Chapter 29: Patriot

* Zell's plan was simple. Now that Tom was in hell, the reputation of the Harris family was further damaged. Sean not being his brother he had become an alleged accomplice and therefore lost all his credibility with the public. The only way for him to go up the slope was that maybe as if by magic a well-intentioned person, a person whom the people regard with a good eye in other words "Him", make him discredit any suspicion, but for that he would having to spit out all the info he had on Seb *.

- You are going to tell me everything you know about Seb. * Say Caroline *. Or your brother will be stuck in the jail for a long time to come and your family will be accused of treason.

-Especially not. * He shouted *. I will never betray the oath I made to my homeland.

-So don't talk about a dog. This country is going through a period of turmoil and activists like you are behind it.

-I ... I did not directly meet Seb. In real life, no one knows who he is. On the other hand, he summoned me once to his ranch for an interview ....

- Wait two minutes. How's his ranch? Aren't the rebels supposed to live in tents? * Caroline asked *.

-He ... No no. They are much more modern and developed than that. Everything is different even their architecture. If I had to compare they would be closer to a city or country on the Ascheritz continent.

-It's a joke. * Barclay yelled, knocking the table over *.

* The young man was shaking but not lying. Ascheritz is the equivalent of the American continent in this world. It also has its share of adventures but it remains less developed than Midgard *.

-It's ... It's the truth they are far from being monkeys as we imagined them to be.

* She walked over to him and gazed into her eyes as if she could reach his soul *.

-Continue what happened once on this ranch?

-I obviously did not meet Seb but I saw a leader, the man at the head of the commando unit, a certain Lars.

-Lars you say.

-Yes it is him who explained to me their intentions and that they were intended to negotiate. They don't want war, you know? Just let them be alone.

* Barclay stepped back slightly with a sigh and then knocked him backwards pushing his chair with her foot. She left the interrogation room to relax *.

-So ? * She asked me *.

-He tells the truth. Even though I can sense something's wrong.

-Whatever we have the confirmation that they want peace and it's a boring.

-There are still gray areas to clear up but don't worry, we'll find the real motivation behind it all.

* Zell entered the room calmly and helped sean strapped to the chair to get up *.

- Lieutenant Cailum?

-We are alone. Call me Alfar.

-It's a misunderstanding you must believe me. I was not aware of my brother's criminal inclinations.

-Possible. But I can't do anything for you right now. Not if you don't tell them what they want to know.

-But what else do you want to know? * He yelled *. I have already told you everything.

-Really ? Didn't you notice anything weird there?

* Sean calmed down a bit as if his memory was slowly coming back to him *.

-Now that you say it I saw a woman. Blonde and very elegant despite being dressed like a man.

* I felt the flow of electrical signals from Zell's brain distort for a moment *.

-If I did not know myself I would say it was Lady Rhodes. * He continued *. But she had short hair, it couldn't be her. In addition, she seemed to come and go as she saw fit. That's no way to treat a prisoner.

- Except that Seb never takes a prisoner, in other words she is a guest.

* I saw Zell smile and pat him on the shoulder before stepping out of the interrogation room. He joined me in a corner and sat down with his back against a pillar *.

-I didn't think I would tell you that one day but you are really a jerk when you question people.

- I was never a good person Lancell you should know that. That said, you don't have to be like me, you have your own path to make.

- Anyway Arianne is alive and it's a relief. *I said*.

* I then saw Zell smile for the first time since ... Eternity? It had nothing to do with his murderous smiles that he threw from time to time there he was really happy. I even thought he was going to drop a tear. I crouched down towards him and hugged him *.

-Hey ... we're going to bring her back, you hear me?

-Of course we'll bring her back. Obviously.

* Sean Harris was released but later learned that the van carrying his brother had been attacked and that Tom had been savagely dismembered with a machete. In fact Decken had orchestrated the attack ready to do anything to make him pay and in fact it didn't bother me more than that. We passed it off as a retaliatory attack, Sean being too dejected to resume his manifestations, I had to console him and advised him to go take some rest in the countryside while all that calmed down. It's the least we can do for him who is innocent. After which we all met in a city park *.

-A good thing done. * Said Barclay, having her boots waxed by a kid in the street *. This traitorous spirit will not cause us any more worries.

* She gave the little black boy a wad of bills and stroked his hair before whispering in his ear *.

-Go on.

* The kid left enthusiastically *.

-Aaaah i hope that they obtain the citizenship my ranks lack of competent personnel. If not...

* She turned her head in my direction *.

-What going with Captain Travis?

-I don't know since he hasn't given a sign of life for days. * I replied *.

-And our two terminators? Did they manage to apprehend Sergeant Carter? * Zell asked *.

- Termina what?

* Often Zell uses words and phrases that he alone understands. I would like to believe that he is crazy but I know him, he is hiding something *.

-Nothing gives up. I'm talking about Friedich and Troy.

