Chapter 4

~at the tree~

Marco and I decided that if I did the exact same thing I did to get here then maybe I would return home. I went and sat next to the tree and tried to take a nap, but nothing happened. Marco and I tried several different things, but nothing worked.

I don't know what I should do. I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life. What will happen i get caught? Oh god imma gonna die here. I'm going to get found out, and there going to kill me. That's when it all hit me. I could feel my self panicking. My head started spinning and I started crying. I sat down against the tree,hugged my knees to my chest, and cried.

Marco was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand anything he said. The voice in my head was drowning him out. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but I couldn't find the words.

~Marcos POV~

All of the sudden Kyle started to cry . I figured that he was having a panic attack so I tired to help him like violet would for me when I was having one. I tired to calm him down through just taking, but it was like he couldn't hear me.

I decided to take it a step further. I squatted down in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders.His head shot up and he stared me at me with wide eyes. He had stopped crying for a few seconds, but then started again once I had given him a small smile telling that it was okay. He leaned into my arms and I pulled him into a hug.

We sat there for a few minutes with me just rubbing his back and telling him that everything would be okay. He finally pulled away and wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his hoodie."I'm okay now Marco. Sorry for making you worry" Kyle sniffled. "It's okay Kyle. Come on, we can get some ice cream on the way home." I suggested.Kyle nodded, and we started walking to the ice cream shop.

~at ice cream shop~

Kyle got strawberry flavored ice cream, and I got cookies and cream. We sat down at a table and started to eat our ice cream."So you got a girlfriend?" Kyle asked "umm, no" I mumbled.

"What? I'm surprised, I totally thought you would." Kyle remarked. I was really confused. Why would he think I was dating someone, and why would he ask something like that. Was he hitting on me? No no no, you guys just met he's just trying to start a friendly conversation.

"How about you. I'm sure you've got a girl" I commented. All of the sudden Kyle started laughing like a maniac "omg are you stupid, I'm like hella gay. I thought for sure the fact that I'm a cross dresser made that obvious." Kyle laughed

I felt really stupid. Of course he was gay. "So what are you, straight, bi,gay?" Kyle questioned with a huge smirk on his face. "Oh umm, I'm bi" I mumbled. I don't know why I was so nervous. Like he would care. Kyle just nodded in response and continued eating his ice cream.

~back at Marcos house~

Me and Kyle decided we would go and research the tree that I found him at.

We found a urban legend about a girl who ran away away. Apparently she found some gate thingy that took her to another world, and years later when that same girl was all grownup she came back through what seemed to be a twin gate.Only when she went back through see had a very young child. Days later she went missing and the child had been taken by a man who fallowed the girl through the twin gate.

The location of the gate that the girl originally went through was unknown. However the gate she used to returned was the same exact tree that I found Kyle at.

The question where is the original gate??? We did more research only instead of searching about the tree, we search about theory's on where the original gate could be.There where over a lot of places that people thought the gate was, and we where going to check every single one.

It had taken us hours to find out all this information but it was totally worth it. By the time we where fishies it was 8 in the afternoon. My sister was spending the night at a friends so I didn't have to worry about dinner for her, and Kyle and I had ordered a pizza 2 hours ago.

After we both got showered up we sat down on the sofa to watch a movie. Kyle wanted to watch a rom-com, and I was cool with pretty much anything . Kyle had fallen asleep half way through the movie and ended up leaning on my shoulder. I was too tired to even react, and ended up falling asleep soon after him.

~in the morning~

I woke up to find violet taking pictures of me and Kyle snuggled up on the sofa. "What the heck violet!! What are you doing!!" I yelled which caused Kyle to move around. "Shhhh, or you'll wake him" she snickered

"Isn't obvious I'm taking pictures of my big bro and his boyfriend" she laughed "kyles not my boyfriend!" I whisper yelled.

She then pranced off with a huge grin knowing that I wouldn't disturb kyles slumber. He was just to cute, there was no way that I was going to be the one to wake him.