Chapter 30: Aide-camp

* My consciousness was awakened in this body at the age of 8, but long before that this body, did indeed live. And as time went on I was happy to have a very ordinary life. It can be compared to a naive life experience and without interest until the awakening of my conscience. For me it only lasted a moment but for Ares it was 8 years of waiting. The me before and after my awakening, these two people are indeed me and we share the same memories. And in these memories I remember one day in particular, it was shortly before my sixth birthday, my father had brought me to the construction site of our railroad. It was the first time that I had seen a train, at least such an old train *.

-Look at Zell, it's called a railroad. It allows the transport of a large quantity of food, materials and raw materials throughout the Duchy.

* I remembered that it hadn't impressed me more than that. Surely, despite the fact that I have no memory of it, I was still influenced by my original self *.

-It also allows to bring a large quantity of weapons and ammunition directly on the battlefield. * A voice said behind us *.

* The man who had just arrived was an army officer. He was tall blond and graying hair with a confident expression. He had a very square beard that went with his hairstyle. Seeing his stripes I noticed that he was Colonel *.

-Ah, Baldra how are you? Zell, I present to you your uncle Baldra Lineberg. You know little Friedich's father.

* I remember being silent in front of this man who was staring at me with his deep gaze. He gave me a slight smile and stroked my hair before looking at the train *.

-With trains you can cross the country faster than any horse or cavalry and the guns become easier to transport.

- I doubt that your speech on the weapons of war interests him. * Said my father *. This little one is hardly impressionable.

* But he was wrong, I detached myself from his grip and walked towards the train which I began to observe with a new look. I remember turning back to Uncle Baldra with shining eyes and asking him for details on the operation of a train. In the end even if my consciousness was not awakened the structure of my soul remained the same. I still adored the army as much since I was little. Today things are different and I accompany my uncle through the gigantic staff building as an aide-camp *.

-Look at you. You've come a long way since that day. *He told me*.

-Indeed, I am no longer the little boy who was ecstatic about everything.

- Except that at one time you weren't ecstatic about anything your father had a cold sweat. If he wanted to show you the train, it was mainly to try to arouse your interest in something.

-And he succeeded I found my vocation in life. To know how to serve my country.

* He gave a light laugh which he quickly choked *.

-I have no doubt about it. The country is in the midst of a revolution and a social change must take place if we want to be able to evolve.

- I am perfectly aware of it. And that's why I put so much effort into the cell.

-And the results are more than convincing. Even though I was targeted the last time.

-Sorry again, it won't happen again. * I say in a sincere voice *.

-It will happen again. * He said verbally *. Zell it will happen again. Clear-sighted as you are, you cannot predict the future with exactitude.

* He turned in my direction and gave me a chilling look *.

-There is a law that says what must happen will happen. This is a fact that has been verified several times.

-If this kind of incident happens again ....

- I wouldn't be so lenient. * He asserted *.

* After which we arrived in front of the meeting room. An assistant greeted us and opened the front door where all the best officers in the country had gathered. Finally better it is quickly said, it is especially the boosted and the most senior. I was in the boosted box. As we walked in, no one paid any attention to us, they were all too busy arguing to know which tennis player was the toughest or which singer was the best. In other circumstances I will have to criticize their behavior but it remains human beings with their own concerns. Among other things I recognized some heads *.

- Major General Jimmy Tandsen 58 years old and normally assigned to watch the Yukon.

* Since his recent victory he is looking for a promotion to try to catch up with Uncle Baldra whom he considers his rival. Despite his incompetent airs, he remains a reliable general, wars of attrition or the enemy must be weakened, that is his specialty *.

- Lieutenant General Gary Welbeck. He is approaching fifty like Uncle Baldra, but he is a very refined person as evidenced by his elegant appearance and his long black hair falling over his shoulders. His tactic is to destroy enemy morale by hitting hard and brutally.

- You did your homework well before coming, says so. * Said Uncle Baldra smiling *.

-Of course. I'm in the Lion's Den after all. One misstep and my life is ruined.

* I had noticed a different uniform from ours. He was desert yellow with blue pants. It was the uniform of the Inglesian officers leaving for the desert in the Middle East *.

-Who is this man ? * I whispered in my uncle's ear *.

-A simple consultant.

* From where I was I couldn't hear his voice so I just stand still. The meeting began when all the generals had arrived as well as the most important of them. The Chief of Staff *.

-Please welcome the Marshal.

