Chapter 10: Yes I do the running!

A week had passed since I talked to my brother Lance and he didn't know then that I was talking about myself. My brother told me that all of the feelings that I depicted, were signs of falling in love. But I still doubt it. I had thought about it every night before I go to bed and every morning right after I wake up.

There were times these past days that I've got to feel it again and again but Luke still never fails to annoy me with his little tricks and teasing. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, at school and at work, because I'm getting more and more confused every time I'm with him.

I haven't talked about it with Jenna or Niko because I am not even sure if they can help me or not. I know they are my closest friends and somehow their opinions will definitely matter. But I don't want to bother them first. I want to be sure of what I'm feeling right now... I had asked myself several times, am I in love? Is it even love? I need to find an answer but I don't know where to start.


The open school fair will be held today. Anyone from outside the school can attend and enjoy all the activities that each club prepared for this event. I asked my mother if she wants to go with me but she has something else to do for the day. I said goodbye to my mom and headed out to school. The fair will start by 9:00 AM and we (Jenna, Niko, and I) decided to meet by the school entrance to go around the fair together.

On my way, I heard my stomach rumbling then I realized I wasn't able to eat my breakfast before I left. I dropped by a convenience store to buy food just to ease the hunger. I grabbed my favorite yogurt drink and I looked for something to eat. I went over to the sandwich stalls and there's only one left of the three-cheese toasted sandwich... that is really good. So I moved quickly to get it before anyone does. As I grabbed a hold of it somebody yanked it on the other side.

There was a guy, about the same age as my brother who was trying to pull the sandwich out of my grip. Of course, I pulled back. Nobody can take my breakfast away. None of us was saying anything as we tugged on the sandwich until I can't pull back anymore.

"Sir, can I have this sandwich?, I haven't eaten anything this morning... And we have a big event at school so I can't pass out during the performance," I lied.

The guy then let go of his grip. Yes! I won. I didn't mean to entreat him to give up, it's just that I really want that sandwich. I smiled at the guy and said my thanks then I fell in line for the counter.

"Welcome, Sir!" The cashier greeted me and I handed over my purchase then she scanned the barcodes on each item.

"That would be eighty-five pesos, sir"

I pulled out my coin purse in my pocket and counted my money, it's not enough. I checked in my bag to get my wallet, but I can't find it. I gazed over to the cashier and she was patiently waiting for my payment. So I pulled my things out of the bag, one by one. Then...

"You can charge it on my card," a guy said as he offered his debit card to the cashier. He had his purchase scanned as well to pay for both of us.

"No... Wait..." I tried to stop the cashier but she already swiped the card onto the terminal and just gave me a smirk. She then put my purchase on a paper bag and gave it to me.


"Thanks..." I said as I glanced up to the guy beside me. I was so embarrassed to see that the guy who I tugged with for the sandwich paid for it.

He just gave me a smile and took what he bought off the counter. Then he said...

"See you later!"

I got confused a bit with what he meant by that. I just watched him walked his way out of the store.


"Tope! What took you so long? The fair started an hour ago!" Jenna told me as I walked over to her.

"Sorry... I left my wallet at home so I went back to get it." I explained.

"Oh really? Since when you've been so careless?" She's acting up like my mother.

I just let out a deep sigh.

"Nevermind... By the way... Luke was looking for you..." She said.

"What for?"

"I don't know... Maybe he wants to go around the fair with you... like couples do!" Now she's teasing me.

"Shut up Jen!"

"Wait... Where's Niko?" I asked as I noticed that she's alone.

"He was asked by one of your music club folks to help set up the stage... He'll join us later," she explained.

"Why don't you help them?" She added.

"I did my part already with the flyers. They can handle it themselves."

"Hmmm... So where should we start?" She asked.

"Let's check out the food stalls... I'm still hungry,"

"Okay! Let's go!" She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the event area.

There were lots of food stalls at the fair. There were stalls set up by school clubs; the cooking club sells different variants of dumplings that they prepared themselves, the pastry lovers club sells homemade cookies, brownies, and muffins, the astronomy club offers cupcakes with colorful frosting and toppings that somehow resembles the galaxies at night. There are also individual food stalls from the entrepreneurial course and business management students.

