Chapter 15: Yes I do the kissing!

It was a warm feeling... For a moment, I was taken to a dreamy place... a place where time stood still.

It was soft and tender... I opened my eyes as his lips parted mine. His eyes were hypnotizing me to ask for another kiss. I closed my eyes again... waiting...

I felt his head leaned on my shoulder. I looked at him only to realize he passed out.

"Hey... Luke... Wake up!" I shook his shoulders but he just groaned... I tapped his face but he was really in deep sleep already.

I was able to watch him snoozing. Even with his eyes closed, he's still cute and charming like an innocent child. It was the first time I saw him without his mask on... he's so carefree with his soft snores. I can't help myself but smile.

Then my eyes went down to his lips. I still felt its warmth on my lips. We kissed... we just did.

He moved near to me, I can feel his warmth and then rest his head closer to my neck.

"Hey... Luke... You can't sleep here." I said as I tried to shook him off my shoulder. He just mumbled.

"Kris... What's going on?"

I heard Chad's voice from behind. I looked over to him and told him to help me guide Luke to our room. I explained that Luke drunk so much that he got flaked out on my shoulder.  He seemed to believe me but his eyes were telling something else. Did he see us?


I woke up the next day pretty late. I got up my bed and didn't see Niko or Luke around. I went out of the room after I took a shower and got changed. I saw one of the staff and asked him where were the others. I was told that everyone was busy with the preparation for Jenny's birthday celebration at the function hall.

I went to the hall and saw Niko, Chad, Jessie, and Mike doing the decorations. There were lots of balloons, banners, and party blowers. I was told that Alex went out to buy a birthday cake for Jenna. As for the girls, Miya and Pam were keeping Jenna occupied in their room. But... I still haven't found where Luke was.

Then I remembered what happened last night... that kiss.

"Luke isn't here if you're looking for him," Chad affirmed walking closer to me.

"N-no... I'm not here to find him... I... I want to help, " I made an excuse to not be too obvious.

"Well, we're almost done here, but thanks," Mike said as he went down the ladder.

"Uhm... Sorry if I woke up late... I wasn't able to help you guys, " I felt so bad. This is Jenna's special day! I'm her best friend but I wasn't able to help them out.

"That's okay bro... Besides... Luke told me not to wake you up and let you rest for a bit more this morning." Niko said as he put down a box on the table.

"What happened last night? I talked to him and he seemed so worried about you," Jessie asked me, joining our conversation.

He's worried about me? For what? Wait a second. Was it about the kiss?  So he remembered that we kissed... So he knew that I stayed up late thinking about it... Holy crap!

"N-nothing!" I tried to dodge his question but I sounded nervous. I looked the other way but then I noticed Chad squinting his eyes. This is not good... I have to get away from them.

"I'll go ahead and check on the girls, bye!" I  swoop my way out and headed to the girl's room.

I halted outside their room to catch my breath. That was close...

I knocked on the door and Pam opened it.

"Kris! Good thing you're here, we need to pick up something... Will you keep an eye on Jenna for us?" She asked me for a favor.


"I'm not going anywhere!" Jenna yelled out. I can hear her from across the room.

"It's better to have you here at all times till we finished with the preparations," Miya told Jenna who was working on her hair.

"It's evident that you've planned something for me... It won't surprise me anymore."

"Let's see about that," Miya told her as she removed the last curler on Jenna's head then fixed her hair.


"Okay! Perfect! Hair and makeup are done!" Miya said as she stood up beside Jenna and clapped.

"We won't be long, Kris... Just stay with her and don't let her get out of the room, okay?" Pam ordered.

She called Miya's attention that they need to go. They seem to be in a hurry. Then they went out of the room, looking so excited, and closed the door behind them. Jenna was sitting at the dresser already glammed up. She's checking herself in the mirror when I approached her.

"Happy Birthday my best friend!" I greeted her as I bent over and gave her a hug from behind.

"Ooow!  Thank you, Tope!" She faced me and asked, "How do I look?"

"You look pretty... light makeup really suits you... Miya and Pam did a great job! But I'm not sure about your outfit though?" I teased her. She's still in her bathrobe.

"Dumb-ass!" She gave me a smile. She took her phone and took a selfie.

"Miya told me they got something for me to wear, that's what they went out for." She added as she took another selfie.

"Oh, I see!"

