Mr. Wats, You're not that bad !

"Mr. Wats, MR. WATS!", got jolted by that pitch, "Hah?"😮, "Interested in plants suddenly ?", she spins back to continue down the hallway mumbling, "Men! After a good time with you, they IGNORE YOU!", more like ranting, girl. I heard every word. Like a pot blowing off steam, "WHY?!!"

Keep silent, don't provoke an angered TIGERESS, act stupid. Smile, hope she don't look back... She turns her head back, saw my smile and shot a smile back like a reluctant actress, briefly. Then she turns back to her journey downstairs. "Come on!! We have a press conference to attend to, they're all waiting for answers from you!", WHAAAAAT ??!!!! I paused. Hell no!!! Press your nipples!!! What conference ?? What answers ? What's all this? Who ? Why ? "No way !!!"

"MR. WATTS, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CHOOSE THE BEST TIEYEM, TO PULL OUT??!!!" She is practically screaming at me.

"You're not walking away this time." "I'll be there with you, don't worry Darling! Dear!" Oh, reminds me of mom. "Err...", I stammered. "Let's go dear" uhh....reluctantly... I.... followed..

Sheep to slaughter again..... only this time... by the mass media! "Look! I'm not Mr. Wats!" She looked at me and 😒, yah! That look, that 'here we go again' look. "I've been trying to explain myself but I wasn't given the chance to.." *SMOOOOOCH* "There.... you calm now ?" "Aaahhh...., " mouth open, just a hole, 3 seconds. "You taste good..., what did you eat?", so I asked, cos she really tasted like lamb chops, I'm still licking the after tastes.

"RASCAL! You wanted that didn't you?" "It's okay, I'll answer your questions, just nod your head, OK ?"

Gees, I thought we were going for dinner, but this, why me?

So, press conference went for 2hrs straight, she answered most of the questions. I could see the media groups were not satisfied as she explained her way through. I nodded and shook as she paved the storyline and I finalised every chapter.

Still I vaguely remember pharma gents? Cuticles? Infants? Genes ? Strands? More threat of virus strands....



Sorry, monkey no understands...

Conference finally finishes and I'm once again lead back to my *Ahem!* Esteemed chambers.....

She closes the door behind her as I turned back to look at her. *CLICK! CLICK!* How she did that?

She drops her spaghetti straps and I am once again jaw dropped.

Why she wastes her time with Mr. Wats? I'll never conceive it. But she keeps coming. His money? His charms ? His flamboyance? His love for freedom?

Beats me! Me see GODDESS! Me no thinks! Lamb chops! Lamb chops!

"We need to make dinner! I'm starved! Aren't you?" *Stomach growls* Now that you mentioned it... "Yah!"

She runs through the kitchen like its her room and fridge, lamb chops ?! Call it irony, microwaves in minutes and aroma filled the room with,.... Yup! Lamb chops !

So, ..... we chomped like mad cows and hungry wolves !

I swear... she looks more like a kitchen girl now. Obediently serving her husband dinner, eat together, wash the dishes.. really ?

Hah! Women! What do ya know? "Honey, I swear you look older today, you have to relax dear..., everything will fall in line..... We are currently the biggest Pharmaceutical company in the Galactic Region. Sure there are set backs but what are successes without setbacks? It's all part and parcel of growing bigger, honey.." There's that 'Pharma' word again. Where have I heard that before ? "James have been working hard with the chemical engineers to come this close to finding the strand, its just missing something that doesn't make any sense. "

"You, on the other hand, had to deal with the ransom, weeks ago. Oh, thank GOD you're safe now! I missed you honey! " Hmm... Sounds really like wife. "Come here, let me see your face again, you must've been tortured by those outlaws..... My poor honey...." Wow, those tears.... "I'm glad you're safe" as she hugs me with so much passion and tears..... I can't help but to think otherwise of Mr. Wats yet again. He's not such a bad guy as I thought....