder.

He just nodded and didn't say anything. We stayed quiet for a while and it's getting awkward.

"So... Uhm... I'll pay you back once I got my salary from the café, " I said breaking the silence.

"You don't have to pay me back... Consider it as a 'thank you' gift for letting me stay at your home." He said.

"But it's too much... I can't just accept this," I asserted.

"Well... Then... I'll just ask you for something else in return..." He offered.


"But not now..." He sounded so gentle.

"Oh... Okay... " I said then I let out a smile.

His friends pulled over just in time.

"Hey, Loverboy! Ready to go?" Jessie called on Luke nagging him.

"Wait! Just a minute," he answered. He looked onto the shirt he's wearing. "Uhm..." He uttered but I knew what he meant.

"You can keep it. That's okay," I said. Well, that's not enough with what he had given me.

"Thanks... I'll have to go..." He turned around and walked towards the car. He took another glance at me before entering the car. I just waved goodbye to them as they went their way.


"I hate myself for missing that moment!" Jenna said sulking on her seat.

"Well... You still owe me for not shutting your mouth," I said.

"But if I didn't tell him about it... You won't have your guitar back, " she asserted.

I look over to my guitar on my side and said, "But it troubled him for paying for it," I told her.

"I don't really understand why he would do something like that?" Niko mumbled as he joined our conversation.

"Obviously, he wants our friend to be happy," Jenna answered him as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"He would probably ask you to pay back for it," Niko sat back and crossed his arms across his chest.

"About that... he said I don't need to return the money, " I said leaning forward to them. "But he said he might ask me for something else..." I added.

"See? I'm sure he will ask you to be his slave, he will tell you to do things for him, you will be his dog." He said intimidating me.

"Wow! Look who's talking... You're the one who acts like a dog around your girlfriend," Jenna said raising her voice and teasing Niko.

"If I'm a dog... I would bite your neck off and leave you to die!" Niko let out getting back at her.

"Haha! That's funny!" Jenna rolled her eyes and sat back on her seat.

They are like this every time they clash together. Taunting each other like they do in high school. It's really fun to watch them. If only Niko is not dating Miya...

"By the way, speaking of Miya... I haven't seen her with you the whole day," I asked Niko.

"Their cheerleading club is busy practicing for the Open Fair next week," He said sulking and resting his chin onto his hand.

"Oh yeah! The open fair, I'm actually looking forward to it... I heard the photography club will set up a dress-up photo booth this year. I can't wait to have my picture taken!" Jenna expressed her enthusiasm so vividly.

"Do you have any idea for our club should do this year?" Niko asked me as he lifted his head.

Niko and I are members of the music club since our first year and for the past two years, our club invited alumni members to have a concert for a cause.

"They will definitely do the same as the past years," I replied.

"Well, the new club president wants us to think of something else... That's why he set up a meeting after class."  Niko explained.


"Yes! And I got an idea but I need you to hear it first." Niko let out a smirk.

"What is it?"

He leaned forward and suggested, "We can have an open mic performance."

"What are we? The poetry club!" I exclaimed in dismay.

"No! Don't be stupid! Open mic is not just for poetry... We can have anyone who wants to perform on the stage. We can back them up with the instruments. And if you want you can play your guitar and sing as well." He clarified.

"That's not a bad idea, Tope! We can hear you sing again," Jenna said with excitement.

"I can't sing on stage..."

"Why? You have a great voice, not to mention your guitar skills, you'll be great on the stage," Niko said trying to encourage me.

"I never performed in front of a large audience... I'm afraid I will mess it up... Your idea is actually good, but we can leave the performances to other skilled members of the club," I explained myself.

"But..." Jenna tried to persuade me but I cut her off.

"No buts... I won't perform. That's final." I can see on their eyes that they're quite disappointed. They both want me to participate. I just can't.

During the music club meeting... Niko proposed the open mic performance. Almost all of the members found it interesting and the president decided to have it as the official music club activity for the Open Fair. A lot had volunteered to be on the backup band to showcase their skills and different committees had been formed to do the preparations. I volunteered to do the promotions along with Niko. I actually dragged him to aid me on this task since all of this was his idea.


"Why didn't you join the band? We should have been practicing now and not giving out flyers to students." Niko said as he handed out the flyer to a passing student but got ignored.

"I told you... I don't want to perform... Besides, this is your idea so you should publicize it." I told him.