"So what brings you here, Tope?" She asked as she turned around to face me again.

"Uhm... There's something I want to tell you." I said as I sat down on the bed.

"If this is about Alex, I told you I'll think about it."


"Oh... It's something else? I'm listening..." She stood up and sat down with me on their bed.

"Do you happen to know how drunk Luke was last night?" I asked starting the conversation.

"Well... They're totally drunk, all three of them. They played a game... beer pong... I think that's what they call it."

"How did I miss that? Anyways... Is it true that a drunk person forgets most of what they did before they pass out?"

"Well, let's take Pam as an example... Yeah... It's true."

I'm now confused. I'm thinking he remembered it because of what he did this morning... telling Niko to let me rest. But Jenna's right. Pam didn't remember what she did at the bar back then. So it's possible that maybe he didn't as well. I ruffled my hair out of frustration. All this 'kiss' thing is messing with my head!

"Hmmm... Is there something you're not telling me... again?" She's getting suspicious.

"It's not like that..."

"Then tell me... It's my birthday so you can't say 'no'."

"Fine.. what I really want to talk to you about is..."


Then the door opened. Miya and Pam already got back carrying a box.

"We got your dress!" Miya exclaimed excitedly and handed over the box to Jenna.

Jenna checked on the box and it was still sealed.

"Wait... This is brand new?"

"Yes... And it's one of the expensive brands." Pam said.

"Girls! That's so sweet... but you don't have to spend this much for me!"

"Uhm actually... It's not from us..." Miya conveyed.

"Huh?" Jenna uttered.

She opened the box and saw an envelope with a card inside. She opened it and read...

To: the most amazing girl I met;

Hope you like it...

Happy Birthday

From: Alex

"He actually asked for our help to get you this dress... Isn't it great?" Pam shared and was very happy about it.

Jenna was silent for a moment then...

"You can give this back to him..." She said as she put back the top cover of the box.


"I just met him yesterday, I can't accept this..."

"But Jenna... He really likes you... It's love at first sight!" Pam insisted.

"He can't even hold in his happiness when he approached us this morning," Miya added.


"Jen... They're right. Alex may be a total stranger but he happens to be Luke's brother so we knew he's not a bad person... He may be too childish at times but he's truly vocal about what he feels about you..."

"I know you said... You'll think about it... But wearing this dress doesn't mean you had made up your mind already..."

"Just accept it for now and if you want you can return it to him later on... He just wants you to be happy on your birthday and we want you to be happy as well..."

"Okay... Fine..."

Miya and Pam squealed out of excitement.

"But if you don't want it... I can keep it for myself!" Pam said jokingly and we just laughed at her silliness.


We were all in the function hall. The boys did a good job of decorating the place. Luke happened to be with their kitchen staff earlier, helping with the preparation of the amazing food that we have now. Alex bought a red velvet birthday cake with cream cheese frosting that looked so delicious. I can't wait to have that inside my mouth. We were all sitting on our chairs when Miya and Pam called our attention.

"Thank you everyone for helping us with this celebration... But we can't start without the celebrant herself." Miya announced.

"We present to you our birthday celebrant... Jenna!" Pam said exuberantly.

They opened the door and Jenna walked in. She looks so beautiful and sweet wearing a pastel teal split sleeve floral summer short dress that Alex got for her. The dress really suits her... it was elegant. We gave her a round of applause as she walked closer to us. She can't hide her smile as she blushes. Everyone got their eyes on her cheering on her.

I gazed at Alex who was smiling from ear to ear. He walked towards Jenna and gave her a bouquet of lavender rose.

"You look beautiful..." He said with so much amazement.

"Thank you..." Jenna accepted the flowers and smiled at him.

"This is a birthday celebration... Not a wedding ceremony!" Niko yelled out from the back. Everyone laughed at what he said.

We started the celebration by singing the infamous 'Happy Birthday' song to Jenna. We enjoyed the food so much that Luke and his staff prepared for us. The red velvet cake was the best that I ever tasted. Everyone was having fun especially Jenna. Alex was sitting beside her. I can't hear what they're talking about but the smiles on their faces tell me that they starting to get along. I'm happy that Jenna decided to open her heart after a long time.


