Chapter 26: Yes I do the singing!

"Let this beautiful young lady sit beside my son..." Luke's father said as Wendy walked closer to her father.

"No... He'll stay by my side..." Luke opposed.

"That's okay, Luke..." I said trying to keep him down. I don't want to cause any trouble, especially around his father.

"No... Don't listen to him..." He said as he held my hand tightly.

"I'm about to leave so that's fine..." I just made an excuse to escape from here but in reality, I can't take any more humiliation from his father.

"Just him let go... He's doing the right thing..." His father said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That's enough dad, we need to talk..." He said being insolent to his father.

I can't stand it anymore. I don't want him to disrespect his father because of me. I stood up and broke free from his grip. He looked at me and I smiled at him.

"It'll be okay... I'll be okay..."

I walked away from the table and at that moment I'm not hearing anything or anyone. I made a last look at them as I took a step away. I can see Jenna saying something but I can't hear her words. I gazed at Luke and I can see him hurting through his eyes. I wanted to stay by his side but it's better if I walk away. His father made it clear, he doesn't want me to be with his son.

I'm sorry, Luke. Your father made me realize what's important for me right now. I looked down at the cheque in my hand. I'm foolish to think that I can choose you over my family. But your father is right. I don't want my family to suffer. I got to help them even if it means losing you.

I put the cheque back in my jacket's inner pocket and as I'm about to pass by Wendy, I looked at her and she tried to stop me.

"I'm sorry, Kris... Please don't go... I have nothing to do with this..."

I just nodded and flashed a smile but deep inside I wanted to cry. I kept on walking not looking back. I'm hurting so much but I don't want Luke to see my tears. I kept all the hurt as I walked down the stairs and got inside the elevator. As the door closes, I wondered if I will see Luke chase after me but he didn't. I walked away from the hotel holding the tears in convincing myself that it's for the best.

I saw a cab and got inside. I need to be in a place where I can try to forget it all even just a bit. Something that can help me with this pain inside my chest. I need to let go. Then I thought about alcohol.

"Sir, take me to the 'LcoHoL' bar, please... Thanks"


Like the first time that I was here, quite a few people were hanging out with their friends. I walked past through a crowd and I headed to the bar section.

"One beer, please..."

The barista opened a bottle and gave it to me. I immediately drank it and almost emptied the bottle.

"Another beer, please..."

The barista obliged and opened another one for me. I grabbed and drank it. I was halfway through it when someone called my name.


I turned to my side and saw Chad walking towards me.

"You're here... I thought you were supposed to be having dinner with Luke's father..."

"Yeah... We did..." I uttered.

"Oh, why are you here then? Did something happen?" He asked.

I don't feel like talking right now or sharing what happened. I'm here to forget it even just for a moment and not to feel worse.

"Let's not talk about it. I just want to get drunk..."

"If you say so... Remember last Friday when we bumped to each other... I told you there's someone I want you to meet..." He said excitedly.

"Oh yeah... I remember that..."

"He'll be here in a minute..."


He checked his phone and read a message. I saw him smiled and looked over the crowd.

"Oh! he's here..." He said as he put his phone into his pocket and waved at someone from a distance.

"Wait here... I'll introduce you..."


He walked away to go and get this person that he wanted me to meet.

I grabbed the bottle of beer and drank the rest of it.

"Hon, I want you to meet my friend..." I heard Chad said as they got behind me.

I turned around and I was surprised.

"Coach Demi?"


"Oh, you know each other already?"

"Yeah, I trained him and his friend, Jenna, this past week..." Demi explained.

"That's true..." I assented.

"Great! That made it easier then..."

"He's your?" I asked Chad.

"I'm sorry, he's my partner..."

"Wow... That's great... How did you two meet?" I asked them.

"It's not an instant attraction actually because he did something horrible the first time I saw him..." Chad explained.


"Hon, do you remember the guy that you knocked down when we first met?" He asked Demi.

"That's Kris?" Demi exclaimed pointing at me.

"Yes... That's him..."

"Oh! I see... That's why you seemed familiar when we first saw you at the gym..." I said. I get it now.

"I know it's too late now but I'm sorry for what I did to you..." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it... It's a long time ago..."

"I happen to come here often after what happened between us... Then one night he came up to me and had a chat... We exchange numbers... Everything happened so fast... He likes me... I like him... You know..." Chad explained.

"That's cool... I'm happy that you're both happy together..."