We saw a group of girl students walking towards us, he handed out the flyer but still got ignored. I greeted them and handed out the flyer and they took it.

"Seriously? these girls are picky!" He was so disgruntled.

"I guess your charisma doesn't work anymore," I said and laughed at him.

"Charisma my ass!" He stepped forward and gave me the rest of the flyers he has, "Take these!"

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'll go get us some snacks," he said with a phony smile.

"Don't forget my drink!"

"Got it! Just keep flyering!" He yelled out as he walked his way out to the cafeteria.

I was able to give out several flyers but there were some who took 'em but then threw it away. These students should learn how to respect. If they were not interested then they should have thrown it somewhere else but not in my face. I was picking up some of the flyers on the ground when someone offered my favorite yogurt drink.

"Good, you're back, Niko?" I thought it was him but, "..Luke?"

"Do you need some help with those?" He asked as I accepted the drink that he offered.

"Uh... Sure!" I blurted out. I gave him some of the flyers to help me distribute them.

"What is this?" He asked as he read what's printed on it.

"It's for the music club, we will have open mic performances this upcoming Open Fair," I explained.

"Wow! So I would get to see you perform?"

"Nah... I chose not to... that's why I'm helping out through these flyers," I answered then handed out a flyer to a student passing by.

"But why not?" He asked.

"Uhm... I feel like I'm not ready yet to perform in front of an audience, you know, " I explained.

"With your talent, I know you can do it... Moreover, It's an opportunity to touch the hearts of your listeners through music," he insisted.

"As if I can do that..." I said then looked at him.

"You touched mine..." He was looking deep in my eyes as he said that.

I felt my face getting warm again, at the same time my heart was fluttering. Every time he says something while staring to my eyes, I always got this feeling that I can't explain.

I just looked away and got back to what we were doing...


After school, I went straight to my part-time job at the Goloso Café. The manager greeted me as I came in the front door.

"Hey, Kris! Good, you're here. You and Luke will be in charge for tonight. I need to get home early," he said as he wears his jacket and ready to leave.

"Luke is here?" I asked.

"Yes, he's at the backroom... " he said then Luke walked in tying the apron on his back, "Oh there he is.." He added as Luke joined us.

"You will be closing the shop... The keys are in the drawer at the counter... If you need anything, just call me, " the manager instructed us of what to do.

"Okay, sir... Got it," I said securely.

The manager left after that.

"So what are you doing here? I thought you only do work during weekends" I asked Luke as I moved behind the counter.

"I got nothing to do at home so I decided to go here... Good thing I did... or else you'll be on your own." He answered with his hands on his pockets.

"Well... Yeah... You're right about it." I said then a customer walked in.

"Okay... Let's do this!"


There were few customers who came in so we're not that busy. We were able to chat when we were free. I was cleaning one of the tables when I overheard three women on their 20's talking to each at the other table. They were wearing denim short shorts and spaghetti-strapped tops. They may look sexy for older men but it's a bit over the top for me.

"Look at that hottie!"


"Over there!"

I peeked on the direction that one of the girls was pointing at... They were looking at Luke at the counter where he was preparing some drinks. I just kept on cleaning the table.

"Oooh! He got a really handsome face"


"He's sexy too! Yummy!"

"Look at those arms!"

"Those arms can lift me anytime he wanted!"

"I wonder how he looks like without his clothes on?"

"I wonder how he looks like on top of me?"

Then all of them giggled at the same time as something went up to their--- whatever.

Geez! I can't believe there were girls like these... Their nasty talks made me feel so irritated and uncomfortable... They can't talk about Luke like that... I need to tell them to stop. I turned around to face them but Luke was already at their table serving their drinks.

"Here are your drinks, ladies." He said casually.

"Thanks, cutie... Uhm... My name is Rose"

'Slut #1' I said to myself.

"This is Lily..."

'Slut #2' I said to myself again.

"And this is Daisy"

'Slut #3'..and again.

"Hi!" Luke said and nodded to greet them.

"Are you free tonight? Do you want to hang out somewhere else?" Slut #1 said as she flipped her hair back and placed her arms crossed under her watermelons. The other two flowers did the same and I almost puke.

"I'm sorry... I need to take care of my sick mother after work" Luke said as he turned them down.


I turned around and chuckled quietly. He is really good at being cold-hearted.

"Ouch... Really?... Can we just take a picture with you?" I heard one of the flowers requested.

"Sure!" Luke said.