* We all got up and bowed. August von Braun. He had already passed the 80-year mark but had been in power for a good thirty years already. Since it was the only marshal of our army he commanded all the spheres namely the air force, the land force, the ducal marines, the navy and the intelligence. In short, he was the big boss and he was old. White hair and uniform with its 5 stars on the shoulder. He will be retiring soon but the reason he has not yet done so is that he had not yet found a successor. Rumors say that he secretly hopes to hand the reins over to his son "Werner Von Braun" sitting in the hall. 48 years old like Uncle Baldra and both at the same rank. Classmate and rival of yesteryear. But I am not blind, Uncle Baldra has his eyes on the post of Marshal just as my father has his eyes on that of chancellor. And they will do anything to achieve it *.

- Sit down.

* As soon as the marshal had put the buttocks on the ground all the officers present in the room automatically took out their cigars. In not even 30 seconds the room was drowned in smoke. And I fucking hate smoke. Each general was accompanied by an aide camp. Basically an assistant who follows him in these tasks but in reality each general here just exposes his foal and future successor. Having understood this I felt bad for Friedich because he seems to have a rather complicated relationship with his father *.

- Well let's start. * Said the Marshal *.

* An assistant in the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel spoke *.

-Before coming to the overall situation in the country, let's first talk about those in the colonies. The kingdom of Inglesia made us conquer territories in certain regions of the world including Shamballa or Beiyang in the far east. Unfortunately these regions risk being taken over if the Inglesian army does not support us to keep them under control. Regarding the sea, the straits of Goram and Ladro are still under control even if we suffer some skirmishes with pirates.

-I can't wait for all of our boats to become Dreadnoughts. * Said Tandsen who expelled smoke *.

-Uh yes ... * Said the assistant *. In the East, the Tarkovian region does not seem to want to move, the surveillance at the border is becoming less numerous and the evasions between our two armies are less and less frequent.

-This is good news it seems to me. * Said a general *.

-I thought it was because of a potential civil war in the country. * Said another *.

-It's simple. * say Tandsen *. Once the conflict has broken out, we will take the opportunity to scrape bits of land from these canned eaters.

*Some generals supported Tandsen's words and he smiled proud of himself *.

-Bad idea. * Said Uncle Baldra *.

* Everyone stared at him surprised by his reluctance *.

-We have enough problems on our borders like that. If we make an enemy of Tarkovia, we will regret it in the long term. Let us content ourselves with continuing the initial plan of bringing back the Yukon and Sutherland under the influence of the king.

*Of the King ? Ah, it's true that our campaigns are all about empowering Inglesia. If Uncle Baldra had mentioned the Duke I wonder what our friend the officer would have thought. The only non-smoking general on this table seemed to be the only one with a clear mind *.

- You ... * Tandsen growled *.

-Baldra is right. * Seconded Wegner *. Let us stay focused on one concern at time.

* The white haired man gave my uncle a piercing gaze, who remained still *.

-However. * He continued *. Tarkovia remains an even greater potential threat. To say that we should not regard them as enemies is unconscious.

*Ha he's smart. He succeeded in proving him right and wrong at time *.

-The unconscious is the one that does not know in what order its priorities are set. * Retorted my uncle relaxed *.

* These two throw spades every time they open their mouths and the only one who seems to see it given the wavelength of the people here is me and ... The Marshal? *.

-That's enough. * Said the old man *. We will advise when the time comes. Carry on.

* The assistant sweating from all this tension *.

-Good. The situation which seems the most worrying remains that in the North. In fact, the human losses there are close to a hundred thousand, not to mention the number of prisoners that there are currently. All this over 8 years..

-Approximately 15k according to recent reports. * Said a general *.

-The most worrying remains the reaction of the released prisoners. * Said Wegner *. They are as if they have become pacifists.

* Wegner's aide-camp spoke. Liam Corleone a young brunette with a square cut two years my senior but at the same grade as me. His way of standing upright exuded rigor like his general. If fate does not play tricks on us, it would even be a future rival *.

-According to an investigation carried out by the military police, nothing would explain this change. They all think without exception that we should make peace rather than continue to fight.

* Nothing would explain? Are they deliberately hiding information? And first since when an aide-camp speaks like that? In any case it had the desired effect because the generals of the room were outraged *.

-If I remember the North correctly, it was your general Lineberg sector. * tell Tandsen *.

* And here they are going to talk about it. The campaign of discrediting begins *.

- Indeed the North belongs to me. * He said calmly crossing his fingers *.

-What a terrible fiasco. All these men who trusted in your command. If it had been me all this would never have happened.

-For a general who has deliberately refused this sector you open it a lot Tandsen. * Said Welbeck, who finally dare to speak *.

-About what ?