-Ah them. * Said Swan who was sipping his coffee *. It seems that Carter left Aether and joined his barracks in the South. There he would have tried to rally his men to his cause but he was arrested by the military police. They cooked him and then released him before firing him from the army.

-I see we can say that his case is settled. * Said Zell *.

-This is the official version. * Said Swan *. According to Fried and Troy the sergeant would still find sympathizers who agreed to desert to follow him. At this moment they are on a train for the capital.

-Are they following him closely? * Barclay asked *.

-Uuuh ... In fact they are part of the soldiers who are with him.

* We looked at Swan with a look of utter surprise. Then Zell burst out laughing *.

-So there, they hit hard this time. I hope Troy doesn't fire his cover.

-What are we giving them for instruction? * Swan asked *.

-Nothing at all. *I said*.

* Everyone else was staring at me but it didn't bother me *.

-The priority is to find Captain Travis. Lineberg and Decken are big boys and they'll be able to handle this on their own.

- It is because it takes the big head moreover. * Said Barclay smiling *. Do you have any idea how to get him out of his hole?

-Let's say a hunch and I'll need your help for that. * I say staring at Muller *.

-What, me ? * She asked, getting up from the bench where she was lying *. If you get me into something boring you might regret it.

- Stop arguing, it's an order. * I say in a higher tone *. And you too Der Linde.

* My sudden change in tone caught them off guard but it was on purpose and I didn't have time to procrastinate. Over the next few days I went to places that Travis usually frequented. Jefferson Travis, 34, father, two children aged 6 to 9. A loving and caring woman. His career is all that seems more mundane. No medal, no particular feat of arms that sets him apart from the crowd. He ended up assigned to the North after the great migration. According to reports, he would have engaged in combat with the rebels several times without gaining the advantage over them *.

-An interesting trait that said is that he is the first soldier to have mentioned Seb's name in his reports. * Said Swan *.

-Many things are wrong with his record. And several times even. *I said*.

-And so how do you plan to meet him in the end?

* We were in a convertible sedan leaving for the Travis house. Muller was serving as my driver and it seemed to piss her off. We arrived in a small village in the North West of the country not far from the Cailum territory *.

-I don't intend to meet him. * I say calmly closing the file *. I intend to understand him.

* When we got to the Travis house we found two young boys playing soccer in the garden. At first they didn't pay attention to us since we were dressed in civilian clothes but I don't know why when they saw me they smiled and then blushed. I walked up to them and stroked their heads, smiling *.

-The boys ?

* The woman who had just appeared stared at us. She was brunette and wore a yellow fabric polka dot dress. We introduced ourselves as government agents looking for her missing husband. She agreed to offer us tea and it was delicious *.

-My husband has always been a fervent patriot and defender of the Duchy.

-I have no doubt I read his service records. *I said*.

* I looked out the window and saw Muller playing with the children. For a moment I let myself be moved by what I saw but Swan coughed to remind me of reality *.

-If you want me to tell you about him as a soldier, I'm not in the best position.

- I do not want the vision of his colleagues. I see your vision of your husband as a soldier.

* She smiled and put the tea on the table *.

-It was a long time ago when he was still Second Lieutenant my husband confided certain facts to me. He was sent to fight for an Inglesian colony with many of his friends. He had been asked to attack a fortified place but the plan of his superiors would cause countless losses. He went to warn the high command but no one listened to him convinced of their success.

-Result it was a massacre.

-My husband still managed to save most of his men.

-He was a farsighted man it seems.

- Another time it was during an escort mission. He had foreseen an ambush. Once again, no one listened to him, believing that the road was safe ...

-But once again he was right.

-He modified the route on his own to ensure the success of the mission.

* I'm starting to understand what kind of man he is, the kind of person who wants to do well but because of his social status is put aside *.

-You know when I married Jeff everyone looked at me askance. Why would I marry a colored man? He said. My family even turned their backs on me.

* She took a family photo and showed it to me. He was in uniform and it must have been dated two years ago. A tall man with black skin but curly hair. His gaze was soft, you could tell he loved being with them. But he is typically the kind of man to be a fierce warrior on the battlefield *.

-But your love was stronger than anything. * I added *. Just like your husband's love for his homeland.

* Until then, Captain Travis has always been an exemplary man, but I think he will end up breaking down and making a fool of himself *.

-Thank you madam for this tea.

- Remember lieutenant my husband loves his country more than anyone.

-I know it. * I tell her smiling *. I'll leave you a bodyguard just in case. I'll call to check it out.

-I ... It's not worth it.

-Oh believe me and I insist.

* As I left I motioned to Muller and whispered something in her ear before slipping instructions into her jacket pocket. I then said goodbye to the kids before taking control of my car with Swan following me *.

-So ? Do you know where Travis is?

-We were wrong about him. This guy is going to make something stupid.

-What kind of stupidity?

* I switched on the ignition and the engine roared *.

- Like attacking the general staff.

* The vehicle took off as fast as it could *.

