Loveless marriage

"As" they entered the hall of the mansion you are back they heard old master Bo voice who was sitting in the hall.

Yes grandpa said both Bo mian and Bo Yan, and they also sat down in the hall. Yan when you are getting the marriage certificate asked old master Bo.

Grandpa I have important business meetings this month, so I'm going to America for half of month. So probably we get our marriage certificate on next month.

Bo Mian clinched her fights tightly, but she doesn't show any expression on her face. That's good Yan. After you and Mian get married give a cute and chubby grandchild said lin Mualan.

Mom Mian is very young to bear a grandchild for you said Bo Yan. You will have to wait until she graduates from her college after she graduates you will get your grandchild.

You naughty boy you are not even married and you are taking your wife side said lin Mualan while laughing.

I was 20 yrs old when you are born and your grandma were 18 yrs old when your father was born people say truth that once the daughter-in-law enters in house the sons start forgetting about theirs mothers. Bo yan and mian interpret old master Bo in their conversation.

I am not saying that mian studies are not important but Yan you are going to be thirty years old in few years.

And from childhood you are also aware how dangerous it can be being a part of aristocrat family.

We have to blurt out every step. People keep an eye on our every move, somewhere we made a mistake, and they took advantage of this.

And As heir it is your responsibility to protect glory and name of Bo family I hope you both understand what I am trying to say.

The sooner you have child, the better it so that anyone don't have chance to point finger at us. And you are also aware of your mother accident.

Our enemies got successful in harming Bo family. I don't want to see repeat of that scenario again.

Yes grandpa I understand you don't have to worry Said Bo Yan. Bo Mian didn't express her opinion on this topic.

What can she do now maybe it is the price she has to pay for receiving the love and care from Bo family.

She didn't have rights to say anything since she agreed to marry Bo yan. She knows that she doesn't want to marry Bo Yan, and he just wants to get married for sake of his mother.

There is no love between them. we both are sacrificing our happiness to make happy our loved ones. But she will able accept this relation

Maybe she not ready to fulfill his wife duties But this her own decision she have to do it even if she don't want too.

After spending four hours in library Lu Ning returned to her room, but she didn't see Bo Mian there

She changed her clothes and went to the bathroom to take the bath. After she finished her shower she went to kitchen and take out the juice bottle to drink.

When she finishes her juice she went to her desk and started flip and open her textbook

The book she opened was a math textbook the diagram on the pages were both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

Lu Ning was quite smart, but most of her past life was used to impress Si Yehan. She didn't really spend her time in studying.

Lu Ning took out a pen and nebbled on the edge, writing out the formula and using them accordingly to mock questions papers she had in the afternoon when she went to library.

"Knock knock"

When the door knocked, Lu Ning got up from her place and opened the door. Ning ning she heard Bo Mian voice.

Sorry to disturb you Ning Ning Bo mian said while entering the room. Never mind I was also awake.

After that Lu Ning return to her desk to continue her studies while Bo Mian enters the washroom to take a shower.

After two hours, Lu Ning closed her books rise from the table and went towards the bedroom.

" While "entering she heard Bo Mian voice. Ning Ning I have made some noodles do you want some. Growl....

Lu Ning touched her stomach then she realised she forgets to eat dinner. Ok took a lit but for me too Mian.

After 10min later Here is our noodles said Bo Mian while entering the bedroom carrying two bowls of noodles.

She placed a bowl in front of Lu Ning and sat down on the side bed.

Thank you, Mian Lu Ning take the bowl of noodles and then started eating it.

"As" she tasted it so good wow Mian it tastes really different from other noodles how did you make this

This my secrete recipe said Bo Mian while eating the noodles and continued when I was young every middle of the night I started feeling hungry

"So when" everyone is asleep I used to go in the kitchen to eat something. But one day I was not able to find anything, so I looked out for something else.

Then I got packet noodles but I didn't know to made it, so I followed the instructions which written on the packet but that day the chef inside me is wake and I put everything that I got in refrigerator like vegetables sauces and spices.

After I eat the noodles it tasted too good so that day I discovered this special recipe.

Pffffff..... Haaaaaa Lu Ning laughed very loudly sorry Mian i didn't control myself. Maybe this first time after her rebirth she so happy.

Ning Ning stop laughing, if i hadn't made these noodles by mistake that day, today you would not able to eat such delicious noodles said Bo Mian while eating the noodles.

Ok ok it's too late we should sleep now we have classes tomorrow.