"Thanks... Wait... Aren't you supposed to be somewhere else?" Demi asked me.

I was not able to answer.

"We should talk about something else... Let's find a table and enjoy the night..." Chad diverted the conversation.

"Oh... Yeah... Sure... Sure..."


(Chad's POV)

I can tell that he's in pain. I can see it in his eyes. He had several bottles of beer already but he hasn't said anything yet. His phone kept on ringing from time to time but he didn't even check who's calling until he turned his phone off. I thought I'm experiencing what they call 'deja vu'. He's acting the same as he was on his first time here. I don't know what happened, why he's here alone, but I do know he's hurting inside. What did you do Luke?

"Is Kris going to be okay?" Demi asked me.

"To be honest, I don't know..."

"He's been quiet all the time and taking down a bottle one after another... Should we tell him to stop?" He asked me.

"I know something is not right, the moment I saw him alone... But... We will not know what we have to do until he shares what happened... For now, just let him be... Maybe he needs this..."

"I understand... Better keep an eye on him before he gets into trouble again..."

"Well... Nobody can knock him down as you did..." I teased him.

"I didn't know him back then..." He said sounding very sorry.

I just smiled at him.

The band that was performing just finished their song and the audience gave them a round of applause. Even Kris gave them a hand.

"Thank you, everyone... Before we proceed with our last set of songs we would like to have someone from the audience to perform here with us... You can sing any song that you like... We will work on the instruments and you'll lead the vocals... Any volunteer?"

I looked around and saw a group of men pointing at their friend but he's refusing.

"I'll do it!"

Demi and I were both stunned when Kris exclaimed as he stood up.

"Kris... What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I want to sing... I need to release this load on my chest..." He explained.

"Okay... We got a volunteer! Come here!" The vocalist called him up.

Demi and I looked at each other and we were both worried about Kris but everyone else in the bar is cheering for him as he got up the stage.

I saw him whispered to the vocalist and after a while, they nodded. Kris walked over to the mic stand and started to talk.

"Good evening, my name is Kris... I just want to share something with everyone... I'm not good at expressing myself verbally so I wanted to sing this song... Tonight, I made a decision that leads me to this point... I can't take it back or change anything... I have to face it alone from now on... To the person that I let down... This is for you..."

Everybody was speechless. Nobody reacted, even us. I never saw Kris like this. I wonder if there's anything that I can do for him. Then he began to sing as the band started to play.

Pilit nating iniwasan

(We have forced ourselves to avoid)

Ganitong mga tanungan

(These kinds of questioning)

At kahit 'di sigurado

(And even though we are not sure)

Tinuloy natin ang ating ugnayan

(We have continued our relationship)

Ngayo'y naubos na'ng kwentuhan

(Now that our stories ran out)

Nagsimula nang magsisihan

(We started to blame each other)

Lahat ay parang lumabo

(Everything seems to fade)

'Di alam kung sa'n tutungo

(We don't know to which way we'll turn)

I can hear his voice cracks as he sings. I can feel his pain. Demi held my hand and I know he's worried about him too but what can we do?

Sabi ko na nga ba, dapat no'ng una pa lamang

(I knew it, right from the very start)

'Di na umasa, 'di naniwala

(I shouldn't have hoped, I shouldn't have believed)

Hindi tayo pwede

(We can't be together)

Pinagtagpo pero 'di tinadhana

(Meant to meet, but not destined to be)

Hindi na posible

(It's no longer possible)

Ang mga puso'y huwag nating pahirapan

(Let us stop hurting our hearts)

Suko na sa laban

(Let us give up on this fight)

Hindi tayo pwede

(We can't be together)

Right after his last note, everyone applauded. But I remained apprehensive. I saw him looked at everyone but something's not right. He began to sway left and right.

Out of the blue, he puked on the stage and lied down on the stage floor.

"Kris!" I exclaimed as I stood up.

"Let's get him out of here..." Demi said as he got up as well and we both rushed up to him.

We dragged him out of the bar and got him inside the car. Kris was so drunk, he can't even open his eyes and yet he talked a lot while lying down in the backseat.

"We should've didn't allow him to drink so much..." Demi said after he took a deep sigh.

"He's going through something... I knew it..."

"So what now?" He asked.

"Let's drive him home..." I suggested.

"Okay, hon... I'll drive..." He said as he took the car key out of his pocket.

"Let's just hope that Luke will be there so we can get answers..."

"Who is he?" He asked.

"Kris boyfriend... Or could be ex-boyfriend..."

