Chapter 1

Ellie's pov


I was brushing my jet black hair in front of the dressing mirror in my room and staring at my reflection then i saw a normal looking 17-years-old teen girl wearing red top, black pencil jeans,black jacket and  black boot that has white dots on the side. staring back with a soulful looking black eyes.

Yup, i dress gothy but i don't give a fuck what people think.

My chain of thought was broken by my 9-years-old baby sister, Mary.

"Ellie bunny, Ellie bunny, Ellie bunny."

Mary shouted skipping into my room.

"Mary linnie haven't i thought you to always knock before entering anyone's room?" I asked my baby sister playfully with a little smile on my face.

She then put her hand on her jaw like she's thinking then shakes her head and said "Nah, I can't remember you being so educative"

I opened my mouth in mock offence then chuckled when she started laughing.

"Alright smart ass, how was your sleep." I asked Mary walking over to her on my bed.

"It was great, I even dreamt of cakes" she said grinning widely and I couldn't help but smile at how happy she's being.

"Well lets go get our breakfast or we're gonna be late for school" I said standing up from the bed

"Alright bunny." She said following my lead.

Don't get me wrong, I don't actually like the idea of going to school, but i just have to avoid the topic about dream and all because I always have nightmares since when i can remember.

"Morning mom." Mary and I said when we got to the kitchen then ran to the isle when we saw that mom made omelette and waffles. Mom served our food and then i took a bite.

"Mmm." I couldn't help but moan at how good it tasted. When i heard mom chuckle my cheek turned a slight shade of green but i quickly covered it so as to not let Mary see it, and thankfully she was too distracted by the food in front of her to even notice. When I felt mom's hand on my shoulder, i then knew she saw it. I turned back to see her smiling warmly, i also smiled a little then resumed eating.

After breakfast Mary and i said our goodbye then i carried my black school bag and she carried her purple bag and we walked to my black beauty of a motorcycle. I dropped her at her school and left for mine.

As i walk through the stupid "high school" door with a little frown on.

God, how much i hate school. There's absolutely nothing I'll do to not go to school anymore. And i just so happen to be labelled as "the bad girl".

As i neared my locker i saw one of my best friends, Mark leaning against his locker (which is right beside mine) typing away on his phone with a goofy smile that gives me and idea with he's chatting with. His girlfriend.

"Hey Mark." I said as i got close. He look up and smirk, but i just cracked a little smirk mairly visible then we did the bro hug.

"Xup El."

"Waiting for me, bad boy Mark?" I replied my smirk growing a little.

"Actually yes" he said then straightened his posture and put his phone in his jean pocket. I looked at him and when i noticed how serious his demonior is, my smirk vanished. Then put on an emotionless mask.

"What's the problem man."

"It's about this new boy in school. I have a really weird feeling about him. I don't know.... He just like has some kind of aura around him. I don't know, i can't put my hand on it." Mark explained. I nod in understanding even though i didn't.

"Hmn, okaaay we shall see then. I'll be on the lookout for him and if i notice anything strange, you'll be the first to know" i replied after taking out my books from my locker. Really not knowing what to say. The bell rang after a minute or two. Mark and I parted ways and when i opened the door to math class, an annoying smell hit me so i was forced to look at the direction the smell was coming from. Thanks to my nature, i have advanced hearing, seeing, smelling and many more abilities human don't possess.

Well, when i looked at the place the irritating smell was coming from, i saw a new kid sitting right beside my chair with a curious look on his face pointed directly at me. That's when i noticed that i was still at the entrance with my nose crunched up at how much that boy stink and my maths teacher is waiting patiently behind me.

I regained my composure and walked over to take my sit. The boy too now have a stone look on his face and just as Mark said he does have a weird aura. Some girls kept glancing at him and if he noticed he's doing a really good job at ignoring them.

Ah! Thank Goodness. Just five more minute to the end of class. I already know all this stuff. Maths is too simple you know.

