Chapter 16: Yes I do the packing!

"No! Tope!" Jenna was so devastated about the news that I told her.

"I can't do anything about it. My brother already refunded the advance payment for our rent. So we can't stay there for long."

"There should be another way..."

"If only I can pay for the rent and the bills but my salary at my part-time job will not be enough to pay for the expenses... So I have no choice but to go with them." I explained. I saw her eyes getting watery but held it in.

"When will you leave?" She asked.

"Friday before noon."

"What?! Why so soon?"

"Like I said... I can't do anything about it."

She looked away from me for a second...

"Maybe Luke can help you!" She implied.

"No! You can't tell Luke... He doesn't need to know."

"But why?"

"I don't want to bother anyone. It's not like I'll cut off ties with you guys... We can still chat and call each other."

"No..." Jenna pouted holding her tears from falling and gave me a hug.

After we talked, Jenna insisted to spend time with me... For the last time, I treated her with her favorite smoothie at Goloso Café. The manager let me join Jenna at her table since the café was not crowded for the night and he can still manage to serve the customers. Luke was not around... Well, I guess that's just normal since he owns the place. There's no need for him to pretend as a staff anymore.

"I will really miss you, Bes."

"I told you, I'll keep in touch... Besides we can still hang out if I'm free."

"But... It's better to see you physically every day."

"You're gonna miss this cutie huh?" I teased her.

"Yes... I will..." Her toned suddenly turned unhappy.

"Don't be like that, Jenna. I promise to give you a call every night to chitchat! So that you won't miss me that much."

"You promise?" She asked then raised her pinky finger.

" Yes, I promise," I said locking our pinkies.

"By the way, how're things with you and Alex?"

She almost choked with my question.

"Uh...(coughs) He's very persistent... I must say..."

"Good... You're starting to like him?" I assumed.

"Geez! That's ridiculous! We just met the other day!" She denied but her blushing face says it all.

"You should tell me any progress with both of you... I may be far away but I'm still your best friend... I have the right to know."

"Okay... Fine..." She agreed and continued sipping on her smoothie.

I'm just so happy for Jenna and I'm really looking forward to seeing her happy, hopefully with Alex. They're so cute together. I just wished I could be there to witness it when it happens.

My brother told me that he was assigned to a new development project in a different city. It's a long-hour drive from where we live.  He already talked to our mother about it and they decided to refund the advance payment for the apartment and use it to find another place that we can move in to. At first, I opposed their decision. I don't want to be away with my friends and besides, I'm just a year away before I graduate. But my brother told me if there's a way for me to support myself with all the expenses, I can stay. But since there's none, I have to come with them. He won't be able to support my expenses if I will live on my own. It's hard for me but I need to accept it.


The next day... the lessor came to our house and talk to Lance if it's okay to place the 'For Lease' sign next to our mailbox, my brother agreed to it since we will move out soon. My mother and my brother made a trip to find us a new apartment close to his new office.  My brother told me to work on my transfer file so that I can still continue my studies at a different university. He will get a list of universities within that area that offers the same course that I have right now. I can have most of my units be credited. That way, I won't need to go back at zero.

I went to the registrar's office to get a transfer form and asked what else are needed. It was such a hassle... Now I know what Claire went through to get this done.

I was on my way out of the building when I crossed path with Jessie.

"Hey, Kris!" He greeted me.

"Oh! Jessie! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just need these papers to be signed by the registrar... and you?" He asked then I saw him gazed on the form that I have on hand.

I immediately hid it behind my back.

"Uhm... I had them signed some papers as well... Uh... I got to go... See you around." I excused myself and got away from him.

I don't want any of Luke's buddies to find out about it. It's better to keep it from him.


The next morning, I excused myself from my classes to help my mom and my brother to pack our things. They were able to find a suitable apartment for us and they managed to contract a logistics company to help us with our furniture and other stuff. My mom will move in first to our new apartment to guide the logistics staff where they can put our things. Lance still needs to finish some of his last reports before he works on his new project, that's why he needs to stay. I just felt I'm not ready yet to move out so I plead to stay with him. It was almost afternoon when we finished packing our things. What has been left were a few of my clothes, my brother's, and my guitar. We will both move into our new home by Friday at noon. I also asked the cafe's manager, Ben, to let me skip work till Friday. I didn't tell him the real reason I just told him it's about family matters. I planned to submit my resignation Friday morning before we leave.


I said goodbye to my mother as she got in the car. The company where my brother works were generous enough to provide him a new car.  I think that was one of the reasons why my brother accepted this job deal. My brother drove my mom to our new home and will be back later at night. I was on my own in our almost empty home. Lance decided to leave the sofa and a single mattress so that we can have something to sleep on for the next two nights before we leave on Friday.

I felt sad when I tried to look around the house. Two days from now, I won't be living here anymore. This place got us a lot of memory. This was the place where my mother stood up back on her feet. This was the place that my brother got for himself when he started with his career and he wholeheartedly welcomed us to live with him. This was the place that I got to know more about Luke.

