chapter 2

Jake's pov


Ugh.... It's Monday and i have to go to school extra early in order to fulfill my parent's wish.

with that thought in mind, i struggle out of bed and to the bathroom in my dorm-like apartment.

I was done with my business after some minute trying all my possible best to manage water because of the bills.

Yeah, i deal with the bill here.

When i was done dressing, i brought out cereal and milk then turned them into a bowl. After eating, i carried my bag pack and lock the apartment door then walked to the backyard of my the apartment and towards the bush there.

I walked about two minutes into the bush and made sure no one was around. I then removed my cloth and change into my wolf form.

His name is Flake and he's not really big like other wolves but also not small because I'm an omega and he is white in colour. Flake's colour being white really disturbs me because in Redmoon pack, before i became a rogue, it was only female that have white coloured wolves.

Well, i still have to go to school to fulfill my parent's wish of being someone great because people think of me as nobody doesn't mean i cant be somebody.

So i used my teeth to hold the bag, careful not to tear it and ran through the bush to my first school in years.

I've actually practised this route like twice this week, so I'm kinda used to it, running to school in the cool breeze.

When i got a little close to school i had to change back to my human form and wore my cloth then back my bag. I walked the rest of the way back to school.

when i entered the school, some people stared at me curiously while the rest stared in different ways i don't understand. Ugh, i really hate being new without knowing anyone.

You see... I have no social life.

"Uhm, hi, my name's Jake and I'm new here and i need to see the principal. So-" I tried asking a girl who looks nice enough not to lash out at me for disturbing, but was interrupted by her completing the sentence

"So can you show me the way?" The girl completed the sentence.

Well, i guess i was actually wrong because she actually sounds bossy and irritated. I only replied by nodding my head and maintaining my normal demonior.

She smiles and stretched her hand out for me to shake " And my name is Rose by the way, I'm sorry i sounded annoyed but i was actually chatting with my boo and i was really into the chat and any second from now he'll reply me and its really imp-" Rose kept rambling but abrobantly stopped.

"Uhm, I'm sorry about my blabbing nature around new people" Rose said with a light giggle.

"It's no problem but you haven't answered my previous question?" I said

"Oh, I'm sorry once again. Okay then follow me." Rose said, apologising.

As we continue our little journey down the hall, Rose keeps typing things into her phone and smiling.

I really wish i can make someone like me that much, but who will really want an omega like myself.

"Here we are" Rose exclaimed in fake excitement. "Our dearest principal's office" she said laughing a little because there are different insultive words and name which I'm sure was written by different students on the principal's door.

I'm presently in the principal's office and Rose volunteered to show me around if I'm done, so she's waiting for me outside the principal's office. I'm really lucky to meet such a friendly person on my first day. As i heard that it is rare in high school.

I knock on the door and i heard a firm 'come in' from the inside so i opened the door.

"Good morning sir" I said to the principal. He look at me warmly with his brow eyes fitted with a reading spectacle.

"Morning, and how may i help you?" The man behind the desk asked.

"Uhm, I'm...I-I-I came looking for a-admission" I stuttered.

Dammit, i never thought it'll be this hard.

The man removed his glasses and dropped the pen he was holding.

"I see, so where are your parents?" The man asked

"They" I paused, thinking of how to arrange my sentence. "Th-they are d-in prison sir" immediately i said that sentence the man's demonior became calm.

"I'm really sorry about that son" The man said touching me emotionally because it's been a really long time someone called me 'son'. I really feel like crying but i cant show any sign of weakness around human.

"Thank you sir. So what are the requirements to join your school sir?" I asked changing the topic.

"If you have a guardian or family member that can help in signing some papers and pay the fees, then other things are just petty." The man said.

I looked at my lap where I'm sitting, shaking my head i said "i have no family or guardian to help out but i have been working for years just to save up my school fees for the rest of my years in high school"

The man looks mesmerised and impressed.

"Wow! You are a really interest and hard working child and i like that about you. You are also respectful" The man said.

"Th-Thank you sir" I said.

"So... about your education. What actually inspires you to go to school by all means possible?" The man asked, i guess interested in my life story somehow.

Playing with my hands on my lap i answered "i just really want to become someone great and make my parents proud."

'lie' - Flake said in my head

'well, it's partially true and i can't risk it' - I answered Flake. I only felt him not in my head, no reply.

"Did you hear what i said?" The man asked bringing me out of the conversation with my wolf. I tried remembering what he said but couldn't.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I d-didn't hear sir" I said feeling stupid.

well done Jake, your first day and you are already zoning out.

I thought to myself, criticising myself but the man just continue to smile warmly.

"I asked when last you've attended a school" The man repeated himself seemingly not offended by my zoning out. That question brings back a lot of memories but i had to force them down.

"When i was ...ten sir" I replied reluctantly. The man looked really surprised but didn't ask any more question on that.

"Are you up to 18-years-old?" The man asked

"Yes sir, I've been waiting to turn eighteen just to join your school" I replied.

"And since when is that?" The man asked curiously.

" Since i was fourteen... A friend told me about Hill high " I replied pleading with my eyes for him not to ask any more question about that and i think he got the message because he only nodded but still had a look on his face that shows that he's not contented with the answer.

"Alright then, you are legally allowed to sign the paper work and also pay your school fees, but if you let me, i can sponsor your education and you'll pay back by having good grades" The man said which surprised me because nobody have expressed that much kindness towards me ever since my parents.

'no' - Flake said in my head again.

'why not' - I replied back to Flake in my mind.

'why should you?' - Flake asked

'why shouldn't I?' - I asked back

Flake sigh in my head and explained what he meant; 'you don't even know this man. What if he's just like alpha, he'll just trick you. They are all the same, no one is to be trusted'

'That's actually true ...okay then, i wont accept it.' I replied happy to have a wolf like Flake never wanting me to go through any regrets again.

"No thank you sir, I'm better off paying it all my self. But I'm really greatful you even insisted, i really am" I said .

"Really!" The man exclaimed. "I really love your spirit kid. well, just sign the papers and then you can start school whenever you want, but your schedule will be ready by tomorrow or by the end of class today. And if you are willing to start today, you are allowed to attend any class you feel like" The man said explaining things to me. Excited, I grin widely like the cheshire cat.

"Thank you very much sir. I'll actually love to start today." I said happier than Matthieu Ricard . Then I did all the necessities and money stuff.

like who will want to miss school even for a day.

"we'll see then Jake Orwell. You can take your leave now" The man said when i was done with everything.

"Thank you sir"i said

I think the man remembered something because he called my name immediately i stood up from where i was sitting and was about to turn when he said; "uhm, i actually forgot to ask where you got the money you saved from." The man suddenly asked

I turned and smiled then replied

"I work as a waiter." The man smiled seeming impressed.

"Okay then, you may take your leave now." The man said. I then turn again to take my leave again. When i got outside, i saw Rose sitting on a waiting chair positioned outside the principal's office.
