Chapter 46: Convergence Point

I remember when I first brought Aisha home, I believe the old witch's reaction was.

-He brought us another demon, this child will cause us misfortune.

Her record was looping, I was tired of listening to her. But for once she was not the only one disconcerted.

-Nahel... *said Jessie surprised*. Can you tell me what that this?

-She had been offered as a sacrifice to a bear. If I hadn't arrived in time she would have died by now.

-Her tribe offered her as a sacrifice to the god of the forest. *cried the old witch*. Take it back to where you found it or you'll inflame the gods.

-Fuck off old witch. I saved her i'll keep her.

-Except that it's up to your father to decide that.

Oh my father's opinion like my mother's was quickly decided.

- We adopt her. *Said my father.*

-I accept it too. I always wanted to have a girl. Imagine my disappointment when I saw a boy.

-Hey mom...

-Just kidding.

She pulled my cheeks to force me to smile and I admit that I have good memories of it. Welcoming Aisha into the family was not easy, her tribe had neglected her for so long that we had to start everything from scratch. Jessie taught her to speak, then to write and read.

-It reads "Snow".

-S...S... Sow ?

-Haaa I give up, it's too hard to teach a child. pouted Jessie.* Help me Nahel.

-You're the one who dreamed of a little sister, so don't mind me.


*Lars taught her how to count and calculate, estimate distances and more.*

-I have 3 cartridges I give you 2 when you already have 17 and you shoot 5 with your gun how many cartridges do you have left?

-Lars what are you teaching my sister?

She counted on her fingers.

-14 I have 14 left.

-Exactly. Top here. *He said giving me an amused laugh.*

Strangely he was an extremely good teacher and Aisha enjoyed his company very much. Besides, it was my mother who named her Aisha.

-Nahel don't store the ammunition in your room.

-Yes mamaaaa....

concerning me I... I....

-Hit harder...

*I taught her to defend herself.*

-I said harder.

-But I might hurt you.

-Because you think you can hurt me?

She kicked harder and I dodged her, tripping her.


-I am in pain.


I educated her and I taught her to be respected.

-Stand up, I said. *I screamed.*

She got up and tried to hit me. I overpowered her easily and stuck a knife under her eye. She looked at me terrified.

-You are scared ?

She nodded her head in approval. I released her and she could breathe.

- It's normal to be afraid. But fear is an emotion and you have to dominate it. Tell yourself that it is not for you to be afraid but for others to be afraid of you. *I said."

I threw my knife, which tore the apple out of the old witch's hand. I then approached her and stroked her head.

-We are not demons. We're just slightly different humans. I say putting my hand on her heart. Don't let anyone tell you what you are and don't let anyone disrespect you. "Don't tread on me" is the motto of the Rashford family. No one is stepping on us.

- No one is stepping on us. "she repeated". No one is stepping on us.

She smiled and repeated it and stared at me again defiantly.

-So ready for a new round?


At 12 Aisha had managed to beat a guy twice her size effortlessly. I admit that at the time I took great pride in that, especially since her shooting skills and shamanic gifts were great help to us. However I drove this little girl to hate the Elyos, her skills aside I shouldn't have involved her in this war. My sister's heart today is so filled with darkness that I wonder if it is possible that she will ever change. Once this is over, once I put an end to this conflict, I will start over with her. Aisha has the right to have a normal life.

-Hey... Hey... Don't fall asleep or I'll hand you the wheel. *Lars tells while he drive the Jeep."

-If you do that, we'll end up in the ravine.

-What were you thinking?

- To Aisha. *I answered calmly*. When it's all over I want her to live in a peaceful place.

-Oooh the caring big brother. As a reminder, I'm her favorite.

-It's because she was in love with you.


It almost ran off the highway but I grabbed the steering wheel.

- I was joking you stupid, look at the road.

A voice suddenly echoed in my head. It said: "He is near ,the envoy of Ares. You will only have to kill him to put an end to your mission". The voice had sounded so close and so true that I thought there was someone nearby.

-Lars... Did you say something?

- Do you hear voices now? Or is it one of your visions of the future?

-I don't know. It may be worse than I imagine.

"Heavens are watching your fight Nahel. Don't disappoint me".

-Athy... This is not the time.

-Who is that Athy.

- What... I spoke out loud... Damn I have to pull myself together.

-Jessie is going to be pissed when she learns that you see another girl.

-It's not another girk it's... you know what, fuck off.

-Hahaha. Come on, I put the eraser.

