Chapter 25: Yes I do the contemplating!

"Good morning..." Luke greeted me as he walked out of his room.

I was in the living room tying my shoes. I'm getting ready for the last day of Jenna and I's road to fitness. Our trainer, Demi, pushed us to our limits and it all paid off. I can feel my muscles getting firmer and stronger. But Luke's physique is top-level max. His chiseled chest, well-defined abs, and that V-line... Wait...

"Why are you not wearing a shirt?"

"What? I sleep like this all the time..." He said as he put his right arm behind his head.

"Get a shirt or something..." I told him not to be obvious that I found him really hot with that pose.

"Fine... Uhm... Kris..."


"I know that you're doing your best for tonight... and I can't help but notice how sexier you've become..."

He said as he walked closer to me.

"I wonder if we can... You know... Do that..." He spoke in a soft tone.

"Do what?"

I saw him bit his lip and looked down. I gazed down to where he's looking and...

"Huh! I'm not impressed, my dear... See yah!" I said as I smirked.

"Why you-" before he said anything else I  turned around, picked up my stuff, and ran out of the door.

What was he thinking! My heart pounded so fast and my face got warm. But what puzzled me was that I felt tightness in my shorts. That was close. One more minute with him and I'll be late. I pressed my hands on my face to release the tension. I shook the image of him earlier out of my head and I headed to the gym.


Jenna and I met at the gym and we already started with the exercises. We were halfway through our training when we decided to take a break.

"You're ready for tonight?" Jenna asked me.

"I am... But I can't stop myself from thinking what might happen..."

"Don't worry, Bes... We are on the same boat so we will get through it together..."

"Thanks... By the way, do you have something to wear?" I asked.

"Right after this, Alex will pick me up... He said he got a dress prepared for me... We will go to check it out..."

"Same here... Luke also prepared a suit for me... I prefer the one I wore at the homecoming but the side of it got ripped... I showed it to him and he'll get a new one for me..."

"That's great then..."

"I know... But I don't want him to spend so much on me... You know... I don't want his father to think that I'm after his money..."

"I also thought of it every time Alex got something for me but the more I tell him to stop doing it the more surprises he's coming up with..."

"It runs on their genes probably..." I said as I drank my water.

"Yeah, right... If we happen to have a son in the future, I will definitely tell him not to be like his father..."

I don't know why but somehow what she said made me want to ask her about what happened this morning.

"Uhm... Can I ask you something private?"

"Sure... What is it?"

"Have you done it?"

"Done what?"

"It... You know... Getting steamy... Both of you naked..." I can't make the right words to say.

"Oh my God! Bes! I just mentioned having a child... It's not like we're planning to have one..."

"Just answer me..."

"No... We have not... We're too young for stuff like that..."

"But did he ask you to do it?" I asked again.

"Never... But he did ask my permission to grab my boob... But that's it... Nothing more than that..." She said casually but it came out funny for me.

I laughed so hard when I heard that.

"He did?" I asked and laughed again.

"Yeah... Let's not go to details... It's quite embarrassing..."

"I don't even want to hear it... at all..." I controlled myself from laughing and drank more water.

"Shut up... How about you two?"

I choked when she asked me.

"Don't tell me... You already did?" Her eyes widen and smiled from ear to ear. She has the same expression on her face every time she fantasizes about me and Luke.

"No! But..."

"But?" She implored getting closer to me.

"He asked me if we can do it this morning..."

"And..." She's acting like a maniac with those eyes.

"I went here..."

"Bes! Why did you let the opportunity to pass? The details could have been a great addition to my novel..." She said as her mood changed.

"What? You still writing that?" I asked. I can't believe her.

"Of course... I stopped writing it for a while after I got what they call the author's block... I got stuck... I can't figure it out... like... something was missing... And when you mentioned Luke asked you to do it... Everything got clearer... I knew that's the missing piece... A steamy bed scene of two princes..." She said as she embraced herself with her eyes closed.

"You're crazy... I haven't seen this side of you for a long time..."

"Well... Alex came into my life and I don't want him to see this side of me... He might freak out..."

"I thought he changed you for good... But I missed this craziness of yours..."