-Everyone knows that you wanted to oust Lineberg by giving him a weakly guarded area. The soldiers in the north were not as effective as the veterans on the other fronts as they were fighting rebels in pajamas wrapped in traditional loincloths.

* He has a bitch's tongue, this guy. Still glad he was keeping a low profile though he was giving a bit of a boost. Besides, his aide-camp is the only black person in the room. Hairstyle degraded and a piercing look. Seeing his gaze he looked like a veteran of many wars yet I could guess he was just a kid like me. Not to mention its odd wavelength. Even more, he was at the rank of simple Sergeant but no one spoke and he did not seem embarrassed *.

- So before judging others on their incompetence, think about your own cowardice which makes you privilege pride over duty. * end Welbeck *.

* Tandesn got up in anger *.

-I don't allow you. * He yelled *.

* Welbeck didn't smoke either, he kept his arms and legs crossed while his eyes were closed behind his round, transparent glasses *.

- Enough we get lost. * Says the Inglesian officer *.

* Why do I feel like I've heard that voice somewhere before *?

- Obviously the north is the most dangerous area of ​​all those stated. You should find a solution and fix the problem quickly * the officer continued *.

-euh yes. The question is which general is going to do it if I may. * Said Tandsen surprisingly respectful *.

* I moved my head to see his face but I couldn't see that the general next him was tall and blocked my view. Yet he was on the same line as me. All I saw were his stripes? *.

-Major? * I tell myself *.

* He has such a low rank yet he has such a presence. So is this where Inglesia dominates us? However, he still had that familiar look *

-Since I arrived here I have heard a lot of nonsense and bullshit. Your many and different army corps. The macaroon on the shoulder of one, the skull on the cheek of the other the dildo in the ass of the one.

-A enough Major. * Said the Marshal *.

-You are all in the same army. Is it too much to ask you to think together about a more than obvious solution?

-The major is right. * Said Welbeck *. We waste our time repeating what we already know. We have to decide what we are going to do.

-In this case let's proceed to the vote. You also have the right to vote in aid camps. * Said the marshal *.

-Two options are available to us. * Says the lieutenant colonel *. Either we negotiate the return of the prisoner and we establish a truce. Either we engage in a war against these rebels at the risk of causing many victims on both camps.

-Very good. * Said the marshal *. Let those who are in favor of the truce raise their hands.

* Hardly anyone raised a hand except General Welbeck's aide-de-camp. I read on his uniform "Raven". Everyone stared at him, but who can blame a soldier for wishing for peace? I certainly *.

- Well who is for an armed intervention in order to eradicate these rebels.

* It was then that I saw that the round table where we were was divided into two blocks. The Von Braun faction loyal to the old regime and those seeking progress generals loyal to Lineberg. That said even some of us voted in favor of the attack plan. What could be more normal for a general eager for action. Surprised the Marshal stared at Uncle Baldra *.

-It's strange you did not vote for attack General Lineberg.

-But I didn't vote for the truce either.

-Always to make your interesting. * Tandsen said *. What do you recommend?

- Marshal. * said Wegner *. I recommand that Lineberg ....

* But the Marshal barely listened to his son and remained focused on us *.

-I intended to resolve the situation in the North on my own without resorting to this small vote, but obviously we cannot escape certain formalities.

-What do you say ?

-I have nothing against the fact that another general goes to my field to try to put down the rebellion. It will be at the risk of the lives of his men but I would not hold it against him.

* He got up and I brought him his coat which he put over his shoulders. His build and his aura were increased tenfold *.

-Before wanting to take my place, has one of you ever heard of SEB?

* Everyone stared at each other without understanding while Welbeck remained attentive *.

- I suspected it. Zell, what do you foresee as a response?

-Zell? The little prodigy of our army?

* whispers about me spread throughout the room. I didn't know I was so popular on the staff but suddenly everyone was staring at me, even the Major's barely noticeable gaze. I felt a kind of confidence rise in me *.

- I am going to be direct as it is, a frontal invasion would not be the best solution. Our army is unable to beat SEB in these mountains.

* The admiring looks became looks of disgust *.

-What he is talking about ?

* Negative whispers were heard but I didn't care *.

-Do you dare to question the power of our army? * Tandsen shouted *.

-I only speak with facts. The field, like the structure of war, is not to our advantage. The rebels also have brains, they know exactly where and how to strike.

-Alfar Zell Cailum is that right? * Said General Von Braun *. I read your book, the one you published recently. A very nice thesis.

- Here I am flattered.

-But if you want my opinion it's a bunch of bullshit. It depicts a whole bunch of crazy tactics. A smaller army crushed a bigger army? You take your fantasies for realities.