Meanwhile in the Elysian camp.

I was busy discussing with Lancell when the enemy mediator arrived. I had only been fighting for two days but in my head I feel like I've been there for months. When he proposed the alternative I immediately tilted. I've been feeling weird since last night and it has nothing to do with the battle. The sky... It was the sky, it had an archi-dark color.

"It's because the heavens are watching you"

Ares is it you? The heavens, you mean the gods? What is a TV series for you? Note if I had a TV program called humans kill each other I would also put it in favorites.

"By heavens I mean only me and another deity, others cannot interfere in our affairs. Moreover, a great concentration of power is forming on this battlefield. The improbable acts for ordinary mortals are multiplying, heroic actions too. Your fight has even caused anachronies".

Yes, but I feel like you're hiding something else from me.

"He is the mediator. The enemy envoy, YOUR enemy Rezel Haman".

No one had called me that for 18 years, so to say my death.

"If you kill him your victory will be more than total, you will have control over this world and your control will be absolute".

Ohey take it easy, you're going a bit too fast there

"And you also have to save your female. This woman is sagacious, she will be of paramount importance to our plans, do everything in your power to get her back and remember that if you fail you will pay the price "

No need to tell me twice.

Pov Lancell

Der Linde returned to the tent with exhausted eyes, I didn't dare imagine the hell they all had to go through. I did the best I could with my men and most of them came out unscathed.

-He said he wanted to negotiate. *Said Der Linde.*

-A prisoner exchange? It's a trap Says Zell.

-He said that it went well beyond the simple prisoner exchange. That he was tired of fighting and wanted to negotiate.

-To negotiate ? Him ? Is this a joke? *laughed Hartkins.*

-And what makes him believe that we want to negotiate with him? Zel asked.

-Do you promise not to lose your temper if I say so? *Say Der Linde.*

- shoot it, at the stage where I am nothing can shocks me.

-A... Arianne... Rhodes.

This strange gift activated again in me. I saw Zell's nervous flows quicken and began to go faster and faster. Even faster than the time he learned that Arianne was in the North.

- Zell.... Zell? You're not moving, are you okay?

- What else did he say? *he asked calmly.*

-He added that if "Golden hair had made peace with the red skins"...

- A genocide could have been avoided. *Completed Zell.*

-Yes that's it. But what does that mean? he asked.

Zell's eyes widened as if he had just had a revelation.

-It's a reference to the amerindian genocide. The indigenous population was swept away by a foreign power that came to settle on their land. Yellow hair exterminated red skin.

-And here he is again in his delirium. I didn't understand everything but tell me that we are the yellow hair in this story.

-That's the problem, in this story the yellow hair are the bad guys.

His delirium? No, I don't think he's completely lucid and calm, how come? The fact that this "mediator" has a reference that Zell is usually the only one to have is even more troubling.

-Let's go. We'll negotiate with this motherfucker.

-You don't think about it *cried Der Linde."

-On the contrary, now is the time to think about it. I have 38 soldiers and seriously wounded captured by the enemy and 10 thousand more waiting to be freed.

- We have to neutralize their armed force as planned and it will be over. We are still operational.

-They are not going to let themselves be wisely, moreover they have already demonstrated their ferocity on several occasions it is time to try a different approach.

- You say that because Arianne's life is threatened.

-It's not just Arianne's life that is at stake, you have to take all the variables into account.

-You don't think a word of it.

-What I think is not important what counts is the mission which consists in freeing all our prisoners.

-And the objectives are to eliminate our enemy and then free our allies.

-If we can do one without having to do the other, it's all good for us, isn't it?

Generally when a person is angry it results in a loss of control and actions totally dictated by their emotions. But with Zell it was different, anger gave birth in him to an incredible lucidity and cold blood that sent shivers down your spine. I could tell from his flow that he was angry but he was probably the most rational man in this tent.

-Your judgment is biased because of Arianne you are not lucid Zell.

-I am your superior Swan you do not have to discuss my decisions.

-That's enough. *yelled Hartkins.* Now you are going to shut your damn mouth. Both of you.

Hartkins was the lowest ranked in this tent but also the oldest of 2 years and the most mature.

- That's enough now you're wasting time debating, I feel like I see kids fighting over a slice of pizza. We are not in the countryside but at war. People are dying, is that clear? So now is not the time for talk but for action and you have a crucial decision to make. You are professionals so act like professionals.