"Hmmm... Let's just say you brought it back... So... Next time when Luke asks you to do it... Just go for it..." She said trying to encourage me but  I didn't buy it.

"Huh? And why should I listen to someone who had been asked for her boob to be groped?" I said trying to tease her.

"In my case, there are risks... But you... You don't even have a womb... So you don't need to worry about getting pregnant..."

"Should I be offended or not?" I said as I gave her the side-eye.

"C'mon Bes..." She said as she clamped herself on my arm.

"Even if we did it... I will not kiss and tell..."

"How about my story then?" She asked with her pouty lips.

"You have to make your creative mind do its work..."

"Fine... But will you give me some clues or anything to work on my imagination?"

"I have one..."

"Oh... What is it?"

"He got an extra arm..."

She was silent for a while trying to analyze it... then...

"Oh, Lord..."


We were done with our training and Jenna went to take a shower. I just changed my shirt and decided to take a shower at home. I walked around the gym trying to find Wendy so that I can thank her again but I can't find her.

I walked over to the male staff and ask him.

"Hi... Where's Wendy?"

"Ms. Wendy is not here today... But I can take your message for her..." He answered.

"No... No need for that..."

"Okay, Sir... Just let me know if you need anything else..."

"Sure... Thanks..."

Then he walked away. Ms. Wendy? Such a formal way to address their co-worker.

"Hey, Kris..." Demi called me from behind.

"Yes, coach?"

"Now that you finished the fitness program... Do you plan to continue working out those muscles?"

"Hmmm... I thought of that already but after our dinner tonight I want to eat everything that I missed for the past days..."

"I understand... Just don't forget to do some crunches and push-ups in the morning..."

"Will do, coach..."

"You're ready to go, Bes?" Jenna asked as she called my attention bringing her stuff with her.

"I'll be there in a minute..." I answered.

"Uhm... Coach Demi, please say our thanks to Wendy..."

"Oh sure, Ms.Wendy will be happy to hear it..."

There it is again.

"You sure give a lot of respect to your co-worker..."

"Co-worker? Who? Wendy? No... Their family owns this gym club and several other branches... So she's my boss..."

"What? She's the boss here?"

"Yes... Didn't she tell you?"

"No... We thought she's just an ordinary employee..."

"I see... She always does this to her new friends... She wants other people to see her as normal despite their family's riches... But when they found out about it, they hated her and called her a liar... Please don't get mad at her... She got her reasons why she didn't tell you..." He explained.

"Don't worry... I'm not mad... Just a bit surprised... You know..."

"Just talk to her if you want to get to know her more... Among her siblings... She's the most approachable. I even call her Ms.Congeniality..."

"She is... I look forward to knowing her more... Thanks for telling me this..."

"No problem... Go ahead now... You have a big night to prepare for..."

"Oh... You knew about it?" I asked.

"Well... Let's say, you have a friend who likes to talk just like me..." He said as he gazed where Jenna was.

"No wonder why..." I said as I took a deep sigh.

I said goodbye to him and went over to Jenna. I didn't tell her about what I found out about Wendy, maybe some other time.

Somehow, she reminded me of Luke.


I already took a bath and I'm getting ready for our dinner with Luke's father. I'm so proud of what I achieved with my body. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw a better version of me. I put on the clothes that Luke got for me. He got me a white semi-fit long sleeve, a light brown chino, and a black modern cut jacket to wear on top of it. I put on the shoes that his father gave me and it matches well with the jacket. I took another look at the mirror and it's the first time that I actually felt good about myself.

"I'm ready..." I uttered.

I walked out of my room and saw Luke waiting for me in the living room.

He's wearing sky blue long sleeves topped with a brown jacket, denim pants, and brown formal shoes. He's looking great as usual.

"You're beautiful..." He complimented me.

"Stop it... Let's go... I don't want your father to wait for us..."

We headed outside, locked our door, got into his car, and drove our way to the luxurious restaurant that his father booked for us to meet.

"Uhm... I thought we were supposed to have dinner at your house..."

"Well... It's a last-minute change of plan... Secretary Kim just sent me the details before you came home from the gym..."

"Oh... Okay..." I uttered.