"Oh... Shit..." His reaction was priceless.

"Let's go..." I uttered.

Demi drove the car and I was telling him the way to Kris' house.

"Uhm... Hon, can I ask you something?"

"Sure... What is it?" I asked.

"I can't help but notice your concern for Kris... I'm just wondering why?" He imposed.

"I guess, you have to know the truth..."

"Huh?" He uttered as he made a turn on the street up ahead.

"I was crazy over him before I met you... I used to hit on him even though he's into someone else..."

"And that's Luke, I supposed?"

"Yes... I did things to him that I regret until now... Then I learned how to let go...  Kris may be going through the same thing as I was, and it was not a good feeling at all... It's like a hole was drilled through your heart... It felt empty..." I explained.

"I understand now... So how did you got through it?"

"I didn't... Until I met you..."

I looked at him and saw him smiled. He reached for my hand and I held onto his hand. This guy may be new to my life but he was able to fill that hole in my heart. I'm glad I met him.

We arrived at Kris' home and we pulled over in front of the house.

"You go check if someone's at home... I'll get him off the car..." He said as he opened the door.


I got off the car and went straight to the door. I pressed several times on their doorbell until it opened. I saw Luke on the phone talking to someone.

"It's not him... It's Chad... Please call me if you got any information where he is..." He said to the person on the other line then he dropped the call.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm here to bring home the person you're looking for..."

I turned to my side for him to have a look at Kris who was being carried and dragged by Demi.

"Kris!" Luke exclaimed and immediately came up to them to help Demi.

"What happened?" Luke asked me as they got closer to the door.

"It's a long story... But you better get him to bed to rest..."

"Thank you..." He uttered.

Luke and Demi brought Kris to his room. Luke cleaned him up and I stayed for a while in the living room with Demi.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" Luke offered as he walked out of Kris' room.

"Sure... Thanks..." I said.

After a while, he brought the coffee with him and he joined us in the living room.

"Thank you for bringing him home and I'm sorry for the trouble it caused you..." He said as he started the conversation.

"Don't worry about it... Actually, I feel like we are the who are supposed to apologize... We knew something was going on with him but we didn't stop him from drinking too much..." I explained.

"No... No... He needed that... After what happened..."

"Can you tell us about it?" I asked.

He nodded. He told us what really happened. From the reason why Kris fled from the hotel up to the part when they were all looking for him. I told him I saw Kris turned off his phone after it rang several times. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even us. We just accompanied him not to make him feel so alone.

After learning the truth I told Luke about the way Kris sang that song. I told him it felt like he's ready to let go and set him free.

"You better explain everything to him when he wakes up or else the worse thing will happen and you wouldn't like it..." I told him to make a point after we heard his side of the story.

"I know... I will talk to him... Thank you again Chad and..."

"Oh, I'm sorry... This is Demi... My boyfriend..." I introduced him to Demi.

"Hi..." Demi uttered and offered his hand for a shake.

"Hi... Wait... I think I heard your name before..." Luke said as he shook his hand.

"Yeah... I'm Kris and Jenna's fitness coach..." Demi explained.

"Oh yeah! Nice to finally meet you and thank you for taking care of them this past week..."

"It's their dedication that helped them reach their goals... Too bad what he prepared didn't turn out as planned..." Demi said.

"We better go now... You need to get some rest too..." I told Luke knowing he had been through a lot tonight.

"Oh... I need to inform our friends he's here then I'll hit the sack after that..." He said.

"Okay..." I uttered.

We went our way out of their house and before we said goodbye to Luke, he told me something.

"I'm sorry if I never put my guard down before whenever you're near him... I hope you understand..."

"Of course I do... Just make things right this time... That's all I can ask of you..."

"You bet... I will..."

"One more thing..."


"Kris loves you so much that he's willing to sacrifice his happiness for your sake..."

"I know that... I love him too..."


(Kristofer's POV)

I woke up from the familiar smell of the fabric conditioner that I'm using when I wash our bed cover and pillowcases. I kept my eyes closed and moved my hands. I searched for my favorite bolster pillow and when I felt it, I grabbed it and hugged it tightly. Then I realized that I'm in my room. I got up and looked around.

"How did I get here?"

I remembered getting drunk last night but I can't remember how did I get home. Maybe Chad and Demi brought me home. It could be.

Wait. I'm home. I wonder if Luke is here. I got off my bed and immediately went out to look for him.