*His little sermon was as unexpected as it was effective because the other two or rather Swan calmed down while Zell relaxed.*

-He's right, there's no point in getting ripped off like that. *Said Streiss who was sitting nearby*. Lieutenant Cailum is the officer in charge of the mission, it's up to him to decide. But I'm telling you straight up, it's out of the question that we negotiate with these sons of bitches.

He kicked an ammunition box and left the tent.

-Well in this case go for the negotiations. I will go....


I admit that intervening like that shocked me even, yet I too had my flashes of lucidity.

-What is it again ? *Swan asked.*

-Lieutenant Cailum can't go. You said it yourself, you're the officer in charge of the operation. And even more there is a conflict of interest since the life of your fiancée is threatened. On the other hand Swan would be more logical but with all the men he lost he might want revenge.

-Is this a joke? Lancell what are you doing to me here?

- The lieutenant is right. *say Raven*. The best able to carry out these negotiations would be a new head, someone who is not personally concerned, as much to say Lieutenant Van Elysée.

-What ? Lancell It is absolutely a no go.

- Anyway I memorized the coordinates of the white flag. *I say showing them.*

I set fire to it right under their eyes and stomped on it.

-NOOO. *Zell yelled.*

-Sergeant Raven put Lieutenant Cailum in custody, he is not fit to command.


Raven complied, Hartkins wanted to intervene but I gave him a look and he pulled away. Zell wanted to struggle but he saw that we were more than serious so he didn't resist. We tied him to a pole in the middle of the tent.

-You are wrong. You are making a big mistake this guy is going to kill you.

-Don't worry, I'll go with my best guys. Sergeant Stavro get the vehicles ready, we'll go in a jeep so as not to frighten them. And tell Noin to come back, we'll look for his brother later.

-At your service.

-I'm coming with you. say Raven. I know the face of the man you are looking for.

-It's OK.

-And what do I do? *Der Linde asked*. You just took over like a little dictator there.

- No choice, decisions must be made. You guard the outpost, someone has to stay here to command. Ah and Hartkins... Watch him, he mustn't come out.

I felt he was a little reluctant but he agreed to take it upon himself.

- Ok, I'll keep an eye on Him.

- You are making a terrible mistake. LANCELL. Don't go SEB will kill you.

I did not listen to his warning. For the first time in my life I did not listen to the instructions of my cousin whom I admired like a big brother. He must understand that if I did that it was to protect him from himself.

-Let's go.

-Let's go. *Jarod said*. If ever they are stupid I will take care of them.

A column of 6 vehicles carrying about twenty men thus left the god hand outpost.

Salle des Moires, place of weaving of the 3 sisters of destiny.

- What are you doing my sister?

"I watch the flow of fate on Midgard," she replied, "he's getting confused, the future takes different directions."

The other sister came to watch the flow, it was hundreds of threads that stuck together and intertwined. Only the 3 sisters were able to interpret it.

-Minerva and Mars have been acting up again.

-Don't worry this time they will respect the limit we set for them. *Said the 2nd sister.*

-OR NOT. *Shouted the 3rd sister as she entered.*

She walked with the help of a cane and pointed at one of the wires with her stick, trembling.

-Looked. The limit was one champion by God but...

-There are 3. IMPOSSIBLE. Mars is not one to cheat. And for this time he has chosen a chosen one.* Said the 1st sister.*

-And the deceitful Minerva has chosen a Hero. *Explained the 2nd.*

-So whose 3rd Champion is this? He too has the profile of a Hero. Added the 3rd sister.

She approached touched the wire of this person. Seeing the length of the wire that stretched abnormally across the whole room she jumped.

-Impossible this hero died centuries ago. What does it mean ? *Said the 3rd sister.*

-The champions that Minerva and Mars choose never follow the common thread that we have drawn for them. *Explained the 2nd sister.* Look at, Minerva's chosen one deviated from hers from birth.

-And that of Mars has already changed course about 3 times. *Explained the 1st.*

-Certainly but this one.... He remained inactive so long it is impossible that he is alive.

The 1st sister put her hands around the other 2 and hugged them.

-Let's just observe, if ever they cause damage.

The 3 sisters thus returned to their room at Woven and would take care of weaving the destiny of mortals. But as she was about to start the 1st sister noticed something on the wire.

-Mars you little rogue, what did you do to your champion?

Meanwhile in the North, a light blizzard had risen. Lancell's team had finally reached the meeting place. It was far enough away that Swan could not intervene with the cannon, and the outpost was out of sight. The place was a clearing crossed by a river with a tree trunk in the middle as a bridge. It was surrounded by thick trees and the forest was dense.

