Stay Alive

"What actually happened?, How did I end up like this ?" We were enjoying the night like it would never end, we had so much fun drinking and dancing and.... "Who was that girl?" "Argh!" Head starts spinning thinking of her, pictures keep popping in head like pop corns. Can't hold up, gonna faint.....

OK. Stop thinking!. Gotta head home first. That hot sun gonna fry me before I reach, and it's not exactly comfortable staying in here with the heat, I'd be roast meat anyhow. Great! Out of the the hot pot into the frying pan! That's what I really need now. Great !

Say let's see what we have here....

okay Pilot suit🤔 maybe, hand gun, okay, just in case, ah yes..... boots! check size, no fit, co pilot's might fit.... beautiful! Gees... that broken glass shaped like a 🔪 , ok wrap up the handle side can be used. Oh the handle bar, that's 5feet long, good staff. can't be choosy anyway. Funny how not much is in here, don't think I can find water.... wait, wasn't there a container somewhere at the cockpit, quick, get it. Dented, ah well, still usable. Hmm.. this pilot has a briefcase, I didn't notice. There's probably nothing inside, just take a look. 😱🤩🤯Filled to the rim, with hard cold cash! I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!

This can't be happening ! "What in heaven's name is happening?!!!" I wake up stark naked under hot burning white sun scourgingly pàinful from the WHITE sands. A plane crash site, no rust anywhere, pilot no skeletal remains, and this briefcase. Something is not right. What actually happened ??? And that Girl oh..... my head! Pictures pop again. Argh!

What's with that girl? Every time I think of her my head hurts like a bomb blasted it apart. Where am I ? How did I end up here ?

"GOD!!!! WHY ME ??!!!"

Hard breathing, seathing with anger and confusion. Mental exhaustion, water craving, I'm going crazier by the minute. I swear! If I don't get to the bottom of this ... I will not stop searching for ANSWERS !!!!!!

Hmph... hufff..... huff..... calm down... relax..... think which way first ?

... Clear, .... right!

1) Get out of here alive

2) Then we figure next steps

Okay, what do we have,

Survival list :

Water : can't find yet

Food : Damned, when you stressed you won't think of it. Ok find it.

Defense tools : Hand Gun, piece of glass knife and a 5 foot staff

Shelter from the sun : gotta find something

Writing utensils : What ? Who's writing in this situation ? For God's sake...

Ok, ok, I may need to write down what I have and not for reference.

Ya, start finding.

Eh, ..... tool box ! Great... lets see... crescent wrench, long pliers, cutter, some rags with oil, argh, miscellaneous sh*&! Yucks.....

Oh wait there are some pvc seats i can cut out for the shades. Try to make a frame for it.

Count myself lucky in times of sh*&! A crescent wrench can do wonders sometimes.

So I stripped the Pilot's chair to bones, turned it upside down to cover my top while i walk. strapped it to the backpack , and covered with some PVC sheets.

No food no water, how to survive out there ? Do I have to resort to pee and Sh&*! for survival ? Eew !! I can't resort to that! Even so, I have nothing to produce for a start. I'm dead thirsty and f*&king hungrry! Who the HELL did this to ME ??!!!

Calm down, calm down, ..... let off steam already.... calm down....

ok... move on.....

Ooi... stupid fool can't you extract water from those bushes you saw earlier ? Ya hor ? Ok get down there, nothing here for naughts anyway.

To imagine I can eat the grass 🤔, should I ? Heck ! nothing to loose, you can't move if your body dies down. It'll be worse if you don't prep up. Least its not sh&*! So hell! Grass means grass no bother.

Urgh! Sure gonna taste bitter.... "What ? Sweet tasting grass ? Well radiator coolant tastes sweet, do I go on ? " Screw all that eat and be merry. .....

Well, half a canister of water is better than nothing. gotta watch how much per sip then.

Hmmph.... I could've sworn I had a bacon or is the grass tasting like that ? It's getting wierder and wierder by the minutes...

Ok! All prepped. Let go... Won't want the folks back home to wait too long...

Bon Voyage!!!!