I got myself full after trying every food that Jenna and I found delicious. We were on our way to the cotton candy stall set up by one of our classmates when we saw a crowd of students piling up in front of the stall.

"Is cotton candy really that good?" Jenna asked me as we came closer then we heard the real reason behind the uproar!

"Luke! Can we take a picture with you?"

"Do you want some cotton candy, Mike?"


These girls were crazy over them.

I saw Luke paid for one then he gazed towards our direction. He saw us and called out my name.

"Hey! Kris!"

I wanted to greet them but the noise was too much for me. Then two of his fans came up to him and ask for a picture. He agreed and the two girls went close beside him.

"Let's just go..." I said to Jenna.

"What? Don't you want some cotton candy?" She asked.

"Nah... Let's try some games."


We were looking for a game booth that we can try when Niko joined us after helping the music club.

"So, how're things going with the open mic performances?" I asked Niko.

"Well, several have preregistered to perform, some want to show their vocal ability and some just want to impress their date,"

"So... You're going to bring Miya there and have someone sing you a song?" I asked.

"I initially planned that you will be singing for us that's why I insisted for you to perform... You can still do it for us if you want..." He said hoping that I will say 'yes'.

"I really want to but I can't..."

"Where's Miya?" I asked to change the topic.

"She's with her cheering peeps doing preparations for their performance later on... So it's sad that I got to roam around the fair alone." He said sulking.

"You're not alone, loser!" Jenna exclaimed at him. Here they go again.

"Who are you calling a loser? Huh?" Niko raised his eyebrows looking down at Jenna.

"Well, you've been sulking like a loser... Why don't you have fun instead?" Jenna asked with hands on her sides. Now, they are bickering.

"Oh yeah? Then let's play a game... Whoever loses will need to treat the winner?" Niko challenged her.

"That's fine! We already know who will win this. So prepare for your defeat." Jenna said full of confidence.

They chose a ring toss game to play.  Each of them was having a hard time trying to score more points than the other but I can see that they're having fun. I don't want to bother their moment so I walked away from them and looked for something else to entertain myself.

One of the clubs set up a tin can alley game. I walked closer to check it out. One of the prizes caught my eye, a five-foot bolster pillow. What's more interesting is that you can have the pillowcase personalized. They were beside a print booth that offers printing on items like mugs, bag pin accessories, shirts, tumblers, and pillowcases. I always wanted a bolster since I was little, what more a personalized bolster. The personnel for the tin can alley game told me that if I will be able to take down all ten cans three times in a row I can get the bolster. That was easy.

I was on my ninth turn but I got no luck. I was able to take down four cans the most in a turn. I don't want to give up yet but I guess I have to say goodbye to that bolster.

"You're one persistent guy."

I turned around and saw Luke standing behind me.

"You want the bolster?" He asked.

"Uhm... n-no... I just..." I tripped over on words since I found it embarrassing to tell him the truth.

"I'll get it for you..." He said with his serious tone.

"Really?" I became excited, "I mean... You can try... I don't mind."

"Come on... I'll show you how to do it." He then paid for his turn and he was given three throwing bags.

"You have to concentrate on where you want this bag to hit. For a target like this, it's better to hit it on the first layer of the stack. And when you throw it,  you really have to throw really hard... Let me show you."

I just listened to his little tutorial since he sounded like he really knows how to ace this game.

His eyes were focused on the stack of cans. He made a stance and went for the throw. He was amazing... With his concentration and great force, he will surely get a strike...

But he missed it.

I laughed out so loud...

"Hey, why did you move the target!" He called out to the staff.

"I didn't, I swear!" The staff answered raising his hands to show he didn't touch it.

I laughed even more.

"I'm pretty sure, someone moved it" he murmured as he stepped closer to me.

"It's fine to admit you missed it, " I told him still laughing at what happened.

"But..." He uttered and I cut him off.

"But... you are still amazing... That made me happy..." I said. I don't want him to feel bad about it.

He just smiled and stared at my eyes... Then I felt it again... My heart pounded so fast and my face got warm.

"Hi, Luke!" Jenna greeted him as she walked upon us. Good timing Jen! Like just nodded to greet her back.

"Where's Niko?" I asked.

"Miya called her, their performance will start soon. Do you want to watch it?" She sounded a bit disgruntled.