"Hey! You!" Sounded like that Rose was yelling and snapping her fingers. It seemed like she's calling me.

I turned around to face them and asked, "Me?"

"Yes, you! Can you take a picture for us?"

I just gave them a fake smile and walked towards them.

"Oh wow, he's not bad himself."

"Two cute guys in one place? Sweet!"

These girls are extremely flirtatious.

"Hi! Another cutie... here's my phone... After we have our picture with him, we can have pictures with you too..." Rose said trying to be sweet as she handled over her cellphone with the bedazzled case.

I took the phone and pointed the camera at them, ready to shoot. They all clung to Luke and I felt a bit annoyed.

"One... Two... Three!"

I gave the phone back to Rose and turned around about to leave.

"Hey! You cut his head off!"

I slowly turned back at them.

"Sorry... I have to go..." I said then went my way back to the counter. Luke followed me after apologizing to them.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"What? I did nothing" I said, not looking at him and made myself busy with everything on the counter.

"Well, you can't lie to me." He said getting closer to me.

My ears perked up when he said that and I can't hold it in any longer.

"Why? So... you want to take pictures with them while being surrounded by their silicone bowling balls. Go ahead, go back there. Pick your flower and hope you won't get herpes the next morning..." I sounded mad but I tried to keep it down as I stepped back.

"What are you talking about? Why are you so mad?" He asked looking at me acting so innocent.

"Because they talked lewd things about you like a sex toy and I can't bear it. Then you were like 'Sure! Let's take a picture' it's like you're letting them get into your pants..." I added still sounded furious.

"That will never happen..." He said and stepped even closer.

"And you want me to believe that?" I said and took another step back.

"Wait... Are you jealous?" He said as he narrowed his eyes on me.

"Hell No!" I blurted out. Why would I be jealous? I just don't want to see him being surrounded like that. That's not being covetous, it's like a friend caring for another friend...

"I... Uhm... I'm... I'm just..." I can't think of anything to say... I glanced at him and his eyes are making me quiver. I felt it again... My face warming up and my heart pounding restlessly...

Then suddenly I felt his gentle touch on my head... My heart calmed the moment I felt his warmth...

"I will not do anything that could hurt you... I promised." He said those words with his tender voice and it made me feel like I want to scream but nothing came out of my mouth. I got drowned in his beautiful eyes. Then he said...

"You're lovely when you're mad"


I came home at about 11:00 PM. I felt tired and just want some rest. I saw my brother in the living room doing some reports on his laptop. I sat on the couch beside him and let out a big sigh.

"Anything wrong?" My brother Lance asked me.

My brother has been in relationships before but since what happened with our mom, he became more focused on his work and did not have time to go out with someone. Right now, all I want is someone that can help me understand what's happening to me...

"Uhm, Lance... Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure! Just say it," He said as he kept on doing what he does.

Good. But I can't let him know that I have a problem with another man.

"Well, I think a friend of mine is going insane..." I said

"Who? Jenna or Niko?" He asked still focused on his work.

"No not them... It's... another friend of mine... from the music club," I said making an excuse to not make it so obvious.

"I see... So what happened?" He asked. I moved closer to him and began to explain.

"Well... my friend met someone recently... at first he didn't like this person but after he got to know this person more, he started to feel something strange..."

"Go on..." He uttered.

"Whenever that person is with him... and got close to him... he started to feel his face getting warm and his heart flutters non-stop."

"Anything else?" He asked. I felt like he's not really listening.

"Then one time he saw this person being flirted by another person... he felt mad inside for unknown reason... But with just one touch from this person... he felt better again."

"I think he's going insane. Don't you think?" I asked hoping he would agree.

"That's it?" He asked me like it's not a big thing. But I'm really confused. I just nodded in response to him.

He closed his laptop and faced me. He got this serious look on his face.

"Your friend is not crazy... Everything that you've told me is not a sign of becoming insane..." He said and it confused me more.

"Huh?" I uttered.

"Those are signs of someone falling in love." He concluded.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a whack on my head.

"Keep your voice down... Mom is asleep," he scolded me.

"Sorry..." I uttered as I scratch my head.

"You should know about this already Kristofer, you're the one who spent hours watching love series on the internet,"

"Wait... Did you know about that? I asked.

"Of course I do... I'm your brother." He then stood up and brought his laptop with him and headed to his room.

What he told me might be the truth.

Am I falling in love?

No, it can't be!
