Chapter 3

~kyles POV~

-at Marcos place after the park-

"Since we don't really have anything planned for the rest of today, you can go explore the rest of the house. Just stay out of the room that says violet"

Marco said as he sat on the couch.

As soon as Marcos butt hit the couch I ran off. I was really excited to explore his place. I started exploring down the hall that the bathroom was in.

It had a total of 4 doors one being the bathroom. I walked into first door on the left and found what seemed to be someone's room. It had light grey walls, but they where darker then the walls ont he kitchen.It had a double bed in the left corner and a small closet In the left. The whole floor was carpeted with a dark grey carpet.The room was really neat, and it had obviously been clean recently. The bed had plane white sheets and a few clothes folded onto of them. There was also a small dresses at the end of the bed. I figured that this was Marcos room since it had some band posters on the wall.

I walked out of the room and Into the one next to it. It was almost the same as Marcos room. The only difference was that there was no posters. After spending a few minutes of exploring I heard someone walk Into the house. "Hey Marco. What's for dinner?" A girl asked

"Leftovers, I made dinner last night" Marco replied.

I wonder who this girl is. "Ok well I'm heading to my room" the same girl stated.

Oh no! She's coming over here! What do I do? Do I hide? I started panicking and then I saw her.

She had dark brown hair that match her cat ears,and a tan complexion. She was wearing a school uniform, and had green eyes.

"Woah!! So your Kyle!" the girl cried. She walk closer to me and squeezed my checks. "Your even cuter then Marco said, and my god that outfit is to just die for! I'm violet by the way" violet was basically screaming at this point.

I then saw Marco fly into the hall way. His hair was all messy and in his face. "Oh my god. *sigh* I thought something bad had happened. Goodness violet, let Kyle go." Marco instructed.

Violet quickly removed her hands and apologized. We all decided we'd sit in the living room and get to know each other better. After about a hour of talking I learned that Marco was eighteen and violet was 16 like me. I also learned that Marcos and violets father had cat ears while their mother had wolf ears. Which is why they have different animal ears. They learned about how my mother left when I was 3 and about my life as a cross dresser.

But the convocation ended when violet brought up Marcos childhood trauma. From the few sentences that where said I learned that Marco grew up with everyone around him being scared by his wolf ears, and that there parents died when he was 10

When I thought about it. It made a lot of since. That's why Marco thought I would be repulsed by wolf ears. That's why everyone avoided him. Dang I kinda know how he feels. People where constantly avoiding me because they thought I was weird. He must of been really lonely, but hey at least he had violet, right? I snapped out of trance when Marco said he was going to get a bath

I decided i would go lay down to wait for him to get out.After around 15 minutes the water stoped running, so I grabbed my clothes and waited outside of the bathroom door.When Marco stepped out of the door all he had on was a pair of sweat pants. I felt my face heat up as I turned my head to looked away.

I guess Marco saw me because next thing I know, I hear him apologizing "I'm sooo sorry Kyle I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll go put on a shirt right now." Marco pleaded

"Oh no, Marco it's fine. I just wasn't expecting that haha" I laughed. I looked back at Marco and realized just how hot he was. He was taller then me by at least 5 inches and had a nice body. He was slim but also had a six pack. And if we're being honest, he's just my type. OH MY GOODNESS KYLE!!! You just meet him today, stop hitting on this dude you barley know!!!

"Oh ok then" Marco muttered.I jumped into the bath after getting undressed, and once I was done I went to my room.

~the next morning~

Me and Marco woke up early so that we could go to the tree before to many people got there. Apparently it's a very popular spot for dates. I got dressed in a hoodie and a black skirt with some white tennis shoes. I didn't want to where anything fancy since I'd be sitting in grass.

Marco was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a plain blue t-shirt.Marco ended making us some bacon and eggs for breakfast. "So Marco where did you learn to cook this is really good" I commented.

"My mom taught me before she passes" Marco said with a slight smile on his face. It was clear that he was glad that he got to spend time with his mother while see was alive.He obviously loved her a lot.

"What was you mother like?" I questioned

"Well she was super pretty she had shirt black hair that went down to her shoulders, and eyes the color of the sky. She always smelt like lavender and roses, must have been her perfume. And she was the kindest person I've ever met. She would always give to charity, and give food to the homeless." Marco answered.

It was very clear that Marco cherished his mom. It makes me a little envious. I wish I knew what my mom looked like at least. All I ever heard about her from dad was that she was a traitor who hated me enough to leave me with him. Even tho I've never met her, I miss her.