"Nah... I want to try something else." I said. I don't want her to feel bad even more once she sees Niko cheering for his girlfriend.

"Then... Let's try the dress-up photo booth! It would be fun!" Jenna suggested with her usual enthusiastic expression.


Jenna took both of us by the hand and dragged us to the photography club's booth.

Jenna was so excited to try on some costumes prepared by the photography club. They got dresses, wigs, and accessories.

"I want you both to put these on..." Jenna said as she handed over fake mustaches and fancy glasses to us. She put on a maid costume, just like those in the animes. She was looking pretty cute.

I gazed at Luke and he's looking silly with the mustache on. I just smiled thinking that he can also be goofy sometimes and still manage to look undeniably handsome.

"Okay, It's our turn now..." Jenna said as the students before us were done with their shots.

We stood behind a built-in frame prepared by the club. When the photographer told us to get ready for the shots, Jenna started to pose like a loli and I made some funny pose myself. Luke was just standing there with his silly look.

"Okay! Now you guys stay here." Jenna told us then she took off our props and she went her way beside the photographer. Now, it's only me and Luke in the frame.

"Move a bit closer to each other please," the photographer instructed us as he adjusted the camera for the next shot. I looked at Jen and she was just smiling all the way up to her ears. Fangirling mode.

As I moved closer to him, I felt the back of his hand touched mine. I felt my face getting warmer again.

"One! Two! Three! Smile!"

I let out a small smile to hide what I'm feeling inside. After the shot was taken, I peeked onto Luke and saw him looking at me... Then my heart went crazy. Just by looking directly at his eyes, made me feel the same feeling I had at the bar back then. Everything went silent.

But the moment didn't last long.

I was pushed back suddenly and it took me back to my senses.

"It's our turn! Luke!"

"Oh my God!"

"Take a picture with us!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The same girls from earlier gather around him to get a chance to have a photo with him.

"Bes, I got copies of our pictures on my phone!" She said then she stopped when she saw Luke being surrounded by his fans.

"These girls are messed up like piranhas," she said.

I felt a bit annoyed seeing these girls pushing themselves to get close to Luke.

"Let's go..."

"How about Luke?" She asked.

"Just let him be. He looks like having fun with all the girls around him." I said then turned around. I grabbed her by the hand and walked away.


We were looking for an interesting booth when we passed by the open mic stage prepared by our club. We heard a guy singing... We came closer to the stage to check and saw that he was singing to a girl in front of the crowd.

"Oh... That's so sweet!" Jenna expressed with her hands together.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Of course, it is! The best way to express your feelings is through music..." She said as she faced me then looked back at the stage.

"I want someone to do the same for me." She added with her soft tone.

Oh... Poor Jen... Well, she's not wrong at all. I've been in love with music for years now and every time I want to express something, I tend to play music with my guitar. Maybe a song could really help me get through this feeling that runs through my head.

"Hey Jen, I'll just gonna get my guitar"

"Where is it?" She asked.

"I had it borrowed by a senior guitarist from the music club yesterday for their rehearsals. So it should be in the music club room" I explained.

"Oh, okay, I'll see you then in the maid café by the anime forever club"

"Got it, see you!"


I was on my way to the music club when I saw someone familiar walking my way.

"Hey, it's you!" The guy exclaimed and I recognized his face.

"Ah! You're the guy from the convenience store this morning!" I said quite a bit surprised to see him.

"Oh, you remembered me." He said.

"Of course I do, you save me from a very embarrassing moment... Oh, by the way, I went back home to get my wallet, so I can pay you back now." I was reaching to my wallet in my back pocket.

"You don't have to," he said as he tried to stop me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep," then he smiled.

"Wait... What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My sister invited me to come here... And I noticed that you're wearing the school uniform of the same school," he clarified.

So that's what he meant by 'see you later'

"I just didn't expect that I will really meet you again so soon," He said as he stepped closer to me.

I felt his aggression and it made me feel awkward.

"I guess that's how destiny works..." He added. He was about to touch me on my head but I moved back. He just smiled.

What's wrong with this guy?

"Uhm... So where are you heading to?" I asked to set off the awkwardness.

"I want to watch the cheering squad performance but I can't seem to find the venue."

