Chapter 2

I walk out of the bathroom to find Marco leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door. "Hey I just came to make sure you didn't get lost or something." Marco laughed while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Wow you look pretty" Marco commented "hehe thanks" I remark.

Marco gasped "omg did I say that aloud.I'm so so sorry"

"It's fine Marco, I honestly take it as a compliment. I'm a cross dresser so I'm used to comments like that." I assured him

We both walked back into the living room, and Marco handed me something fuzzy. "I made these while you where in the bathroom. There fake cat ears that way you can blend in, but I can make a different type of animal ears if you don't like them." Marco stated.

"Actually if it's not to much of a bother could you make me some wolf ears?" I asked. Marco's jaw dropped as he stared at me. "A-are you serious. You want wolf ears? But why? Don't you find them repulsing?" Marco stuttered.

"Why would I find them repulsing, I honestly think there adorable." I announced. "Ok I guess I should get stared on that,then we could go buy you some clothes." Marco added.

~marcos POV~

I can't believe that Kyle actually wants to have wolf ears, he even said they were adorable. I could kiss him with how happy that made me, but I won't I'm not even sure if he's into males. I mean it's very possible since he cross dresses, but I don't want to assume anything. Ok , ok , get a hold of your self Marco. Kyle needs those ears so he doesn't get killed.

After about 15 minutes I had the wolf ears done and handed them to Kyle "woah these look like there real, they even match my hair color. Thanks Marco" Kyle professed. Kyle then hugged me tight. I had no clue what to do. Should I huge him back, or should I not. After thinking about this stupid question for a few second I heard crying.

I quickly hugged Kyle back. We stayed like that until he was ready to talk. Once he said he was okay we headed over to the sofa. "Kyle what's wrong, why are you crying?" I questioned. "I'm sorry Marco I hope I didn't worry you to much, it's just that I'm really scared. What if I get found out? What if I never make it back home? What if I do figure out how to get home only to be executed ? What do I do?" Kyle started crying again. I felt so bad for Kyle. If I was him I'd be scared to.

"Kyle I will never let you get hurt, I promise. We'll figure this out together. You don't have to figure this out about this by yourself, I'm here so let me carrying some of the weight.ok?" I propose.

"Ok" Kyle sniffles. Me and Kyle just sit there for a few minutes until he asked if we could go shopping now, and of course I agree

~at a clothing place~

Kyle walked around the girls section in the New Navy store. He picked out a few different color skirts with some white and black stockings along, and some random crop tops to match. After he fished picking out clothes. We walked to the dressing room and he tried them all on. And each time he put on a new outfit he'd walk out and show it to me.He was absolutely adorable.

Around 30 minutes later we went to check out, "okay mister that would be $185 please." The cashier stated. I grabbed out my wallet and paid for everything that Kyle got. I could tell that Kyle felt bad about making me pay for all of this. When the price pasted $50 he gave me a concerned look , and he told me serval times that he would go put everything back. I always told him that it was fine, and that he didn't need to put anything back.

"You have such a caring boyfriend mrs. Buying all this stuff for you and not even giving you a budget." Commented the cashier.

The fact that she wasn't scared of us ment that under her blue New Navy hat she had wolf ears.

"Oh! Um well we aren't dating so haha" Kyle replied. The cashier gave us a funny look so I picked up the bags, grabbed kyles hand with my open one, and dragged him out of the store.

~third person POV~

The boys decided to go to the park after dropping kyles bags off at Marcos place.

Kyle decided to change out of the sweater since it had gotten pretty hot outside. He grabbed a light pink skirt, and a white cropped t-shirt. Along with white stockings, and a pink collar.

Kyle ran into the bathroom to change Into his new outfit and fix his hair. While Marco started putting away all of Kyles clothes in the guest bedroom.

After Marco finished putting away the clothes he walk into the kitchen to make some sandwiches for when they go to the park.

Kyle finished changing and walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to where Marco was. Marco was stunned by the way Kyle looked in his new outfit.

After Marco stopped drooling over Kyle they headed to the park for their picnic. Once getting to the park they sat in between two oak trees, and started talking about plans to get get Kyle home.

The two boys figured out that Kyle was from a different world, and somehow got transferred to Marcos world. They both decided that there was most likely a portal to get Kyle back to his world.

Both of the boys agreed that they'd try going back to the tree that they found Kyle at, and try to get Kyle back home that way.

They weren't sure if that would work, but what they where sure of was that they would work together to figure out how to get Kyle home.