Luxury ! Enjoy it first !

Blah! Blah! Mr. Watsinski, your orders for a room with equipments are ready at your disposal. blah! blah! 😔😴😲 HAH?!! Room with what ? At my WHAT?!!! .... Who are you, Mr. Watson's ?

I'm lead into a room full of thingamagits! But everything looks normal, like a suite full of luxury.... "I assure you Mr. Watsinski, that everything is as you ordered it. Pristine! Like brand new! And I personally put in some finishing touches as well..., " "Over here, next to the desk, the namecard tray, when you press it..... *Sounds*, vibrations, the room starts moving on its own and that low murmuring tone,... followed by some metal clankering gear meshing. Old school mechanics ? Get out of here!

😲How long have I been frozen like this? 😳 My mouth openned jaw dropped, my view suddenly found a familiar statue smiling at me. Back on earth now, that was quite a mind travel. "I'm confident of your utter amazment with my setup for this room, rest assured, there will be more at your fingertips." This H..O..T..E..L manager, doesn't look simple, and yet..... he's like an aristocratic idiot. Am I in England, anywhere nearby maybe?

*AHEM*. "MAY I BE ALLOWED TO MY SOLIDARITY TILL AAIIGH!! REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE ? " Put up an aristocratic scene of man since you're LIKE that kind of a person, I assume..... That's a long shot anyway.Stand straight, act proud, nose tipped up a little.... be annoyed looking....

"Ah! Adiue,...", with a bow, and 'BUTLER' leaves bum first, through the entrance of the suite. "

Keep steady, wait till he closes the door, ..... he reverts, as if wanting to continue his presentation, I STARED AT HIM with the indication of


He then obidiently left the room closing the main entrance of the suite, like a servant head down, bowed.

'CLICK' Door is closed! I quickly ran to it to lock it shut. clumsily, like a drunk fool fumbling for a key to open the door. 'CLICK!'

PHEW! That was close.... as I slammed myself at the door, back facing it. Loooooong sigh of relief. Freedom ! at last!

Shower! Like a pervert rushing for sex, I quickly unclothed myself ready to jump. Wait, where's the bathroom ? So, I'm back at square 1, birthday suit, scanning with my eyes, which door leads to shower? Englishmen always had trouble making every door look their part. Now as I counted, there are six doors in this suite alone. Where would I situate a bathroom in a suite like this amazing museum of antiques? In the Master bedroom, right. And where would that be ?

Imagine an insane naked man, running around opening doors to oblivion!

Finally ! A bedroom! The search continues when suddenly I burst into what might seem like a dressing room behind the stage. Of course, no stage here. Hello! Toilet ? Bathroom ? !!! Anybody ? Oh! Glass door ! Yes! That's the one ! Ha! Ha! I found you ! Mmmh..... a bathtub, Yay! Extacy ! Quick! Quick! It's been freezing cold naked for a minute. Hot water, hot water! Ah! Swimming pool, warm *sigh* Breath of relief.....