The beginning of Hell's journey....

If I'm Mr. Wats, why can't I remember anything except from dreams ? Dreams don't come into life. There's no such thing !

"Honey, PLEASE ! Stop it ! It's not funny anymore ! you're scaring me! Please?" I could hardly imagine a woman in tears begging me to stop pretending when I'm actually experiencing it.

" I NEED to think." I told her as I comforted her.

"I need to ask you a lot of questions after this, and you have to honestly tell me, alright ? " she looked at me confused, as if I wanted to interrogate her for something. Indeed I almost am going to interrogate her but for my information and knowledge of what exactly is happening right here and now. Highly impossible but it's happening. Like I've been there somehow... ???? How ? Why ?

She kept staring as if she was looking at a stranger so familiar, she can't remember who.

As I calmed down, I asked myself if I'm not Mr. Wats who and what's my name ? Shit ! Dumbstruck ! I don't know my name ! What on earth is happening ?!!

"Honey you're ok ?" she asked holding my hands seeing my trembling lips. I looked back at her in fright, not knowing what is happening as I started to think of that guy when I left with the helicopter, where would he be now ? will I dream of what he is going through ? again ? I can't make sense of anything right now.

Alright, calmly now, how on earth did I end up here?

I mean in this situation, where I'm not yet I am.

"Can you get me a cup of water ? ", I asked.

She hurriedly like a peasant serving her king, almost stumbling from her still panic condition.

"Here honey, here", still shaking a little she passed me the cup. As I drank up, I suddenly remembered James and his words, "You realise we may not be able to find you right ? ". What that means ?

And I said I'll do my best.

# I have to think:

1: Who is Watsinski? And what is LIVE MEDIC CORPS ?

2: I am searching for a cure....??????? For what ?

3: Why did I go to the chair ? Is it a capsule ?🧐 couldn't be a ship? More like a dentist chair.... 🤪🤯

4: Where was I ? What lab was it ?

clock reads 4:00 am, God knows what date it is.

"Honey you're ok?" "Come back to bed, we'll find James tomorrow to talk about it ok ? "

Yeah. Right. "Ok, you rest first I'll follow in soon."

Went to the desk looked for pen and paper, nothing but digital stuff. Ok, a pad, funny symbol but looks familiar, LMC, alright, It must be Live Medic Corps.

Is there a note app I can use here ?

Alright, keep notes. ok.

1. Watsinski, LIVE MEDIC CORPS

2. CURE for what problem / disease ?

3. Is there a lab in the office ?

4. Was there a scientific study for something ?

5.A decade, ruined company, rebuild, pharmaceuticals, ???🤯

6. That shadow following me around, could that be Watsinski himself ?

7. What is H.O.M.E. again ?

8. That blue dressed 👗 lady... is she real ?

Ok, better take some rest. we'll find out a lot of these buddy. I won't be surprised there is more than meets the eye.

See you tomorrow morning. ahmm... later.