-I expected no less from a man who spent his life fighting on horseback. * I say shrugging *.

-Monitor your language. * Growled Corleone *.

* At that moment Wegner gave me a murderous look and far from being intimidated I returned the favor with a smile. Uncle Baldra punched me in the face which knocked me to the ground. At first surprised I stood up slowly, holding my cheek *.

-Knows your place kid.

-I ... I'm sorry I got carried away. * I say bowing *.

* Uncle Baldra turned to the Marshal *.

-Old man, let the men of Tandsen try their luck, I will work out a suitable and adequate response with my men, which I will share with you when the time comes. Gone are the days of fighting on horseback, you should know that.

* After which we left the meeting when it was not yet over. As we walked through the halls we bumped into a person I rarely got to see *.

-Your Majesty. * Bowed my uncle *.

-Majesty. * I said, bowing too *.

* The Duke of Elysion himself walking unguarded and unescorted through the corridors of the staff *.

-Raise your head. I only came to see you ... Zell.

-M ... Me?

* An hour later I left the room where our little discussion had taken place with a slightly pale face. As I walked through the halls with my head down thinking about what I had heard I bumped into someone. This person looked up because I was much taller. It was Tandsen's aide camp. He was rather small for a soldier and he has the same rank as me? We are not stopping nepotism. His hair was red and curled back *.

-Sorry ... I didn't see you. *He told me*.

-It seems to me that I got into you. It's up to me to apologize.

-You are Lieutenant Cailum, aren't you? I am Second Lieutenant Enrico Quincy. But you can call me Rico.

* He held out his hand to me, smiling and I confess that his naivety dismayed me. He wasn't pretending according to his wavelength *.

- I am a big fan of what you do, I have read your books and your theses. I would love to be like you, you know. * He said taking my hand *.

-You did remain silent during the meeting.

-I'm a non-commissioned officer, I didn't really have a say. And I'm not as exceptional as you or Corleone.

-Liam Corleone?

-Yes. * He asserted, squeezing my hand a little more *. He is a commoner who has climbed the ladder thanks to his talent alone. I am just the son of the general's friend.

* I felt a kind of shame in his speech but he recovered and smiled at me *.

-But you yourself got even more amazing. A virtuoso of war.

-I am touched by the compliment but ... My hand.

* He noticed he was holding me with his hands and pulled away, blushing with embarrassment. As I moved back I waved my wrist and saw a mark. He smiled at me and folded his hands behind his back *.

-You really have class with your glasses. What are you hiding?

- Am I interested in you as much?

-Of course. * He said, approaching a little closer *. I'd like to know you better, Lieutenant. Besides, that would tell you that we are going for a coffee tomorrow. Let's say around 4 p.m.

* He left, leaving me alone and confused by what he had just said *.

-Am i dreaming or did he just ask me for a date there?

* I found my uncle on one of the balconies of the HQ accompanied by Welbeck. The two had lighted their cigars and I admit that it had jaded me. This is where Raven appears next to me. I almost jumped *.

-You. * Welbeck told me, who had seen me *. You have a lot of nerve to talk to Von Braun this way.


-I read your book. I like people with nerve but I hate big mouths who just open it up. Prove that what you wrote is true and you will have my respect.

* He passed me and left the balcony leaving me alone with Uncle Lineberg. The latter looked at the city which stretched out on the horizon, letting smoke escape *.

-It's gonna be a fiasco. * He said *.

-Or a massacre depending on Seb's mood.

-It's not just Seb there is also this tiger so Steinberg had spoken. An undoubtedly formidable soldier.

* He leaned back on the ledge and faced me *.

-Come on Zell. Tell me you have a plan.

* I smirked as I put my hands in my pockets *.

-Of course. I had the whole Beowulf summoned for their first fight.

* Day D-10 before Christmas a train full of soldiers of the new military intervention force also known under the name of "Task force Beowülf" arrived in the North West of Elysion on the territory of Cailums. On board were the best soldiers of the Duchy, and they would prove it once again *.

-So Lieutnant? Did you miss us?

* End of chapter *.

* People are often lost when we mention ranks in the military so I decided to give a little diagram to show where Zell and his friends are and who got authority over who. *

Senior officier:

Marshal: ★★★★★

General of the army: ★★★★

Lieutenant General: ★★★

Major general: ★★

Brigade General: ★

Commissioned Officers:


Lieutenant Colonel




Second lieutenant

non-commissioned officers:

Chief Warrant Officer

Warrant officer

Sergeant Major

Sergeant first class

Chief sergeant


Master Corporal


Ordinay soldiers:

combat specialist

First class soldier

Second class soldier