I looked over the kitchen and then the living room but he's not there. I walked over to his room and knocked on his door.

"Luke? Are you there?"

I didn't hear any response so I tried to open the door and it did.


He's not here as well. The sense of being alone in this house made me thought of what happened last night.

He might be mad at me for leaving last night. He didn't go home. He might have stayed at the hotel or their father's house. I wonder if he's getting along well with Wendy. He could be. They have things in common. It wouldn't be hard for them to get along. Unlike us, we live in a totally different world. His father made it clear last night. I'm stupid enough to believe that we can be together.

His father mentioned a loan that my mother needs to pay. I need to hear the truth from my mom. I went inside my room, picked up my cellphone, and called my mom.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Oh, Kris, why did you call this early? Do you need anything?" She asked.

"No, mom... How are you guys doing?"

"We're fine... Your brother just got out of his room... Do you want to talk to him?"

"No, mom..."

I don't know how it began but I felt the tears laved down my cheeks. I wiped them off with my hand and I sniffed a little.

"Are you crying? Did something happen?" She asked. I can hear her concern for me.

"No, mom... I just miss you so much..."

"We miss you too... Oh, by the way... How's Luke? Is he awake? Did you guys have breakfast already?"

"He's not here, mom..."

"What do you mean?"

I didn't answer her question. I don't want her to know what happened.



"Actually, there's something I need to ask you... and I want you to tell me the truth..."

"What is it?"

"Do you still have a loan to pay?"

"I... Uh..."

"Mom, please tell me..."

"I'm sorry, Kris..."

"So it's true... Does Lance knew about this?"

"Yes, he does... That's the reason why he accepted the offer to work here..." She explained.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"We don't want you to worry about it. We want you to focus on your studies... Just let us take care of this..."

"But we're a family... We work together to solve things like this..."

Then I remember something.

"Mom, just tell when you need help. I may have something that could help us... I got to go, mom... I love you..."

I went back to my room and looked for the jacket that I wore. I found it in the laundry basket. I got it out and searched in its pockets. I pulled out all pockets from inside out but I can't find the cheque that Luke's father gave me.

Where is it? Did I drop it somewhere? I'm sure I kept it well in one of these pockets.

"Looking for this?"

I gazed at the door and saw Luke with the cheque in his hand. I stood up and went up to him.

"Give me that..."

I tried to reach for the cheque but he's raising it too high that I can't take it from him. I'm getting annoyed but he seemed to be enjoying playing with me. We're almost at the living room but he's still not letting me grab it. He's just smiling the whole time and it pissed me off.

"Do you think this is funny?" I asked firmly.

"What? You don't need this..."

"If you heard what your father said last night you should know my family needs that money..."

"I heard it too... But like I said you don't need it..."

I'm so full of emotion deep inside. I wanted to get mad but I can't. I'm trying to hold my tears thinking about my family.

"I don't have time for this... You're just like your father... You like playing with people with your money..."

It seemed like what I said hit him hard as I saw his reaction.

"Take it back... I'm not like him..."

I turned around and went back to my room. I shut the door and locked it. I felt a tear ran down my face.

"Kris... Open up... We need to talk... Let me explain..."

He kept banging on the door and it infuriated me more. I turned on the radio and set its volume to max. It's so loud that I can no longer understand what he's saying.

I laid down on my bed and covered my face with my pillow. What should I do now? I don't have the cheque anymore. How could he do this to me?

I got up and ruffled my hair. I'm so mad right now. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to see him either.

I grabbed my suitcase from my cabinet and put some of my stuff in. I want to be away from here. I can't stay here. I need some time of my own without him.

After a while, my stuff is packed and I'm ready to go. I just grabbed some clothes, my laptop, and my guitar. I kept the radio on for him not to hear what I'm doing. I gently opened the door and peeked outside. I didn't see him in the living room and the kitchen. I noticed the light in the bathroom was on. He was in the shower. That's good.

I took a step out and gently walked across the living room until I made it out of the house.

"Now where should I go?"

I can't go to Jenna's since she might tell Alex and that could be a problem. Same with Niko. His girlfriend Miya will definitely tell Jenna once she found out. Then I thought of someone I know that could take me in. I carried my guitar on my shoulder and began to walk away from our house.

I was at the door of Chad's apartment. Good thing I remembered where this is and how to get here. I took a deep breath and I knocked on the door. I turned around thinking of an excuse for him to let me stay here.

I heard the door opened. I turned around and was surprised...

"Why are you here, Kris?"