-The perfect place for an ambush. *Said Quentin.*

-Ideal for snipers.* Say Noin.* Drüker position.

-Ok ok, if it ever gets nasty, I'll take down anything that moves.* he said.*

-We captured Seb but that doesn't mean you have to relax your vigilance, ok. *Said Aurélie*.

- I have a doubt about it. *Say Raven.* I start thinking this old man was not Seb.

Everyone stared at him surprised.

-Their attacks were more violent and vicious once we captured the old man. *He continued*. Seb isn't the old man, he's the silver-haired guy who came to propose the truce.

-You're kidding Noin *said shocked.*

-And we let him slip away. Watch out, lieutenant, we're already surrounded.

Lancell activated his gift and tried to look around, he spotted a few snipers in the trees and hills here and there before deactivating it.

-Thanks for the advice Raven. But we are here on a pacific mission. Look they are only 2.

Indeed at the bottom there was only Lars and Nahel stopped on their side of the river near the tree trunk. Lancell put down his rifle and stowed his pistol in his coat.

-I go. Xander you come with me. Raven you come you will help me with the identification.

-I am also coming sir. *Stavro insisted.*

-No, you're the doctor here, if you die, we'll be in trouble.

-But you...

-It's an order Wölf obeys your superior.

Lancell started moving, followed by his 2 subordinates. The other 17 remained behind the trees while Drüker spotted the points of interest with his sniper rifle. The small troop communicated with a walkie-talkie on the shoulder, the same one used by Lobisomem to communicate in mission. Lancell ends up Arriving at the meeting place, Nahel had his hands in the pockets of his jacket and stared at Lancell.

-A Trap? *he wondered*. Either way, she's hot.

-I am the lieutenant of the armed forces of Elysion, Lancell...

He wanted to say his full name but changed his mind.

-Lancell Wallcroft. I belong to the Beowulf tactical intervention group or Task force B.

He showed him the crest in the shape of a wolf man and Seb understood.

-I see. I'm Nahel Keith Rashford and he's my best friend. Lars Omerson. And through your government's fault, I've been fighting since I was 10 years old. I'm 18 this year can you do the math?

Lancell remained calm, letting no emotion or weakness show on his face.

-I'm sorry for you, I'm a soldier and I obey orders.

-If that were the case, you wouldn't be here... Yellow hair. *he insisted.*

-I saw your little reference to the American Indians? If they had kindly accepted to be interned in the centers, the genocide could have been avoided.

*Lancell was shocked at his own response.*

-You think such a proud people would agree to live on a small portion of their own territory.

-They fought and they lost result they still ended up interned.

"But what is happening to me? How do I know all this?" That's what he wondered, and he was right to ask that question.

- Ares little trickster. You did a very strange thing *Laugh the 1st sister."

For his part Seb was split at the moment between his mission and his people. Obviously his target was in front of him there was no possible doubt. If he killed him he would put an end to his mission but he will also have to fight against Elysion all his life, personally that was not what he had in mind.

-I see that you are well informed, so let's make a deal.

-I'm listening to you.

-It's strange. *thought aurelie*. Looks like another person.

-We will give you back your prisoners. *Nahel said.* All your prisoners. The wounded the dead I don't care I'm tired of this uniform.

-And in exchange you demand the total withdrawal of our troops.

-You are only Lieutenant you clearly do not have such power. But you command the troops on the ground, order a ceasefire, heal your wounds buried your dead, mourn, we will do ours. I want this to stop. All of this has to stop. We're nobody's puppets wake up. *he shouted.*

- Don't come any closer. *Raven pointed her gun at him.*

-Lower your weapon Raven.

-What ? And as proof of my good faith, I'm going to give you a hostage. Right there.

-A hostage?

They walked away and went to their side of the river. Nahel waved to his men in the forest.

-This is Silent Caster from Lobisomem. We are in charlie six.

Ndt: Behind the enemy.

-Do not engage do you hear me? Ah and... Nice to hear from you again.

-Silent caster here, assassin team, we're back to your position.

-Get stealthy assassin. *Lancell ordered*. We have an important exchange

Coming out of the forest and against all odds.

-Arianne. *Said Lancell amazed.* She's alive.

She had a few scratches on her face and no longer had her jacket on her just in a tank top in this cold, but she held on.

- It was stupid to escape. You would've died if you hadn't been found by the side of the road. *Seb whispered to her".