I looked outside the window and watched the people on the street as we passed them by. The neon lights from establishments signage created kaleidoscope-like images. It was pretty. Then I thought, this area seemed familiar to me. I saw the name of a bar 'LcoHoL'. I got it. I've been here on this street. Chad brought me to that bar before and I got drunk so much and got knocked out by someone. I let out a small laugh but Luke noticed it.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Nothing... I just remembered something..."

"Okay... We'll be at the place in five minutes... Better get yourself ready..."


We arrived at the foyer of a five-star hotel. A valet approached us as we got off the car. Luke gave him the car key and we headed inside the hotel.

"Good evening, young master Luke..." A guy about his thirties greeted us. He must be the manager.

"Young master? You mean..."

"Yes, my father owns this hotel..." Luke answered.

"God... Why didn't I get used to it?" I muttered.

"Everything is set, young master... You can go ahead to the top... Young master Alex had arrived before you..." The manager said still being polite and proper.

"The restaurant is on the top floor?" I asked Luke.

"It's on the roof deck to be exact..." He answered.

"Whoa! That's amazing!" I can't stop to get stunned. I should learn how to react normally every time I get this kind of a surprise but who would react normally to this.

"One more thing, young master..." He said as he took out an envelope and handed it over to me.

"Your father told me to give this to the person you're with when you get here..." He added.

"For me? What is it?" I asked as I took it from him.

"I was not told what's in it... But he said don't open that until he says so..."

"Oh... Okay... I'll keep it closed then... Thank you..." I said then put the envelope in my jacket's inner pocket.

"You're welcome... Enjoy your night young master..."

Luke nodded but didn't say anything. We walked over to the elevator and I can't seem to notice Luke being silent for a while. The elevator door opened and we got inside. He pressed the top floor button and the door closed.

"Anything wrong, Luke?" I implored.

"I got a bad feeling on this..."

"Should we head back?" I asked a bit confused.

"No... No... Whatever happens, as long as you're with me... We can make it through..." He said as he held my hand.

"Hmmm... Why do you sound more nervous than I am?"

"We'll see... We'll see..." He uttered then he squeezed my hand.

I wonder what's on his mind. I'm getting a bit anxious but I want him to know that I'm here for him no matter what happens.

The elevator door opened and we walked up the stairs. The first thing that caught my attention was the perfect view of the night sky. There were no clouds so the stars can be seen. I walked up to the edge and looked over the city lights. It was indeed a beautiful view. No wonder his father chose this place. It was mesmerizing...


I looked over to see Jenna walking towards me with his boyfriend Alex. She looks stunning in a black dress matched with a black stilleto.

"You look great... Luke really got a good taste when it comes to fashion..."

"You don't look bad yourself... Look at you... Those curves..."

"Well... Demi really did a good job training us this past week..."

"Demi?" Luke asked.

"He's our training coach... He was recommended by a friend..." I answered him.

"Can we meet him? You know to say thanks for making you both sexier and hotter..." Alex asked as he put his arm around Jenna's shoulder.

"If you want we can work out together at the gym... We can introduce you to him... It would be fun with the four of us..." Jenna suggested.

"I'll go..." Alex quickly agreed to it by raising his hand.

"And you?" Jenna asked Luke.

"I'll think about it..." Luke said plainly.

"He's already proud of his body..." I said as I tapped Luke's shoulder.

"Young masters, your father will be here soon... The table is ready..." A lady dressed in a white blouse and black skirt said as she approached us. She must be working at the restaurant.

"Thanks..." Luke uttered.

"This is it, Bes... Let's hope for the best..."


We all sat at the long table good for eight people... There were eight plates and utensils prepared for us.

"Uhm... Are we waiting for someone else other than your father?" I asked out of curiosity

"No... This is how they set it up here..." Alex answered.

"I see..."

"Young master... Your father is here..." The lady said then bowed to excuse herself.

We all stood up and waited for their father to approach us.

I got very nervous when I saw him walking. There was this strong presence that you can feel around him. A presence of authority, power, and wealth. He's in his mid-forties but he looks great. Alex and Luke got their good-looks from their father, no doubt.

"Good evening my sons... and to our lovely guests... Good evening..."