After the small celebration, we all decided to enjoy the sun and the calm sea. The girls got in their bikinis and decided to dip at the shallow waters. They all look hot and sexy and the boys were enjoying the view. Alex was on the shore, close to where the girls are, taking pictures. The rest of the boys were playing frisbee aside from me and Luke.

I was sitting at one of the beach chairs when Luke joined me giving me an ice-cold beer.

"Beer again? You don't plan to get drunk, do you?"

"Nah... I had enough last night but it's best to have after a huge meal."

"You're right."

I guess it's my chance to ask him about it.

"Uhm... Luke, do you remember what happened last night?"

"Let's see.  I recalled drinking so much. I saw you alone so I joined you. I believe we talked about Claire and the next thing I remember was waking up in our room. I didn't even know how I got there." He answered and took a gulp on his beer.

So he didn't remember that we kissed. Good!

"Uhm... Chad and I dragged you to our room after you passed out." I explained.

"I did?"


"I guess I need to thank that pest," he mumbled as he looked over to where the rest of the boys were.


I saw him grinned and leaned forward close to me... He gently caressed my hair with a smile on his face...

"What are you doing?" I asked him quite confused.

He leaned closer to my ear and whispered...

"I'm just making someone jealous..."

Then he stood up and took off his shirt revealing his toned body. The sunrays hit his body perfectly. I felt my face getting warm when I gazed on his abs.

"How you like that?" He asked teasing me.

"Shut up! Luke" I looked away and saw Chad with his hands on his waist, narrowed eyes, and tightened jaw. Was he mad or something?

"I'll go and take a swim. You wanna join?" Luke asked me.

"Nah! I'm good... Go! Swim! You nuisance!" I told him trying to kick him lightly on his leg.

He just smiled and trotted to the shore. Jenna and Pam screamed so loud when they saw Luke on their way. I guess Jenna will never change. Oh shit! I startled and look over to where Jenna was... She was enjoying herself and I saw her asked Alex to take picture of her with Luke... Whew! I thought she might have fainted like the last time he saw Luke half-naked.

I'm still puzzled by the way Chad acted lately. I'm not sure about what he's thinking but I better talk to him and see what's going on.


We still have a few hours left before we head home. I don't want this vacation to end. I really enjoyed staying here even just for two days. I decided to join Jenna and the other's who were having fun swimming. I can't stop glancing at Chad who was just sitting on the shore watching us.

After some time, I decided to clean myself up in the shower room separated from the villa. I didn't use the bathroom we have in our room because I didn't want some inconvenience for the staff cleaning the wet floor from where I will get in until I get to our room. Good thing I brought my towel with me earlier. I made sure I'm not dripping any water before I wrapped the towel around my waist and head inside the villa. I was on my way to my room to get change when I saw Chad just got out of their room.

"Hey, Chad!" I called out on him.

"Hey..." He said as he walked closer to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... why did you ask?"

"Well... I don't think you're having a great time. Is there something wrong?" I want to know the reason behind his actions.

"No... I was just thinking... if I can take you out sometime..." He said that staring at me.

"Uh... Sure... We can hang out at the bar when I'm free..."

"No... not like that. Like a dinner date.  I want to take you on a date with me." He took a step closer to me while his eyes were pinned on me. I saw him bit his lower lip.

"What? Are you ser-" I got cut off.

He cupped my face and kissed me on the lips. I was not able to respond immediately. But unlike Luke's kiss... I didn't feel any emotion.

I pushed him away and wiped my lips with the back of my hand.

"What we're you thinking?!" I wanted him to explain. I didn't like what he did to me.

"I'm sorry Kris... I can't stop myself!"

"Yeah? So you just kiss someone when you want to?" Now I'm mad.

"No... I mean..."

"I think you should leave," that came out of my mouth without reasoning.

"You don't understand... Let me explain,"

"Explain what?"

"I like you, Kris... I really do!". He was teary-eyed when he said that. But at the moment, I'm just so mad at him. I don't know why... but I felt I was taken advantage of.

"I don't want to listen to you... Just leave..."

I went inside our room and closed the door behind me. I leaned my back on the door and tried to process what just happened.

"Kris! Please! Let's talk! I'm sorry!"