-I did it to save Dimitri, Decken wouldn't have had to shoot him like that and would be forced to follow me.

-Who is this Decken? What happened to Dimitri?

-Not that here, I have the impression that one of the Elysian teams wants me dead but I don't know which one.

-You're not serious here, I'm not going to hand you over to your allies if it's for them to kill you. *He said excited*

"Don't Let her Go"


"This girl is important for our projects, in the future she could be your best ally, don't let her go without being sure of her loyalty to you"

It's not the moment Athy.

- But what does it matter, I'll hand you over to your fiancée and we'll talk about it again.

-My fiancee ?

She looked ahead and saw who had come to pick her up.


-Lancell, Zell. It's not very original all of that, he should have been called Cell like the cyborg.

- What is a cyborg?

-An overpowered creature half man half machine.

-When you have finished these low masses can we concentrate? *Said Lars suddenly serious. They took 10 steps back, something is wrong.*

The 3 friends also stopped leaving about thirty meters between them and the river.

-There is something wrong here. * Says Lars.*

Despite his gift which allowed to detect the danger Nahel could not foresee what was going to follow.

-Nahel I have to tell you Lancell is not my...


Lars shoved Nahel off him a few centimeters, but those few centimeters were enough as a bullet tore off Lars' right arm instead of Nahel's head. Nahel himself did not understand what had just happened and Arianne, like all those who had just witnessed this scene, was in shock. Lancell immediately grabbed his radio.

-Silent Caster I told you not to intervene.

-I... I didn't do anything, lieutenant, I swear. *Said the surprised team sniper.*

-What ? But then... Team assassin?

-Sorry, we're 2 minutes from the lieutenant objective.

He turned to the trees.

-Jarod? Corporal Drüker.

- On my mother's head, sir. I swear I'm not crazy to disobey you.

-What... But... But who fired this shot ?

It didn't matter anymore because Lars was on the ground with his upper arm hanging down, there was only a piece of skin holding it in place.

-Lars... Lars wake up you hear me. Lars. *Ariana said*

- Fuck you bastards.

- No Nahel calm down. Lancell would never have done that, I know him.

-Lieutenant. *say Raven*. it doesn't smell good let's get out.

-I confirm.

At first it was a few steps back, then a stride and then a run.

-And they fled the cowards.

-No Nahel I can explain to you.

-LIGHT THEM UP. *he yelled.*

Suddenly, a whole platoon of about forty fighters emerged from the snow. They opened fire in the direction of Lancell but he and his team managed to hide behind a rock on their side of the river.

- Hell, I'm going to kill them myself.


Surprised he looked her straight in the eyes.

-Your friend is injured, he must be taken away.

He gritted his teeth then turned to Lars. She helped him carry him to the forest.

-Does anyone have a visual on Arianne? *Lancell asked*.

-She... *Said Jarod surprised*. She's helping this guy carry his injured. She's either super dumb or a good saint.

- What the hell is she doing? *Lancell wondered.*

-It gets very hot on your side, Lieutenant, are you being extracted? *Quentin asked."

- Calm down, don't reveal your positions to the enemy, I'm improvising a plan.

- You have no plan admit it. *Said Raven who was fighting back.*

-I have a plan, don't worry.

He was saying that but he was totally cornered, Arianne she was moving further and further away and getting closer to the forest but just then, an engine noise rumbled. A jeep comes out of the air catching everyone's attention and lands right in the snow. At the wheel, Sergeant Luther Streiss, on the right Sergeant Enrico Quincy with a machine gun mounted on the hood, on the top machine gun Lieutenant Alfar Zeldoris Cailum. When the racing car landed he screamed at the top of his lungs.


She froze and turned her head in his direction.

-ZELL. *she cried.*

Nahel, who heard him, widened his eyes and looked behind him.

-So it's you.

Zell cocked his machine gun as more Jeeps came into the clearing.


End of the chapter.

5 kilometers from the position on top of a hill, a black haired man dressed in a white coat. He held in his hand an anti-tank rifle that he had modified.

- You have just succeeded in the shot of the century sir. *Said Fredy*. 4.8 km without riflescopes, we don't even know if you've hit your target.

- Whatever the goal was to disturb them. *He Said taking his radio*. When the Spooky is in place I want it to destroy everything within a radius of a kilometer.

-Roger that sir. The spooky will be in the area in 10 minutes.

-But sir... We have allies in the area, Lieutenant Van Elysée and probably Lieutenant Cailum.

-I know. *He said in a harsh tone*. And i don't care.

To be continued