How it began.....

Hardly slept a moment and I'm back on the chair. Again, those words from James, "You realise we may not be able to find you." "I'll do my best." *Switch screen* "But Master! How will you know it's me ? You're in the past..... you won't know anything not happened yet. I doubt you ever can remember what you did back then. " "It's okay Celine, things will work out, you'll see....., just remember what your task is when you arrived. I'm counting on you. You're my only hope if I were to get anything done. You're the key."

"You sure they're still using thumb drives? These things are long extinct. Can't remember when they started using gold chips to keep storage. They got back into EPROMs shortly after discovery on how much more efficient to store data in gold chips with these old techs. Just around this period too."

"Relax, I always made it 1 step behind future to safekeep crucial information that might otherwise change the entirety of the whole realm, besides, when it was extinct, it only solidifies the security of these info with less of a headache to firewall the damned thing anyway. I saw it before anybody could. I took that chance, and it paid off. Look at where we are. We're 2 steps ahead of everything, because of crucial data we kept. It's time you do your job, see you there soon."

"Yes.... Master," Celine uttered with reluctance filled with worry and uncertainties. *chaffing* Hmph! Who wouldn't ? given the task to do the impossible, uncharted and unexplored, yet I personally have been there. only thing is, this time is to change something in the past rather than to observe and understand. Everything from the closest future continuum will alter with 1 slight change of the moment. Nothing will remain as we remembered it. *MANDELA EFFECT*

Celine walks off like an angel drifting pass the highway, almost ghostly. Due to the training imposed on her and the cultivation of light feet through her upbringing since I found her. She was willing to go through hell to repay me for saving her family. They almost died of starvation had I not stopped to take a pee, only to discover noises from a bush right when I was enjoying the "latest release". Almost popped my heart open, hearing it in the middle of the night. I swear I could've visited heaven in an instance.

It prolonged a few seconds more before I could make out from that indistinct murmurs for help. They'd suffered heavy malnutrition, both mom and dad, sis and her.

By the time I brought them to the hospital, Mom and Dad already had brain damaged and sis almost epileptic with uncontrollable seizures one after another. Surprisingly, Celine was diagnosed with mild fever and lack of fluids. Took her family years to recover unsuccessfully, sustaining permanent memory loss when they finally succumbed to nutritional rejection, resulting in their automatic muscle consumption effect and finally, their last moments alive.

Celine, by this time would've fully recovered and looking ever so beautiful like an angel, but will forever be in shambles inside. This incident took away a part of me and left an empty hole in my heart till today.

I vowed never to see this happening again to anyone. Heavy it is to witness, heavier it is to experience the devastating effects of lack of food source. It really tore me apart and invoked something in me.

"Deee deee deee deeed! Deee deee deee deeed! Deee deee deee deeed!", alarm started ringing. As I opened my eyes, I'm surprised by the brightness in the room, just as I liked it. "Wow!" "Yes honey! Just the way you liked it! Always amazes you doesn't it. Every morning that surprised elated look, doesn't it get tired somehow?

You're such a sucker for bright lights honey," "Oh I love you so much *smoochchxhxh* Quick! Get your breakfast! James is waiting."

*What just happened ? Oh damned it, what the hell ? Who the f*¢¥ is Celine ? Another character ? Shit hell no !*