"So if you add both equations and...oh, we have a new student?" Mr. Alex asked surprisingly just noticing Mr. Newbee and he just nodded in reply, his face emotionless.

"Hmn, i see. So what's your name son?" Mr. Alex asked and immediately that sentence lift his mouth, Mr. New face softened for just a nanosecond. Almost unnoticeable.

"My name is Jake Orwell sir" Mr. New boy whose name is now Jake said. Mr. Alex was about to say something when the bell rang for next class. Everyone then dash out of the class.


And that was my last encounter with Jake. So its presently lunch time and I'm on my way to the cafeteria.

As soon as i opened the door to the cafeteria, my fragile ears blew off due to the noise and i was forced to crunch up my nose due to the mixture of odour.

When i looked at the food line i saw that they are just four on the line and the fourth is Jake.

' Well' I thought shrugging.

i actually joined the queue, then a girl joined after me with the stink box still in front of me but now the one collecting his food, i think he paid for pudding and a cup of banana shake . He was about to turn out of the line when he bumped into me and before i knew it, his lunch was all over me.

"Are. You. Blind" I asked through gritted teeth. "You fucktard" i groan as i remove a strand of pudding soaked hair out of my face. The annoying idiot just kept staring at me wide eyed like I a deer caught in headlight. My  hands clenched by my side as my annoyance striked to the highest level.

"You lumbering oaf, stop staring like-"

I couldn't complete sentence as Mark and Rose (Mark's girl friend and my other best friend) managed to drag me out, all the while rubbing circles on my clenched hands, i calmed down a little bit more. Both of them then led me out of the cafeteria where everyone was staring like a bull is about to break loose and to my motorcycle.

When we got outside, the calm air hit me and i became even more calm.

"Ellie, you could have burst your cover back there. Why in the living hell can't you be more careful" Mark said with a careful tone. I guess he's being careful not to make me flare with more anger. They actually know I'm not normal. But I'm usually patient and careful around people. I'm just having proplem containing my emotion this days.

"I don't know what actually made me flare up that easily." I said apologetic

"Ellie, you know we do care for you like our own sister and that's why Mark is being over protective of you exposing your own secret. And also don't forget that we're always here for you anytime" Rose said sympathetically rubbing circles on my hand in a soothing manner.i only nod in response.

"Can you change your eyes back now?" Mark said pointing to my eyes. I went to look at the side mirror of my motorcycle to check what he's talking about. Then i saw it, my eyes are no more soulful looking black, they are now green.

"I've only experienced this once and i think the solution is to tell me soothing and calming words about something or someone i love" I told them the solution to the green eyes.

"Hmn, how about you have to see omlet with your lovely black eyes again" Mark said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I only shook my head with a little smile on my face.

Rose face palmed and said "why the hell am i still dating this guy"

"Maybe its because you love me?" Mark said shrugging with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, okay, so solution for El" Rose said trying to hide her tomato red cheek with her hair. Then mark put his hand around her waist and stood by her side protectively.

"Yeah, about El. Well, your baby sis, Mary won't like to see you like this, she'll get really frightened and might even get scared of you and also might not want want to talk to you ever again or even worse, she might get scared to the extent that she might hurt ...." Mark continued rambling on and on that i had to cover his mouth to make him stop.

"Wow! I actually did it" Mark said grinning happily like a child who saw a gift from Santa Claus.

"Dude, stop showing me those black set of teeth" I said smiling back.

"You really care for that lil sis of yours, don't you?" Rose said also smiling.

"Yup, you've got no idea" I replied smiling fully now.

"Well you should go home and change out of this" Rose said looking me up and down like how moms do look at kid when they play with mud or dirt.

"Definately, you should" Mark said agreeing with his girl. They are undeniably a cute couple.

"Alright bye guys, see you tomorrow then. You two should head straight to class ok" i said like i was talking to little kids and at the same time mounting my bike.

"Ok mummy" Blake said using baby voice, pouting

I smiled and put on my helmet so i can head straight home. I sped off in the cool breeze.
