"Alright now! Where is the damned money ?" half dazed from headache and I could hardly see anyone shouting, "I swear if I don't get the money I'll rip your company to shreds!" held by my collar, these guys aren't joking at all. I'm bleeding from mouth to temple, eyes almost blinded by the blodgening fists. ✊

Suddenly I hear shouts from a distance "Ooi! Ooi! Over here!" these guys suddenly stopped. Thundering sounds coming and they started running, after looking over the distance. thunder sounds louder and strong breeze sweeping through.. I couldn't stand on my own, just fell after the big guy dropped me down for helter skelter.

Sands are sweeping over my sights, could hardly make out what it is, sounds like crying wolf, whaling dolphin. A helicopter! Rescue team! Yes! It's them ! My backup worked! They fulfilled their promise for a good job! They found me. I didn't waste my investments on them.

Now you rotten idiots are gonna pay!

Hey! why they stopped so far ? Hey you idiots ! I'm here! Where are you going ?

Gotta run to them, Ugh.... so painful to run, body aches like mad... you rotten idiots had good time rough me up yeah? My turn coming! You wait !

"Ooi ! Ooi! I'm here you stupid fools!" Ow.. gotta push faster to them. "Hey ! Where you going? You got the wrong guy !" Humph!! "Hey! Here!" I hurriedly waved like a stranded victim shouting for rescue!

Suddenly someone catches me from behind! I tried to fight it out but .... I'm struggling in bed with this woman? She's hugging me so hard and crying, "It's ok honey! I'm here, I'm here! You're safe! You're safe!" I realised I was having a nightmare, so real! Like it happened to me. But that helicopter looks like .... HOLY COW POOH! "Oh my God! What did they do to you ?" I'm suddenly dumbstruck ! I can't believe what I just saw ! It can't be happening! I'm seeing myself escorted to the helicopter !

The money 💰, the briefcase! The jump suit! All with this guy ! Me !

"Where is my backpack? Where is it ? WHERE?" "It's okay honey! You're safe! You're home!" she interrupted. "WHERE IS THE BACKPACK??!!!!" I shouted again. She quickly jump off bed and pulled it out from under the bed. "It's here honey! It's here! Oh my God! What did they do to you? My poor honey!" She throws the bag on bed as quick as she jumps on. I shoot through the bag with my hands finding the briefcase. Opened it! Just as I dreamed of it. that stripe! Exactly same. This is not happening! Again I am shocked. "Honey are you ok ? Don't scare me like this, please ? What's wrong? What happened ? Tell me honey, I'm here, you're safe! Oh my God! Oh my God!" She starts to panic. I can hear from her shaking voice. "I'm fine. I'm fine. " I paused for a moment and calmly uttered the words " I'm Mr. Watsinski." "Yes you are honey" " I'm a CEO of 'LIVE MEDIC CORPS' " "Yes you are honey, yes you are, Oh my God please don't scare me Wats, please, tell me you're ok", "PLEASE!" I continued muttering, "JAMES is my Partner ! And close friend. "

"Yes he is, yes he is oh honey. you're scaring me, please don't do this, please don't ! "

"This is not happening. I'm dreaming. It's not real" "it's not real, I'm dreaming"

No way this is real.