He kept knocking on the door and said his sorry several times already but I didn't open the door. I'm still in shock with what he did. After a while, I heard him walked away from my room. That's the only time I was able to get my clothes on. I laid down on my bed and think about what happened for the past twenty-four hours. I can't believe that my supposed to be memorable kisses happened to be with someone too drunk who can't remember it and someone who forcefully made his way to kiss me.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Kris... It's me... I'll go now... But please give me a chance to explain. I know I shouldn't have done it but please believe me when I say I like you... I like you a lot... Kris."

Chad said those words with regret on his voice. He walked away from the door and I stood up on my bed. I followed him unnoticed up to the parking area where he put his things on his car's trunk. He opened the car door and glanced at me. I felt his pain with those eyes... I wanted to stop him but I didn't say a word. He got in his car and drove away.

"What happened to him? Why did he leave already?" Luke asked me as he got close to me from behind.

"Uh... They got a family emergency... He needed to get home soon." I made an excuse. I don't want to tell him what happened between us.

"Oh, I see... well... He should've said goodbye to everyone, at least."

"He asked me to do it for him, " I defended my white lie.

"And why would you take orders from him?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He's a fr-... friend." I was almost not able to say it. After what happened, I'm not sure if I can still call him my friend.

"You're such a worrywart!" He tousled my hair and gave me a smile.

"Come on, let's tell the others before they look for him... We still have a few hours before we get home." He said then walked away from me and I followed him shortly.


Overall it was the best weekend that I ever had. I'm with all of my friends... We got to spend the weekend at Luke's former home that offered the best views of the sea. We got to celebrate Jenna's 21st birthday and we made her feel special, particularly Alex who we just met yesterday. He put so much effort just to make Jenna happy on her special day.

As for me... A lot had happened. I learned things about Luke. His mother, his brother, his life. It gave me a different way to see the real him. I decided not to tell anyone about the kiss I had with either Luke and Chad. I don't want anyone to worry about me and ruin their day. With regards to Chad, I got a message from him apologizing for what happened. He left because I told him so but he wants to see me again to explain everything. I didn't send any reply. I will deal with him some other time.

We said our thanks to the staff before we leave for taking good care of us and filling our stomachs with great food. Alex stayed at the villa, he will be picked up by his own driver there. He said goodbye to Jenna and wished to see her more often. Jenna just nodded and got inside the van.

Luke asked the manager to dropped everyone off near our respective homes so we don't need to commute and have some rest as soon as possible.

I was the last one to get off the van. I said my regards to our manager. Luke walked me to our porch.

"So... this is it... I'm home... You can go now." I told Luke as I turned around to face him.

He just stared at me and I felt a bit awkward.

"Uhm... Thank you for what you did for Jenna. She can't thank you enough for letting us celebrate her birthday at your amazing villa."

"Well... I actually didn't do it for her... I did it for you..." His eyes tell me he meant it.


"I know you had been stressing out the passed days after what happened with Claire... And I can't bear the fact that you're ignoring me because of that... It's killing me..." He explained. I can't believe he was so anxious, I felt I'm at fault.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"I was thinking of a way to make it up to you when I bumped into my godmother. I saw the list of students who signed up for the yaoi club. My godmother took that list off the bulletin board... She thought it's ridiculous..." He paused for a second and he seemed hurt based on his expression.

"Anyways...  I saw Jenna's name on the list with her birthday. I can't believe she's into that kind of stuff..."

"Yep! That sure is Jenna... Trust me... She's crazy about it." I just imagined Jenna with her fanatical BL fantasy world.

"And... That's how I got to this plan. It didn't go the way I see it, especially with my brother getting in the way, but it's good to see you smile again and talking to me."

"Well... I'm not sure why you went this far just to make amends... But I appreciate it a lot... Thank you!" I felt so happy when I heard his explanation. He went through that plan just for me... I can't help but smile.

"Your welcome!" He smiled back.

"Wait... You mentioned your godmother... She's working at the university?" I asked quite confused.

"Yeah... Mrs. Dela Peña." He said casually.

"What? Mrs. Dela Peña is your godmother?" I was so surprised by this revelation.

"Yes... She's a friend of my mom." He explained.

So that explains why our terror professor becomes kind and tame around him... They are related to each other.

"I probably need to go now..." He stepped back and gave me another smile.

"Yeah, sure! Thanks again, Luke."

I waited till he got into their van and went their way before I went inside our house.

As I closed the door behind me, my brother, Lance, was standing on my way with his arms across his chest and holding a letter on his hand.

"We got a problem..."
