Chapter 34: Yes I do the loving!

Luke's POV:

I ran back to the villa and went to their room but he was not there. I looked around the dining hall and the lobby area but he's not there as well. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. My heart wants to explode from the pain that surged within me from what I found out.

"Young master, is there anything wrong?" Ben asked me as he approached me. He seemed to notice how frantic I am.

"Have you seen anyone around here?" I asked as I caught my breath.

"Everyone was enjoying their time at the beach... Well... Your friend Jessie was here not so long ago... I saw him rushed out... I bet he's in a hurry..."

"Did he tell you where he will go?" I asked.

"No, young master... But he looks excited..."

I can't believe he can do this to me. We've been friends since high school and I was there with him all the time. I didn't even know he's like us. I didn't see it coming at all.

"Kris..." I uttered.

I excused myself and hurried back to the beach to look for Kris. I should stop whatever they have between them. I can't let him be taken away from me.

I arrived at the area where I last saw Kris but he's not around.

"Did you see Kris?" I asked Jenna who was sitting on a chair watching the sea.

"Uhm... He said he needs to go somewhere..." She said.

"Did he say where?" I asked.

I tried to keep myself calm but it seemed like she noticed how eager I am to find Kris.

"Not really but he went that way..." She said as she pointed to the other side of the villa.

"Thanks..." I said then turned to make my way but she pulled my arm.

"Hey! What's going on? Why are you in a hurry?" She asked.

"I need to find him now..."

"I know something is going on... I can see it in your eyes..." She said firmly as she stood up.

Should I tell her? Does she know about it? Am I being betrayed?

"Fine... Do you happen to know why he's cheating on me?" I asked directly to the point.

"What? What are you talking about?" She was so confused.

"You heard it right... Kris is cheating on me... and I need to find him to ask him why!"

"My best friend would never do that..." She vindicated.

"I thought so as well but... He did..." I said unwary of my feelings.

"No! That can't be... You mean everything to him..." She sounded so certain.

"He does to me too... That's why I need to talk to him..."

"I know it's just a misunderstanding and I still believe he can't do it... Please find him and talk this out... I know he can explain it to you..."

I know it's hard to accept it. Being his best friend. I know she's hurt as well. But I'm his boyfriend and I'm hurting the most.

"Thanks! I got to go..."

I left her teary-eyed. She is Kris's best friend and what she says about him could be true. But still, after reading their conversation, I can't erase the thought that he's doing things behind my back. I need to hear his explanation. He's the only one who can make me believe. I need answers.

I arrived at the spot where Jenna said Kris headed to. There were cottages where visitors can stay while enjoying the view of the cerulean sea. There were no other visitors around except us so it's really quiet. But the thoughts of him making and saying excuses for all the times I almost busted him, were deafening.

I kept on looking around to find him. He should be here somewhere. A gentle breeze blew my way and I saw him inside one of the cottages looking far away.

This might be the place where they would meet. I'm not seeing Jessie around and I thought this is my chance to hear his explanation.

"Where is he?" I asked as I entered the cottage and I saw him got startled with my presence.

"Luke! What are you doing here?" He asked a bit shocked.

"Where is he? Where's Jessie? I know you're going to see each other..." There it is. I said it.

"What? No!" He immediately deterred.

"Tell me... How can you cheat on me? Of all the people, why Jessie? He's one of my best friends..."

"What?... me?... cheating on you?... with Jessie?"

"I saw your conversation... I've been observing you since the day you didn't allow me to check your phone but I finally caught you red-handed..."

"That's not it... Geez!"

"Since the day I first saw you... I only thought of being with you... You made me a better person... And being your boyfriend was the best thing that ever happened to me..." I said those looking straight into his eyes.

I'm letting it all out. All my worries, pain, happiness, and fear. Looking into his eyes made me lose my temper. I became soft. I saw him smiled and walked closer to me.

"I love you, Kris... I love you with all my heart..."

He was inches away from me. He held my face and he smiled again.

"So... How can you-" I said gently but I got cut off by his soft lips pressing into mine.

It was a long kiss. A kiss that blew all my worries away. My anger, my doubts, my fears they all gone. As we parted our lips, I got a chance to look again into his eyes. It's full of love.

"Whatever it is that you're thinking... I will never do that to you... I only have you in my heart... I promise..."

"But the messages..." I said as my eyes became teary.

"They're not for me..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"See for yourself..." He said then stepped aside.

About twenty meters away from where we were, Jessie was standing under a coconut tree. A girl was approaching him from a distance. As she walked closer I began to recognize her.

"That's Wendy..."

"Yep..." Kris uttered.

Wendy poked Jessie from behind and as Jessie turned around, I saw him smiled and shook Wendy's hand. I can't hear what they're talking about, but from what I can see, it seemed like they met for the first time. Wendy kept on brushing her hair due to the wind and Jessie was rubbing his neck. He always does that when he's nervous.