-He asked participated in the new army training program, the one that Zell has been following to our forces for almost 6 years already. * I explained *. Which means he's quite capable of it.

* It only took me half an hour to get to Aether as I required a civilian train to get there. Once there I also requisitioned the sedan of a nobleman more than happy to lend it to me and rushed to the army headquarters. We entered in a hurry to talk to our superior but the assistant told me that General Lineberg did not want to be disturbed under any circumstances. At that moment I tilt *.

- Shit he's after Uncle Baldra. Swan rushes to the archives to do what I told you.

-Are you sure you don't want my help?

-Don't argue and obey.

* I rushed up the stairs. The building had 4 floors and Uncle Lineberg's office was on the top floor. As if by chance. That said I got there and stormed into the room. Travis had his gun pointed at him. He was undermined in civilian clothes, how the hell did he manage to get there? *

-Lancell what are you doing here? * Asked Uncle Baldra *.

-Who are you ?

* By seeing him more closely my suspicions were confirmed. I had noticed that Travis' children were mixed race which could only mean one thing *.

-Captain Jefferson Travis?

-There is no longer a captain who can hold out. * He said *. This is the last time that I will be ignored.

-Travis stop I know what you're going through. Don't be taken seriously because of your appearance, you feel different and wonder what you did wrong to be treated like this.

*He was angry. The electrical flows in his head were all muddled. He looked at me and he got more annoyed *.

-How are you the same as me?

* I untied my hair and he understood what I was talking about *.

-You are a woman ?

-NOOO. * I shouted a little pissed off *. You see you already take me less seriously. But whatever I went through is nothing compared to what you endure every day in this army.

-If you already know why you try to soften me with your nice words?

-Because I believe in you. *I said*. And I would like you to believe in me too. Of all the generals you would be wrong to blame Baldra Lineberg.

-Why ? He is in charge of the North. He should have read my fucking reports, he should have followed my fucking warnings. * He shouted louder *.

* He armed the gun and pressed it to Uncle Lineberg's head, who was barely frowning. I started to walk in his direction, keeping my hands in the air *.

-Travis your ....

- Do not approach or I will kill him.

* I motioned to him in the direction of the phone and he let me make a call. I put on loudspeaker so that he could hear *.

-Swan you read me? Have you finished going through the files I told you about?

-Yes and it's as you say. Uncle Lineberg has never received any report mentioning Seb's name. Everything was classified and archived without even arriving at his office. I'm trying to get them all back right now.

-Thank you again Swan.

-I continue to peel.

* At this point I saw Travis' wavelength drop. He had lost all desire to fight as the reality was different from what he imagined. *

- Impossible ... It can't be ...

* I redialed a new number and the person picked up *.

-Muller? Go put the speaker there.

* On the other end of the line were the voices of his wife and sons *.

- Honey ... Honey, is that you?

-Dad come back we miss you.

-The tall lady says you went on a secret mission, is that true?

-Of course. * Said Muller in a soft voice *. Your father is a secret agent. But don't tell anyone.

-I would keep it a secret.

* Surprised to hear Muller's voice on the phone he stared at me *.

-Who is this woman ? What is she doing with my children?

* I hung up the phone but he got angry and pointed his gun at me. I walked over to him and he pointed his gun at me but I barely frowned *.

-Stop playing tough guys. Your family thinks of you, your sons need their father and your wife needs her husband.

* I lowered his gun and he stared at me exhausted. I hugged him and felt him cry on my shoulder *.

-And this country needs you too. I told you I trust you.

-What the fuck did I do?

-Nothing soldier. You were just too concerned about the fate of your country.

* After which the incident was resolved. Uncle Lineberg did not take revenge and I returned to visit Travis' family for tea. I was happy to have been able to calm him down even though I had to use his family for that. Uncle Baldra gave me a sly smile at the maneuver *.

* Jefferson won't have to be killed and we got our hands on some valuable information thanks to him. While we were playing in the yard with the children Muller clung to me like she does with Zell *.

-I know what you did. It was a master stroke.

-I do not see what you're talking about.

-Don't play that with me. You engineered everything down to the smallest detail and even knew exactly what to do to calm him down. Now he is indebted to you and even loyal like a good doggie.

* She kissed me on the cheek and the kids covered each other's eyes. *

- I start to like you Lancell.

* I'm starting to understand how Zell feels about putting up with her H-24. The next morning at the secret cell meeting we had a new friend *.

- Chief Sergeant Jefferson Travis. From today I join the special investigation unit of the army. * He said bowing *.

- You get demoted Jeffy ? * wondered Muller *.

* Obviously, his little escalation was not going to go unpunished *.

-Lancell can you explain to me? * Zell asked *.

- I have no account to give you. I just helped a friend.

-As long as he is competent.

-Ooooh come on, He is. * I say with a smirk *.

-So he is hire.

-Good it's time to get to work. Oh and by the way * I tell him *. ranks are useless here so make yourself comfortable.

* End of chapter *.