I felt a jolt of pain inside my heart when I thought of him. Then I start to question myself. Is it unfair to him if I won't tell him about it? Will he get mad at me? Am I ready to be far away from him? Will he be sad if I go?

I pulled out my guitar from the case and sat on the couch.  I started to play some chords as I tried to think of a song that will help me ease the sadness that I'm feeling inside but nothing came to my mind. I put down the guitar and pulled out my phone. I browsed through my contacts until I got to Luke's phone number.

"Should I call him?" I asked myself.

I stood up and walked over to a window. I called his number and after just one ring he answered.

"Hello... Kris..."

"Hi... Luke..."

"Are you okay? You didn't come to school today."

"I'm fine... I just need to help my brother with something."

"I see... So what made you call me tonight? Miss me?" He taunted me.

"Shut up Luke... You're the one who'll gonna miss me..." I said it carelessly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Uh... It's nothing... Are you free tomorrow after class?" I asked to change the topic.

"You're asking me for a date?" He did it again.

"Will you quit it? I'm serious..."

" Sorry... Yeah! I have nothing to do... Why?"

"Great! I'll see you after class then... Bye!" I said then I hung up without waiting for his response.

I didn't actually care about what he thought it could be I just want to spend time with him before I go.


It was Thursday, it's my last day at school. I just need the dean's signature on my transfer paper tomorrow and I can start a new beginning at a different school. I told Niko about it and like Jenna, he told me not to go. I explained to him the situation and in the end, he understood my reasons. I asked him a favor to not tell anyone about it. The less who knew about it, the easier for me to leave.

(School Bell Rang)

"Jen, will you be there to send me off tomorrow?" I asked her as we walked along the hallway towards our lockers.

"Of course... After the morning class, I'm free until the afternoon class. So I can definitely see you for the last time."

I gave her a hug as my way to thank her but then she got a message alert on her phone. She checked it out and I saw her smile.

"Uhm... Bes, I have to go..." She put her notes inside her locker and closed it immediately.

"Where are you going?" I asked quite troubled why she's in a hurry.

"Just call me tonight if you need to talk to me... Okay?"

She gave me a quick hug and ran her way out of the hallway.

I just shook my head and took all of my things out of the locker and put it in my bag. I checked the back of my locker door and I saw the picture that Luke and I had during the fair. I remembered Jenna printed her copies and gave me this one. I took it off and stared at it for a moment. I remembered he was too stiff back then but managed to still look good in this picture with me.

"Why did you empty your locker?"

I was startled when I heard Luke spoke from behind.

" You scared me! I... Uhm... I requested for a new locker. This one is broken." I lied and closed the locker door.

"Okay..." He saw the photo and snatched it off my hand.


"Why do you have this! I want a copy too!" He looked so happy starting at our photo.

"You can have that if you want." I inferred. It could serve as a remembrance from me.

"Really? Thanks!"

He took out his wallet from his pocket and put the photo inside it.

"Uhm... what brought you here?" I asked.

"Haist... I'm the one who should be asking... You're the one who asked me to see you after class." He explained.

"Oh yeah! Sorry..."

"So where are we going to have a date?" He said giving me his tricky smirk.

"It's not a date, okay? I just want to return all the favors you've done for me."

"Oh... Okay... So what we're gonna do now?" He asked.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"It's definitely a date." He teased again.

"Oh come on!"


We went to the mall to see what movie to watch... We checked the lists and a comedy movie will be available within a few minutes... We decided to go with that one... Luke insisted to pay for the tickets even though I'm the one who invited him here. He said it's a rare opportunity to watch a movie with me... well... it could be the first and last so I let him be. I offered to pay for the popcorn instead and he agreed.

I walked over to the popcorn stand.

"Two popcorn, large, cheese flavor, and two medium coke please."

Right after I ordered and stepped aside, I heard a girl talked to the cashier and I recognized the voice.


She turned around and looked at me... She was so surprised to see me.

"Bes!" She exclaimed. I noticed her eyes panicking.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Uhm... I'm here to see a movie with a friend... I mean..  with friends!... Yeah! There's a bunch of us." She explained.

"Where are they? Are you with Niko or Miya?" I tried to look around to find them. Then I heard Jenna scoffed.

"Uhm... Bes... Sorry."

Before I even ask her why she's sorry, I heard another familiar voice calling out my name.


I turned around and saw Alex with Luke walking towards us.

I looked at Jenna with squinting eyes...


She just smiled with her sorry face.


So it happened that Jenna and Alex went out for a date... a real date. They are taking chances to get to know each other well. It's a good start.

We headed inside the cinema and found our seats. Luke sat on my right, Jenna was on my left, and Alex was sitting next to her. We were still waiting for the movie to start. I gave Luke his bucket of popcorn.

Jenna poked me to get my attention.

"So what's the real score between you two?" She whispered.

"There's none... I just asked him out to thank him for everything before I go." I talked as low as possible. I don't want Luke to hear us.

