THE Morning Sun

It isn't easy to begin the day after a heavy night of liquor and ..... But when the Sun brightly Shines at you like a scourging flame devouring your skin, you can't neither ignore nor put aside that sensation even for a second. So your eyes finally open... to invite the first light of dawn... Too bright ! or is it been that long your eyes been closed? A sudden jolt of realisation runs through your veins as you struggle to keep your eyes open while you run from that heat.

You're in a desert, white sands surround you and that sun seems to match the colour of the sands. "WHITE! ??", "Wh what the hell is this ?", "Where the hell am I ?" no-one here to answer you realise your stark naked self in the middle of scourging white sands ..... "Where are my clothes?!!". "What happened to me?"

As your sight gains better visual coverage you notice at a distance, some shade. A shadow from a shelter ? Better than nothing being fried like a bacon out here. You quickly rush to the shelter for cover. ...

10 minutes seems a lifetime under such conditions. I'd have made bacon 🥓 breakfast back home, but now I'm the bacon in question and full of it. I finally reached the shade breathlessly and tired from the run for life's sake. Quickly tucked myself under the shade for relief.

"Hey ? What is this ?" "Has someone been here?" A backpack..... Food, clothings, tools, my mind starts spinning for more as if God saved me. Like a hungry canine, I dug into the backpack and pulled everything out in a frenzy.

Clothes! God really saved me... made a pair of slip on shoe from the extra shirts I found, tied it to the ankle. I wouldn't dare walk another step without them.

Should I carry the emptied back pack also? Wait, I haven't actually noticed where I'm at. Now that I'm settled and calm somehow, I see green grass in patches, and that means water. As I look more, I notice ... it's a crash site. but the plane seems awfully old! Like WWII old! Crude, huge ! No wonder there's shade. But how? No rust ?, Fire sure burnt some metal into rusty pieces but no, nothing like that lying around..... how ?

Well, if it's crash, there'll be corpses. Likely skeletal remains now. Maybe some resources for the "Walk back home" from wherever this place is.

Incidentally, anyone know what date it is today? Hello ? It's my birthday, cause I came in a birthday suit, ha ha ha.

As I crawled through the crevices of the giant occasional creaks from the metal frames do freak you out. Hello! It's metal! 1 tear will rip you to chunks. Oddly, not yet...

Oh! Supplies! Medics, Flare gun, hmmm, hot sun + flare gun, never mind. No trace of water ? A container at least ? Ok. This place seems solid. Ok, now I'm at the cockpit. Wierd, uniforms on the seat but ..... "Where are the bones ?" Is it that desolate ? Even bones are gone ?

This plane is huge enough for a vehicle. I might settle hear short while away from the sun and figure out what's next .....