Oh, .... wait, wait where was that flare gun again ? Yah! You may not know at night you might need it. Sigh! It's pretty wierd actually, if you think about it. No skeletons, no human remains, either they eat humans clean even bones or they disintegrate human flesh and bones coz they're ALIENS from some planets right ? Laser guns, funny suits, like this one I'm wearing.... err...

Now it's getting scary....

Yah! Flare gun ! Lets go pal ! Rushing, rushing, trip... eahou .... boof ! I had to land face down ! White soft sands, cushion on the impact, i'm lucky I didn't break my neck.

Sweat and sand don't seem to like being seperated, huh ? Why sand taste like salt ? Aigh..... this not good. Salt = more water craving... bluth poof ptui, spit thooth thoof! I'm gonna die of thirst for sure. No ! I won't use the water just yet ! Now get up and walk ! You clumsy cluts !! Move it!

I feel like a salted fish suddenly. Dried, hardened and smell like it !

Which direction should I go ? Dunes of white sands everywhere, just like the middle eastern deserts, but WHITE ! What the HELL !! ??

Ok ! Enough! Just climb over the dunes and see what's over the other side. Hmm..... nice pole, nice shade I made , I feel so accomplished. On the Top of the dunes.... I finally reached..... parched, tired, but reached. Ok, sit down, a sip of water...

*Over in the far distance there are sounds of squabbles and indistinct shouts*

Wow! Signs of life ! OH! I love you guys whoever you are ! " OOI! OOI! Over here! " Why are these guys running away ? They look stunned. Next moment they run like they saw a .... "Wait a minute, what's behind me they saw ? " Pray to GOD no more surprises please... no .. no .. no.... gush of wind passing by like storm coming..... then sand followed. "WHAT ?!! White desert sand storm ?!!!! " "YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME !!!!" Wind gets stronger, sand spins more violently by the seconds, and that HEART Thumping 'Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud' is getting louder while the pressure keeps pushing me down like ..... " A Helicopter ?!!!" Why does it sound like AIRWOLF ! crying in the air ? Argh..... what's next ?

A flight attendant gets down from the cockpit walking over ... "In Black Tuxedo ? Come on !" Before I could say another word, "Mr. Watsinski, we've been looking for you for weeks! I'm glad we found you! " 'Mr. who ? Watsons Keys ? ' "Wa wait! I'm not .... " The guy just grabbed me in and ushered me to the passengers side of the "AIRWOLF! Chopper! Wow ! Cool!" "Hey look I'm not ... " , Door closed. and non stop utterance from this guy. " We thought you were kidnapped by thugs, asking for ransom. Money we brought placed at the crash site, but nobody turned up for weeks... So we came back searching, I'm glad we found you Mr. Watsinski. The beacon on your suit

sure was helpful. It went dead a week ago. What happened ? How did you get it back on again ? How long were you out there ? You must be thirsty! Here have some water, you need it. Wanted to call the enforcers to assist but your orders were to seek you out quietly. We kept to our words. And the amount you paid us, that's enough to buy an Island at this age and time. "

🙄If you could let me speak for a moment, I wouldn't label you a dumbfounded idiot! 🙄 Let me speak you blistering dumb dumb ! *Good ! Good ! Good!* Gulping down all the water I could shove into my throat. I don't care about manners now ! Just WATER! @@ ah... paradise came to earth for a moment in time ... burp..... 😁hee hee hee, been a looooong time without water, sorreeeeee... hee hee....😅

Wouldn't want to break your fun but I'm not Mr. Watson's ok? .... How do I tell you? 🤪😬

"I'm not ...", before I could say more, "We are very thankful for your trust in our services. It is an utter honour to be able to meet you firsthand!" He starts shaking my hand vigorously till my world began to dance to his rythm!

I swear! He is a tape recorder with no pause playback function. "You will not be disappointed with our services we are providing, ....." no point trying at this moment so I looked out at the windows, staring for a gasp of freedom to speech🧐"What?!! Is that guy down there calling for help ?" I turned back to him to ask. Finally, he is gasping for air after minutes of playback speech! "There, we'll have you back in 1 piece in no time! KNOW that what you paid for is well worth your investment. ..... " selective hearing begins to deafen the unnecessary... here we go again 🙄 blaah ! blah! blah! 🧐

I could've sworn we were just lifting off, now we're landing? Ohh..... it's been that long a speech therapy.... I see.

I feel like an important VIP at this P.I.T. (point in time) getting down the chopper, escorted by a tape recorder gone berzerk, pause.... Is this Las Vegas? Come on, those were white dunes back there, this can't be ...

"Welcome Mr. Watsinski, it's an honour to receive you in our prestigious suites...." Yet another walking tape recorder,. ARE YOU SERIOUS ? !