"Are they?"

"Yes... I worked on my magic to make them an item... Remember the night when we had the sleepover in our house..."


"Wendy talked to me and told me that she likes Jessie since the day you introduced her to him... But she doesn't dare to tell him since Jessie has eyes on several pretty girls..." Kris explained.

"So you helped her out..."

"Well... I'm Mr.SweetTalker... The legendary match-maker..."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry... I thought you won't agree with it if I tell you... So I kept it secret... Besides, he's your best friend so I thought you might reveal it to him if I tell you... " he said while holding my hand.

"But doing that made me crazy, thinking you're flirting with someone else..."

"I know... I'm sorry... Don't worry, this will be the last and... I'll discard the cellphone number that I used for this project... Do you forgive me, now?" He pleads.

"Fine... I want to apologize as well for not trusting you enough..."

I felt bad for letting my emotions get into me. I should've waited for him to tell me everything. But there's one thing I was able to figure out. He loves me truly and it's enough for me to let all of this pass.

"That's okay..." He said.

"Come here... Hug me..."

We enclosed each other within our arms and watched Jessie and Wendy getting along from afar.


It was already dark and everyone gathered around a bonfire by the beach. We all had a share of barbeques and grilled seafood. Everyone was having fun, drinking beer.

The night was peaceful and there were no clouds present so we can see the stars clearly. The sound of the waves from the calm sea was very soothing to the ears. But what makes the night so special was the laughter from all of my friends. I feel happy deep inside to see them having a good time.

"Since when did they became that close?" Pam asked Jenna referring to Jessie and Wendy who were beside each other.

"I don't know as well but I do have an idea who made that happened..." Jenna said then gazed at Kris squinting.

Kris just raised his brows and just smiled at her. I put my arms around his shoulders to pulled him closer to me.

"See? It's a job well done, right?" Kris said, so proud of what he had achieved.

"It is... But promise to tell me first if you will do something like this again... Okay?"

"I will..." He said then smacked a kiss on my cheek.

"You lovebirds should get a room..." Pam said with an annoyed look on her face.

"You're just jealous you don't have someone to do that on you..." Jenna teased her.

"Why don't you ask Mike to kiss you?" Alex asked Pam as he wrapped his arms around Jenna.

"Eeew! Thinking about it makes me cringe already!" Pam overacted and it's hilarious.

"As if I would do that!  I rather kiss a frog than kiss you!" Mike picked on her as he handed over the beer that she asked him to get for her.

Pam just stuck her tongue out and drank the beer. Moments after that, Claire, Chad, and Demi joined us.

"The fireworks were all set up..." Chad said as they sat down.

"Just tell me when should I set it off..." Demi added.

Claire sat beside Pam who was still bickering with Mike. Miya sat with them.

"Here's your beer guys..." Niko said as he gave Demi and Chad their bottles of beer. Then he sat beside his girlfriend, Miya.

"I can't wait to see the fireworks..." Miya said then looked up at the night sky.

"Me too... I only see those during celebrations..." Pam said looking at the sky as well.

"If you think about it... A lot had happened to all of us that is worth celebrating..." Kris shared with everyone.

"That's true! We all passed our final exams!" Jenna shared first.

"I got my license to drive around with my motorbike..." Niko proudly said.

Everyone looked at him with doubt. I guess it's because of the accident he got into with his motorbike before.

"He's extra careful now..." Miya saved him.

"How about you, Miya?" Kris asked her.

"Me? I can't say it's a good thing because I lose a friend along with it... But since she's here with us... I'm going to say being the cheer captain is one of the best things that happened to me..." She said looking at Claire.

"I know you can do it... I'm proud of you..." Claire said and smiled at her.

"For me... It's Jenna... She's the best thing that happened to me!" Alex said enthusiastically while raising his hand.

"Put down your hand... Will you?" Jenna scolded him while smiling with her blushing face.

"Woooooooah! That's good, man!" Mike cheered on Alex.

"You can only cheer for others since you're always up to no good!" Pam poked fun at Mike.

"Who told you that? There's something good that I was able to accomplish... It's the best thing that I've done actually..." Mike said confidently.

"Oh? Really? What's that?" Pam asked him skeptically.

Mike stood up and pulled out his phone.

"I... Mike Portelles... Was able to reach mythical glory in the mobile game that I'm so much into!" He shared passionately and full of conviction.

Pam scoffed and said,

"That's it? A mobile game?"

"What? I spent most of my time grinding just to reach that rank... Those who made it to that level are the best of the best..." Mike upheld himself.

"Geez!" Pam snorted.

"You should get a life, mister... Look at your twin brother... He found the love of his life..." She added.

"Well... Wendy and I still haven't gone there... You know... We want to get to know each other more before we commit..." Jessie said a bit sheepish.