"Oh... Let me take you there... In return for the trouble that I caused you," I offered with the intention to help since I owe him for what he did for me.

"That would be great."

On our way to the venue, we already heard the cheer dance music play from a distance.

"Oh... It already started... We can still make it." I said then we moved faster to get there on time.

We arrived at the venue halfway through the performance and the people are cheering for the dancers as they made their routine and stunts.

This guy I am with was just watching them with a straight face. He's really weird.

The performance ended and all the people gave them a round of applause as the dancers made their way out of the floor.

"Uhm... You said your sister invited you here?" I asked.

"Yep... She's a member of the cheering squad." He said.

"What? really?"

"She's the captain, actually"

Then I realized who he is referring to. This weird guy is the brother of...



After watching the cheering squad performance, I went my way back to the music club room to get my guitar. I entered the room and saw my guitar on a stand. I picked up my guitar and remembered what Jenna said earlier.

"The best way to express your feelings is through music"

Then I had a flashback of me singing to Luke when he got my guitar back. That was the first time I played and sang for someone to express my feelings. That time, I was very thankful for what he did and I felt something else when I got to stare at him.

I had denied it several times because I was not sure about what I'm feeling but I realized that all along I knew the answer to my question... I do like Luke... I made a fool out of myself, being confused, and everything. It's just all new to me... that's why it bothered me so much. A feeling I thought impossible for someone like me but it happened... I'm happy when he's with me, I feel safe whenever he's around and I feel jealous when somebody else got his attention away from me. I do not know how things will be after this day but I got to tell him what I feel for him... through a song.

I took my phone out and send him a message.

<--Be at the open mic stage by 3:00 PM. I'll meet you there.


I was all nervous. I can stop my hands from shaking while waiting for my turn to be on the stage.

"The next performance will be from one of our own members of the music club. Please welcome on stage... Kristofer Blanco!" The emcee called out my name and I walked out from the backstage.

Looking at the faces of everyone in the audience, made me froze to death. I took a deep breath and let out a big sigh, then I started to talk.

"Hi... This song is dedicated to a person that I met recently..." I scanned the audience to see if Luke was there but I couldn't find him. Did he not receive my message?

Well... I'm here already... So I better go with it. I began playing the intro of the song as I leaned closer to the microphone.

Sandali na lang

(A few moments more)

Maaari bang pagbigyan

(Can you give me a chance?)

Aalis na nga

(and I will be leaving)

Maaari bang hawakan ang iyong mga kamay

(May I please hold your hand?)

Sana ay maabot ng langit ang yong mga ngiti

(Hoping that the sky will reach your smiles)

Sana ay masilip

(Hoping to catch a glimpse of it)

I gazed over to the audience and there he was walking slowly at the back of the crowd. He stopped and faced me.

Luke... Please listen...

Wag kang mag-alala

(Don't worry)

Di ko ipipilit sayo

(I won't insist this to you)

Kahit na lilipad, ang isip ko'y

(Even if I'm going to fly, my mind


Torete sayo

(Mesmerized by you.)

Luke... The first time I met you, you never missed a chance to annoy me... But as I learned more about you... I started to feel something strange...

Ilang gabi pa nga lang

(It's only been a few nights)

Nang tayo'y pinagtagpo

(since we met)

Na parang may tumulak

(It's like someone has pushed me)

Nanlalamig, nanginginig na ako

(I'm feeling cold and trembling)

I didn't know when or how it started... I just felt it growing every day...

Akala ko nung una

(At first, I thought tomorrow)

May bukas ang ganito

(held something for both of us)

Mabuti pang umiwas

(I think it's better to avoid this)

Pero salamat na rin at nagtagpo

(but I'm still thankful that we have met)

You made me realized something... That it doesn't matter who could it be... I just need to listen to my heart.

Torete, torete, torete ako

(Mesmerized, mesmerized, I am mesmerized)

Torete, torete,

(Mesmerized, mesmerized,)

Torete sa'yo

(mesmerized by you)

I like you... I really do... But... Sorry... That I need to do this...

As the song ended... I saw Claire walked over to Luke. They talked a bit then Luke glanced back at me. I saw pain in his eyes and it struck my heart so badly. I walked off the stage and started running.
