Girls hangout

A month passed peacefully

Lu Ning kept busy in her studies during these months she didn't go to Si Mansion.

Old master Si also call on her on phone and ask her to come home, but she refuses with excuses that her exams is about to begin.

At the cafeteria, Lu Ning and Bo Mian made their way to the farthest corner with their lunch to eat

Lu Ning sat across Bo Mian and put her lunch down on the table, then start eating it. Finally, our exams are over Bo mian said to Lu Ning.

Now I can take break from studies. Hmm, Mian let's go shopping tomorrow said Lu Ning. That's great idea Ning Ning

Anyway tomorrow we have only English classes, and we'll be bored let's have some fun tomorrow after they finish their lunch.

Lu Ning and Bo Mian walked back to their classroom buy they didn't know that there was a pair of eyes looking at them with hatred and envy.

The clock was ticking and pointing at two in the quiet nights, the sound of clicking could be heard in dark spacious room

Lu Ning sat down on her bed with laptop on her leg. She was browsing in a certain website. She recalled in her memory all companies projects that had become successful in business industry including the big shots who would rise in five years.

Lu Ning took advantage of her rebirth. She would make use of everything.

She was grateful that even if she did not join or take any action in the business industry she had still kept herself updated.

It was good that she was blessed with good memory. Once she read or listen to something, it never erased from her mind, even if she did not pay any attention.

When she saw a certain magazine company, she remembered something she took out a small notebook and wrote some word

Lu Ning 's lip curled up slightly she had found what she was looking for. After browsing some more, Lu Ning eventually felt sleepy so switch off her laptop and fell asleep.


Lu Ning chose a light yellow dress with sleeves that ended at her elbows. The light yellow dress complemented her originally fair skin and it made her look even fairer and more exquisite.

The dress ended below her knees, and she tied her long silky black hair in her usual ponytail. Her ponytail was sleek and simple and the yellow dress exuded an air of playfulness. She radiated with a youthful liveliness.

While Bo Mian was dressed in simple jeans, a white top, black jacket a pair of shoes. Lets go Ning Ning for today's girls hangingout.

It took half hour to reached at the mall. The imperial College is next to the old city, so it takes half hour to reach at the main city.

After that both entered in the department store, and went to into their preferred women's clothing section with latest arrival.

Lu Ning fancied the brand and the line of clothes, as well as the fashion styles. Glancing at a lake-blue dress on display, she reached out and felt the fabric with joy. The dress was made of silk, just like the bedding at home. It was exquisitely smooth and soft, and it must be very comfortable to wear in the summer.

"Miss, this dress is very expensive, it's silk. Don't mess around. Careful, don't ruin the thread. Once broken, considered sold."

Just when Lu Ning turned around and wanted someone to show her the dress, a saleswoman suddenly stood next to her. She eyed her skeptically and then uttered that with a scornful and sarcastic expression.

Lu Ning was stunned. She retracted her hand sheepishly and looked down at her outfit.

Did the saleswoman simply assume she couldn't afford the dress and had she wanted to drive her away because of her casual and skimpy outfit?

As it was summer now, she was wearing summer dress.

"Miss, this is the best department store in the city. You can't afford to shop here. Why don't you go and check out the big market? The clothes there and their price tags are better suited for people like you."

The saleswoman was a little agitated as she glared at the scanty-looking young girl who was reluctant to leave and scoffed, "Don't just stand here, leave! You're giving our brand a bad image. People who are clueless would think that we're selling junk. Also, let me warn you not to simply touch our clothes. You'll have to pay for any damage caused. You'll come and beg for mercy if you can't afford to pay."

As she mocked her, the saleswoman flung the price tag of the clothes arrogantly in front of Lu Ning . Three digits, eight hundred dollars. This value was equivalent to several months of wages for some people. It was also an astronomical figure for the poverty-stricken people who lived on minimum wages.

Lu Ning glanced at the cocky saleswoman and she felt her blood boil. She snorted and reached over to touch the clothes as the saleswoman glared at her furiously. "I like the material. Take it down, I want to try it."

But before Lu Ning 's hand touch the piece of cloth, the sale' s woman grabbed it first. Stop there Lu Ning criticized in extremely cold voice.

But the sales woman walked away if she hadn't heard. At moment Bo Mian came there after hearing the saleswoman chiding Lu Ning while pointing at her.

What's going on Ning Ning said Bo Mian but before she could understand what's going onWhat has happened? I heard someone was starting a fight here?" Some people in uniform walked over.

Lu Ning looked around, curled her lips and said, "Yes, Mian. Someone is slandering me maliciously."

Slander? BO mian understood what is happening here.

Lu Ning took out her phone and made a call.

Within one minute the store manager reached there what's going on. Manager Zhang the saleswoman approach the manager and explained that this woman cannot afford this dress, but she insisting on trying this expensive dress.