"Did you tell him?" She asked.

"No... I don't have any plan to tell him... By the way, you're the one who got some explaining to do." I said pointing my lips to Alex who was checking his phone at the moment.

"I'm doing what you told me to do."


"You told me to open my heart, remember?"

That's true... I remembered telling her to open her heart to Alex. But I didn't expect it would be this quick. Whatever... as long as it makes her happy. Finally, my best friend is going to be merrily in love.

"Hey... Stop chitchatting... the movie is about to start." Luke interrupted our conversation with his bossy tone and we sat properly to watch the movie... Jenna and I looked at each other and just smiled.

We laughed throughout the movie... I took glances at Luke and seeing him laugh makes me so happy deep down inside. I will miss his smile. Jenna, on the other hand, was having a good time with Alex. They really seem to be a good pair after all. I will miss everyone... If only I can stay.

After the movie, we decided to split up. Jenna and Alex will have dinner. I wanted to have more time with them but I received a text from Lance asking me to come home early because he might come home late at night. He needs to finish his report before tomorrow so he has to stay for over-time work in their office.

I told Kris about it and he didn't complain but he insisted to drive me home. At first, I was hesitant but he won't let me go.

We were on our way to the mall's parking lot and I thought it's the right opportunity to thank him.

"Luke..." I called his attention and he stopped walking to face me.

"What is it?"

"Uhm... I know it's out of place, but I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me." I felt a bit shy saying those words. I saw him let out a sigh and smiled back at me.

" don't have to-"

"No... Listen to me first." I insisted. I want him to listen to what I got to say because I might never have this chance again.

He took another sigh and walked closer to me.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me... You took care of me when I was sick... You got my guitar back... And let us stay at your private villa for a short break... I can't remember anything that I've done for you to deserve all of it. You made me so happy for the short time that we've known each other... So thank you for being there for me even though I'm just a stranger that happens to be your seatmate."

There you go. I said it.

He let out a soft smile and got even closer. He placed his hand on my head and gently caressed my hair.

"You were never a stranger to me Kris... If only you know how much you changed me..." He said those words so sincerely that I felt my heart skipped a beat.

"I did? How?"

He smirked.

"Forget about it. I'm glad you're happy..." He turned around and walked towards his car. "Let's go... Let me take you home now." He added.


We were on the road already when I started to worry. I don't want him to see our empty house and find out the truth.

"Uh... Luke... You can drop me off the convenience store near our house... I have to buy something for my brother," 


After a while, we were already there. He pulled over his car to let me out.

"Do you want me to wait for you? I can drive you home to make sure you're safe." He asked.

"Nah, I'm good. You can go home now and rest." I smiled and unlocked the car door.

"Are you sure?"


I opened the car door and before I close it I said goodbye to him. I waited till he drove away before I got inside the convenience store. I bought myself something to eat and headed home.

I was walking down the street when I thought of Luke. Today is the last day I got to spend time with him. Even to the last second, he cared about me. I wonder if he will ever forgive me once he found out that I move to a different city. I don't want to hurt him but still thought it's for the best that he'll remain clueless till I'm gone.

I was stepping real slow with my head down towards our house until I'm just a few blocks away. I lift my head up and I saw a silhouette of a man standing in front of our house facing the signage that was set up by the lessor the other day. I thought it was weird for someone interested to lease the house and check it at this hour. So I walked faster till I got closer to him and finally saw his face. He looked at me with glaring eyes.

"Kris... Can you explain this to me?" His voice was full of emotion.

"Luke! What are you doing here?"

I was so shocked to see him. I thought he went home already but instead, he drove his way here and now we're in this situation.

"I'm asking you to explain this!" He whacked the signage with his hand. "What's going on?" He pleaded.

"I'll explain everything... Just calm down." I'm starting to get scared. I never saw him like this.

"Then talk, please... Make me understand." I can feel he's hurting inside and it's breaking my heart.

"Okay... We will be moving to a different city tomorrow..."


"My brother got a new job deal in a different city. We already found a new apartment to stay at... And we need to move with him since we can't deal with extra expenses now..."

"I don't want to go... If I can... I'll choose to stay here... But my hands are tied, Luke. I'm not the one making decisions."

"Does Jenna know about this?"

"Yes... and Niko."

"Am I the last one to know about this? Do you even have any intention to tell me about it?"

"I don't want to tell you because I know you won't be happy."

"You think I'll be happy if you're far away from me?"

Those words hit me hard. What did he mean?

"I've done everything for you... How can you do this to me?" His voice was cracking up and I began to feel sorry.

"I didn't mean to... It's just..."

"Forget it, Kris, I heard enough... I can't believe you..." He walked back and opened his car door.

I was not able to say anything else... I wanted to say sorry but the words were not coming out of my mouth. He gave me a last look before he got in his car and drove away. 

I wanted to cry... I really do... But somehow my tears failed me. It felt like a big boulder came crushing on me and pinning me down. My heart was feeling heavy. I'm sorry Luke...

"I'm sorry."