"Yeah... We just properly introduced each other earlier and we don't want to rush things between us..." Wendy asserted.

"At least, you're on the right track now... I'm excited to witness where your relationship would go..." Kris said happily.

"Thanks, Kris..." Wendy uttered.

"How about you guys? Anything to share?" Pam asked Demi and Chad who were actively listening to what everyone had shared.

"Well... A lot had happened to me... Recently, I quit my job delivering parcels but I'm back now on modeling... In fact, I got a photoshoot the day after tomorrow... All of the good things happened after learning the greatest lesson in my life..." Chad said then gazed at Kris and me.

By that look, I know what he meant and I'm happy that he's better now.

"For me... Being in love is the best thing I have had so far... and... knowing everyone here is also great... I have realized that all of us here is connected somehow..." Demi shared then interlocked his fingers with Chad's.

He's right. Our actions made us all meet and our decisions took us to where we are now.

Everyone agreed to them and Pam called for cheers.


"Oh! Wait! We forgot someone!" Pam blurted out.

"Luke and I haven't shared anything yet!" Kris said excitedly.

"We don't need to hear what you got to say... Everybody knows what's the best thing that happened for both of you..." Jenna killed his enthusiasm.

"But I want to share as well..." Kris said sulking.

"Jenna's right..." I said to support Jenna's statement and let someone else share something for everyone to hear.

"Besides... Claire got something to say..." I said as I gazed at Claire who got startled for a bit.

Everyone looked at her and waited for her to talk.

"I-uh..." She's nervous.

"You can tell them, now..." I said then nodded.

"I see... Okay..." She uttered. She took a deep breath then stood up.

"A lot had happened in the past few months... I got broken hearted... I transferred to another university... I've been away from my friends... But those taught me things... Becoming independent... Doings things on my own... Realizing my faults and learning from them... So let me say my thanks first, to all of you... For not giving up on me... For not forgetting who am I to you... I want to thank Luke, especially... Because I would be able to be with you guys for our last year in college..."

"Wait... What?" Miya asked being so dazed after hearing that.

Miya gazed at Pam who was also looking so confused and speechless.

"I'll transfer back to our school this coming school year!" Claire shared happily with a smile on her face.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"


"We'll be together again!"

All the girls were screaming as they stood up and went up to hug her. The boys gave her a round of applause to show their support. They were all happy to hear that Claire will be back at our school next school year. I can see how happy she was when she got to look in my direction and mouthed 'thank you'.

I also can't stop myself from smiling from what I'm seeing right now. I peered at Kris who was staring at me with awe in his eyes.

"Surprise!..." I uttered.

"How did you-" He faltered on his words, looking surprised like everyone did.

"It's not hard to convince our dean to accept her back and with the current university she's in, I had my dad took care of it... It's a lot of work but we were able to settle things for her..." I explained.

"You're amazing..." He said still in awe.

"She did save you before, remember? This is my way of thanking her..."

"Ow! I see... Thank you for doing this..." He said then hugged me.

"Anything for you..."


Kris's POV:

We all gathered up a few meters away from where Demi and Chad set up the fireworks. They also bought some sparklers and handed them out to everyone.

"All is ready..." Chad said as he stood in line with us.


All the things that happened in the past led us all back here in this place. I thought life was already great but I became better when Luke came into my life.


Our relationship is not typical. Many still opposed us. But I don't mind. Being beside him all the time takes my worries away. He made me realize that love between two men is the same as love between the opposite sex. It's the feeling of being cared for no matter what. The feeling of being protected whatever it takes. The feeling of being dear to someone's heart. We don't know what the future holds for us but one thing is for sure...

"I love it..." I uttered.

"What?" He asked.

"You..." I said looking into his eyes and I saw him smiled.

He held me close to him and I know right then that everything will be fine for us as long as we are together.


The fireworks set off painting the night sky with sparkling colors. It was mesmerizing! Looking around, I saw everyone smiling. For the first time, I felt complete being surrounded by my friends.

We lit the sparklers and held them high. I am very elated inside watching the glittery sparks shone through the darkness.

I lit another sparkler and used it to write something on the horizon.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Someone told me... That when you found the one for you... You can write your names on the stars... and your love will last..."

"I don't have to do that..." He said with his hands on his pockets.

"Huh? Why not?" I asked.

"Because I already engrave your name here..." He said as he put his hand over his chest.

"Your name is engraved within my heart, Kris..."

Those words meant everything to me. I moved closer to him and hugged him tightly. I lift my head to look into his eyes.

"I love you..." I said.

"I love you too..." He uttered.

I know we will face several problems in the future. It won't be easy but I will never let go. As long as I have my friends with me, I will always have their support no matter what.

Looking back on the first day we met, I still can't believe that I will fall in love with the same man who annoys me as much as he loves me.

But I love it.

I love him a lot.