We greeted him back but I kept my voice down when I saw him gazing at me. I felt like I was struck by lightning. He scares me. We sat down again and I kept my head down. All the confidence I gathered from the past week we're all gone with just one look. Their father is really intimidating.

"It's good to have my sons spend this night with me and I finally got to meet you both, Jenna and Kris..."

I nodded the same as Jenna to respond.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir..." Jenna said...

"I... Uh..." I wanted to say the same thing but I got cut off.

"You look lovely, Jenna... Alex really got his eyes on someone pretty as you.."

"Thank you, Sir... Kris and I w-" Jenna was also cut off by him.

"We should have dinner first... Shall we?"

"O-okay... That's great..." Jenna said then she glanced at me.

I smiled at her to show her that I'm fine. Then I felt Luke's hand over mine. It's very securing.

Everyone was enjoying the food except for me. I can't keep myself from taking glances at Luke's father. I felt like if I make a single mistake he will throw me off. We were all silent for a while until Alex broke the silence.

"Uhm... Dad... I heard from Secretary Kim that you're planning to hire part-time workers this summer... If you need applicants, can Jenna and Kris try it?"

"That's not a bad idea... That way, you can grasp ideas on how we run our business so in the future if you happen to be a part of the family already, I can designate you to take over..."

"That's great!" Alex exclaimed and smiled at Jenna.

"Well... I don't have any problem hiring your girlfriend Jenna... What I'm concerned about is what I found out about you... Kris..."

"Me?" I uttered.

Why me? I started to feel nervous and scared at the same time.

"I know you're aware that I hired private investigators to monitor you and my son but I also asked them to do a background check... I must say... I'm impressed with your achievements and academic records... But what concerns me the most was... what I found out about your family..." He said with a serious tone.

"I'm sorry... What does my family have to do with this?" I asked more confused than ever.

"Apparently... Your mother still got a loan to pay... She got that loan to one of our savings and loan association..."

"If this was the loan from two years ago... We already paid for that..." I explained.

"What you paid was the penalty fine... for the company not to press charges to your mother... The actual loan is still not paid until now..."


"You see... This is something that we can not look over when we hire people... It's a bad omen for the business..."

I felt defeated. But still want to prove myself.

"I'll work on it... I promise to pay-" I got cut off again.

"With what? You don't earn much from your petty job... Your brother, even if he worked two jobs, that wouldn't be enough... The deadline is getting near and my lawyer will send a summon again to your mother..." He said casually but I felt threatened.

"Dad... Stop! If you want I'll pay for it..." Luke said as he tried to defend me from his father's harshness.

"You can't... It's the law... Besides... I'm sure, Kris, don't want you to shoulder everything for his family..."

I just kept my head down. I wanted to defend myself but I can't. I'm angry, not to their father, but myself.

"Oh yeah... That reminds me of something... Kris... Do you have that envelope with you?" He asked me.

"Yes, Sir..." I said not looking at him and I took out the envelope.

"Open it..."

I pulled out what's inside and it was a cheque for Ten Million Pesos.

"Let's have a deal... You can have that money and I will ask my lawyer to withdraw charges to your mother and cancel out her existing loan... With that amount in your hands, your family can start a new life... I can promise you that... but you have to leave my son..."

"That's insane!" Luke exclaimed as he stood up.

"Dad... You can't do that!" Alex stood his ground as well.

I looked at Jenna and she was shocked just as I am. I stared at the check on my hand. Their father was right. This is a lot of money and it will really help my family. This can change our life entirely. Then I thought of Luke. Can I really live a life without him? Is this worth my love for him? No. I know there are other ways to solve this. I'll do everything to help my mom but not like this. I made up my mind.

I was about to tear the cheque in half when...

"Gregor Fuentabella... It's good to see you, my friend..." A mature voice came out from behind us.

I turned around and saw a man, he exhumed the same aura as Luke's father. What's going on?

"Benjamin... It's been a long time... I'm glad you made it... Where's my future daughter-in-law?"

My ears perked up when I heard that. What does he mean by that? I gazed at Luke and saw him tightened his jaw. Could it be?

"She's coming..." The man said as he gazed at the entrance.

I turned to where the entrance is and I saw a woman dressed beautifully. She walked slowly towards us and I'm even more surprised when I looked at her face.

